Ministerial aid, Sonoda promised to drink low level of contaminated water to show how low level it is.
Following the previous post News: Tepco is showering contaminated water
10/7/2011, Tepco started sprinkling “low level” contaminated water around the forest area in the plants.
A freelance journalist Mr.Tanaka Akira asked Tepco, “we journalists are forbidden to get into the plants. We can not check if it’s really “low level” at the press conference on 10/10/2011.
Tepco answered “It’s even drinkable.”
Mr.Tanaka requested to drink the low level of contaminated water, but Tepco replied,”It’s not for drink.”
Later, Mr.Tanaka was forbidden to attend at the press conference.
However, another journalist Terasawa, who took over Mr.Tanaka, managed to make Sonoda ministerial aid promise to drink low level of contaminated water. (10/13/2011)
It’s a traditional performance to eat food when a harmful rumor spreads about the products.
Sonoda ministerial aid said, “It’s not a performance. I will drink the low level of contaminated water”.
Journalists are promised to be let in the plant to report when he drinks the water.
Now we must make him keep his word.
Press conference 10/13/2011
Starts at 56:18
Press conference 10/17/2011
Starts at 2:00