Is Japanese seafood safe ? I’m not supposed to say Don’t eat Japanese seafood.


Here I’m going to show three facts. It’s up to you to decide to eat or not.


1. Contaminated water goes out of Fukushima port. It’s just diluted.


If someone toilets in a swimming pool, probably you’ll get out of there no matter how much it is diluted.

Japanese Prime Minister Abe stated to IOC that contaminated water is entirely blocked within Fukushima nuclear plant port, but it’s actually going out. The exit of the port is never closed.

Japanese government tells radiation level is lower than the safety limit outside of the port, but it’s just because it’s diluted. Tepco admitted that too. It will be more accumulated for several decades.


2. Is the announced data the maximum ? minimum ? or average ?


Japanese government and Tepco show seawater monitoring data of the Pacific. They look safe. However, we will never know how many more data are unpublished behind the official reports. We are not informed of if it’s all the data, why they chose the sampling locations, if it’s the highest reading or the lowest reading, or the average of their samples.

Even if they measured 100, 100, and 10, they might be just showing only “10”, which is the lowest so nobody knows if they actually measured 100 twice.


3. They test fish only for “Cesium-134/137”


There are numbers of radionuclides released from Fukushima plant. However, Japanese safety standard is only about “Cesium-134/137”. It’s because these were the major contamination in Chernobyl, and easy (cheap) to detect, supposedly.

However the main contamination included the leaking water is not Cesium-134/137, and these major radionuclides are hardly tested. Moreover, some of the radionuclides don’t even have “the safety limits”.

For example, radioactive water Tritium (H-3) is the main contamination in the leaking water. It will keep leaking for over 40 years, and Japanese government has no technology to remove it. However, there is no safety limit of Tritium in seafood. Not to mention, they don’t test fish for Tritium.

South Korea decided to ban importing all kinds of the fishery products from 8 prefectures. Japanese government demanded S. Korean government to take “scientific measures” because Japanese seafood is safe. In reality, Japanese government doesn’t analyze Tritium. They don’t even have the safety limit.

(The “guidance level” of Tritium in drinking water by WHO is 10,000Bq/L. This seems to be the basis of Japanese government to ignore Tritium. Nobody researches further more.)



You can ignore the truth but the truth won’t ignore you.


Français :

[Édito] La nourriture marine japonaise est-elle sûre ?


Est-ce que la nourriture japonaise d’origine marine est saine ? Je ne suis pas supposé dire qu’il ne faut pas manger japonais si ça vient de la mer.
Ici, je vais présenter trois faits. C’est à vous de décider d’en manger ou pas.

1. Les eaux extrêmement radioactives passent par l’extérieur du port de la centrale de Fukushima. Elles sont simplement diluées.

Si quelqu’un fait ses besoins dans votre piscine, vous allez sans doute en sortir quelle que soit la dilution.
Le premier ministre japonais, M. Abe, a affirmé au CIO que les eaux extrêmement radioactives étaient totalement maintenues dans le port de la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima mais en réalité elle en sort aussi. La sortie du port n’a jamais été condamnée.
Le gouvernement japonais dit que le niveau de radioactivité est inférieur à la limite de sécurité en dehors du port mais c’est seulement à cause de la dilution. Tepco le reconnaît aussi. Ça va s’accumuler encore plus dans les décennies qui viennent.

2. Les données publiées sont-elles le maximum ? le minimum ? ou la moyenne ?

Le gouvernement japonais et Tepco présentent des données de surveillance de l’eau de mer. Elles ont l’air sûres. Cependant, on ne saura jamais la quantité d’autres données qui sont gardées non publiées derrière leurs rapports officiels. Ils ne disent pas s’il s’agit de toutes les données, ni pourquoi et comment ils ont choisi les points d’échantillonnage, si ce sont des records en maximum, minimum ou des moyennes de leurs échantillons.
Même s’ils relèvent 100, 100, et 10, ils peuvent très bien ne montrer que le “10”, le minimum, pour que les gens ne sachent pas qu’ils ont en fait relevé 100 par deux fois.

3. Ils ne regardent que les “césium-134/137” dans les poissons

De très nombreux nucléides différents sont diffusés par la centrale de Fukushima. Or, les standards de sécurité japonais ne concernent que les “césium 134/137”. C’est soi-disant parce que le césium a été la principale contamination de Tchernobyl, et que c’est facile (pas cher) à détecter.
Cependant, la contamination principale des eaux des fuites n’est pas le césium-134/137 et leurs principaux nucléides ne sont pratiquement pas analysés. Qui plus est, certains radionucléides n’ont même pas de “limite de sécurité”.
Par exemple, l’eau lourde radioactive, le tritium (H3) est la contamination principale dans l’eau des fuites. Elles vont continuer de fuir pendant plus de 40 ans et le gouvernement japonais n’a aucune technique pour l’intercepter et le filtrer. En outre, il n’existe aucune limite de sécurité pour le tritium dans les aliments d’origine marine, Inutile de dire qu’ils ne recherchent pas le tritium dans les poissons.
La Corée du Sud a décidé d’interdire tous les produits de la pêche de 8 préfectures. Le gouvernement japonais a demandé au gouvernement de la Corée du Sud de prendre “des mesures scientifiques” parce que la nourriture japonaise est saine. En réalité, le gouvernement japonais n’analyse pas le tritium. Ils n’en ont même pas fixé de limite de sécurité.
(Le “niveau guide” du tritium dans les eaux potables de l’OMS est de 10 000Bq/L. Il semble que ce soit la base sur laquelle se fonde le gouvernement japonais pour ignorer le tritium. Personne ne fait plus de recherche dessus, qui plus est.)

