According to an NGO,「FoE Japan, there are extremely contaminated hot spots in Fukushima city.
They detected 300,000 Bq/Kg of cesium 134 and 137 in the worst place,and some other places became contaminated 5 times worse than 3 months ago. (9/14)
They also measured 150,000 Bq/kg beside an after-school.
Professor Yamauchi assumes contamination might have been condensed, but they haven’t proved it yet.
It might be more rational to think new cesium fallen off in these 3 months.
They have been trying to decontaminate radiation, but ironically, contamination is getting worse and worse regardless of the new business called decontamination.
If decontamination is possible, people would have gone back to Chernobyl years ago.
We mustn’t be deceived by their new propaganda, “decontamination”.
<Addition 10/8/2011>
Detailed translation.
Elevated Cesium in the Fukushima City limits—some sample points higher than 3months ago-NGO
NGOs, such as “FoE Japan”, that had been investigating the effects of TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi accident met in Sanin Giin Kaikan in Nagatachou, Chiyodaku, Tokyo on Oct. 5th and uncovered the facts about the areas in the City limits that were contaminated by high concentrations of Cesium.
According to the NGO, the investigation took place on September 14th by contracting Prof. Tomoya Yamauchi of Koube University Graduate School (Radiation Engineering) and soil sampling was taken from 5 areas in Oguraji and Watari, Fukushima City.
The result showed that the highest samples exceeded 300,000 Becquerel of Cs 134 and 137. Compared to the results from 3months ago, some samples’ concentrations were more than 5 times higher. One sample collected by a nursery school building exceeded 150,000 Becquerel.
These areas had been known to contain “hot spots” already from the [past?] investigations done by Prof. Yamauchi, et al. He pointed out “the time passed concentrating Cesium, and in some areas the contamination was getting worse.” He pleaded “removing mud or washing off were not good enough to lower the levels in some places. Firstly, evacuate children and pregnant women, then removing asphalt and concrete, etc. should be considered.”
Erhöhte Cäsiumwerte im Gebiet Fukushima City – eine Proben weisen Werte auf, die höher sind, als vor drei Monaten – NGO
NGOs wie zum Beispiel „FoE Japan“ [Friends of the Earth], die die Effekte von dem Unfall in TEPCOs Fukkushima Daiichi verfolgt haben, haben sich am 5. Oktober in Sanin Giin Kaikan in Nagatachou, Chiyodaku, Tokyo getroffen und Ergebnisse über Bereiche innerhalb der Stadtgrenzen offengelegt, die besagen, dass es hohe Cäsiumkontamination gibt.
Nach den Aussagen der NGO fand die Untersuchung am 14. September durch den dafür beauftragten Prof. Tomoya Yamauchi der Koube University Graduate School (Radiation Engineering) statt und Bodenproben wurden in 5 Gebieten in Oguraji und Watari, Fukushima City genommen.
Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die höchsten Werte 300,000 Becquerel Cs 134 und 137 überschritten. Verglichen mit den Ergebnissen von vor 3 Monaten, waren einige Konzentrationen mehr als 5-fach erhöht. Eine Probe, die bei einer Kinderkrippe gesammelt wurde, überstieg 150,000 Becquerel.
Diese Gebiete wurden bereits durch vergangene Untersuchungen von Prof. Yamauchi als „hot spots“ bekannt. Er wies darauf hin, dass „mit dem Verstreichen der Zeit vergeht, die Konzentration an Cäsium höher wurde und die Kontamination schlimmer“. Er forderte, den „Schlamm zu entfernen oder wegzuwaschen genügt an einigen Stellen nicht, um die Werte zu erniedrigen. Zuerst sollte man überlegen, Kinder und Schwangere zu evakuieren, dann den Asphalt und Beton zu entfernen.“.