Vous pouvez ignorer la vérité mais la vérité ne vous ignorera pas.

  1. Mochizuki-san, I understand that tritium has a half-life of about 7-10 days after it enters the human body. Does this differ with seafood including seaweed? Also, are there other radionuclides that tritium produces that have a longer half-life?

  2. Radiation health effects are often cumulative and probabilities of a bad outcome increase with exposure.

    Thus, Fukushima Seafood is, in general, most hazardous for FDNPP workers and nearby unevacuated residents; particularly the most vulnerable groups such as children, pregnant women and heart patients.

    There may be a few, VERY contaminated fish, statistically. So the likelihood of this decreases with time and distance. Some particular seafoods may bioaccumulate and bioconcentrate, much as European Swine have high Chernobyl Cesium-137 levels, due to Truffles in their preferred diet.

    Do YOU FEEL LUCKY? ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable)


    Bill Duff

    1. Oh, and the unknown and unknowable ‘SUBSTITUTION’

      Fukushima Fish could be on our grocery market shelf or restaurant plate, labeled as Source: HERE, South Korea, Australia, Argentina, California or Burmuda.

      All that is required is a typical level of fraud and corruption. Which lie will work best, is usually the one used.

      The more elaborate systems are as easy to defeat as the wink of a fishmonger and a few yen/dollars/euros exchanging hands.

      Food Safety and Food Origin Certification are myths. They can theoretically exist, but not on this planet. If you did not catch and kill it yourself, you get what you get.


      Bill Duff

  3. Also to your analogy of the swimming pool: if it was a turd in the pool , you would want to be as far from it as possible. It’s my understanding that pollution that flows into the ocean ( fresh water, brine, silt etc) doesn’t disperse evenly but hangs in clouds and even travels in currents in clouds of concentrations. Hence some populations of fish getting extremely contaminated and others not at all.

  4. With cancer rates as high as they are these days (and continuously going up, everywhere in the world), you really can’t take chances with radiation.

    Besides, who can really trust Tepco’s radiation measurements?
    Almost everyday they report so-and-so numbers, then later say sorry it was a mistake, the numbers are actually a lot higher.
    With Tepco solely in control of monitoring and reporting radiation levels, there’s no way to be sure whether they’re telling the truth or not.
    They could be hiding (and have a history of hiding) an awful lot of information, and we’d never know about it.
    This really bothers me.
    I don’t trust the Japanese govt either.
    They’re constantly trying to hide data that may scare the Japanese population. Like increasing radiation levels in sewer sludge, or rising pneumonia infection rates in Japan, post 3/11.
    When even the Japanese leaders such as Abe and Suga are saying that Fukushima is completely under control and that the radiation is confined to the harbor and Tokyo was never affected in any way by the nuclear fallout.., it really doesn’t inspire much confidence.
    It appears that their #1 priority is the economy, not the health and well-being of the Japanese people (and people in the rest of the world).
    I just don’t trust them at all.

  5. What fueled the recent typhoon once it hit land? Why did it maintain its full strength while it travelled right through the middle of Japan, in a direct line to F1? Why was there so little rain? Why did it make a beeline for F1? Wherefore the tornadoes?
    Who will be surprised when F1 neatly falls into the ocean?

  6. Quite possibly 80% to 90% of all Japanese people will get some kind of cancer in the next few years at the rate the country continues to be contaminated from the explosion, meltdown, leaks, and releases of radioactive gasses from the nuclear reactors. As long as TEPCO and the Japanese Government continue to bungle and cover up their crimes against humanity, most of Japan will become uninhabitable due to immense radioactive contamination due to the failure to fix the ongoing disaster. People in Japan are in total denial if they think they are safe. Concrete must be poured on the reactors.

  7. The Fukushima Smörgåsbord

    Some Defining Fukushima Daiichi Events are: Three (3) nuclear reactor total meltdowns from loss of primary heat sink and station power blackout, together with several Spent Fuel Pool fires and partial meldowns in other reactors at the FDNPP.

    FDU-1 failure accelerated due to pipe damage from the earthquake. FDU-3 failure accelerated due to MOX Fuel; produced a supersonic detonation; which vaporized some percentage of the nuclear fuel. FDU-2 failed at the expected, time interval and deflagration parameters. All hydrogen venting safety systems failed, totally and abjectly.

    A Vast ‘Radionuclide Fallout Storm’ encircled and sprinkled the Northern Hemisphere with harmful levels of Radioactive Iodine (orange in color), Cs-134, Cs-137, ‘hot particles’ and many additional radioisotopes, from the reactor detonations. An even more vast and continuing Fukushima ‘Radionuclide Washout Storm’ floods into the Pacific Ocean.

    The NPP Industry, Uranium Cartel, Nuclear Contractors, Nations, CTBTO, IAEA, World Health Organization and the International News Media joined together in the LARGEST, and continuing false propaganda blitz and information blackout in Human History. There has not been ANY credible nuclear disaster response to this day. And the saga continues …

    Therefore, as a consequence, I am somewhat uncomfortable with ‘Fukushima Seafood’.


    Bill Duff

    1. Why the coverup?

      A reasonable reader may pose the question, ‘Why a coverup?’. Therea are several valid historical reasons for these seeminly ‘nutty’ and heinous institutional coverups.

      First, the ‘Atoms for Peace’ program dates to Ike Eisenhower and the Japan/German economic recovery and ‘Cold War’. The IAEA was tasked with ‘Promoting peaceful Atomic Energy’.

      Second, the World Health Organization was by Treaty removed from jurisdiction over radiation related concerns.

      Third, the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaties called for securing the USA & USSR excess atomic bomb materials and rendering the plutonium unsuitable for bombs. Burning the plutonium as a fuel in commercial nuclear reactors (MOX Fuel) seemed like a good idea, to a lot of people, for a while there.

      Fourth, there appeared to ‘be a buck in it’, for the Uranium Cartel, NPP operators and the nuclear power contractors; until the Shale natural gas abruptly changed the world energy plan.

      Then REALITY intervened in Fukushima and these organizations have not adapted to that REALITY. The many-faceted Fukushima Disaster is one of the more embarrassing debacles in diplomacy in the modern world.


      Bill Duff

      1. There were simply VERY few ‘world leaders’ with the: intelligence, courage, morality, ethics, integrity, humanity, compassion, honor and/or sense of duty … to serve and protect the people.

        No Prime Minister, President, Governor or Legislative Leader on earth ‘stepped up’.

        A few mayors and nurses in Fukushima Prefecture ‘had the right stuff’; and distributed the KI anti-radiation antidote.

        One Water Commissioner in Canada put out a ‘drinking water radiation caution alert’.

        In the way of ‘Self Serving Actions’.The Brits distributed KI to their Ex pats in Japan. The USA DOD evacuated military dependants. Everybody evacuated their diplomats from the radiation hazard.

        Virtually everybody else was ‘in on the kill’, of countless Japanese and others in Japan and around the world.


        Bill Duff

        1. I think it’s important to note that KI is NOT a cure for radiation, lest anyone think it provides some sort of immunity from it. Rather, it puts enough non-radioactive iodine in the thyroid that it will not absorb any iodine 131 that the body ingests. This must be done BEFORE exposure to iodine 131 and not after. This is why it is important to keep a 2 week supply of KI on hand long before your family needs it. Remember: if you are not among the global elite, your government does not care if you live or die. It is up to you to prepare to protect your family from disasters such as Fukushima Daiichi.

          As to other radionuclides, the best defense is prevention. You need to be able to measure the amount of radiation in your food and then you need to check all items that could potentially be contaminated. Sadly though, it will be difficult to find alfa radiation in food as the realtively weak nature of the emissions means that vey little of it will escape the food stuffs unless it is on the surface of what you are testing. Just having a geiger counter is not enough either. You must learn both how to use it and what it’s limitations are. For example, most of the lower priced models can’t test for alfa because they have the wrong kind of tube on them.

        2. A mass of morons; Petrified by fear,

          Unfeeling, uncaring and unthinking,

          Unable and unwilling to ACTUALLY work ‘for the greater good’,

          Lying, even when truth would better serve,

          More murderous and banal than Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot combined.

          A stampeding herd of irrational, panic stricken beasts,

          These phrases describe the GOVERNMENTS of Japan, USA, and the UN; not the citizenry; during the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Stages 2011, 2012 & 2013.

          They can collectively do no worse; and hopefully will do a little bit better in Fukushima Stages 2014, 2015 …


          Bill Duff

  8. What is that unlabeled plugin that this site asks me to run Mochizuki-san?

    Please note that I will be abstaining from all untested fish and seafood (including undocumented as individually tested AND passed).

    Japanese fish are safe? Safe from me.

    Aren’t those tritium limits absurd?

  9. I am not taking a stance either-way on this, and I am not proclaiming my beliefs about it. However…I have often read (particularly recently) factual documentgs about Japan’s LDP Party historically knowing about, and consenting by written Agreement to, the US Military storing nuclear bombs in various locations around Japan, Okinawa, and outer islands. Further, I have read that Japanese and American governments colluded to transport and store nuclear matter and wastes at Fukushima for decades. I have read documents that indicate Japanese companies have been hired by the governments of Japan and USA to manufacture nuclear weapons parts and components at their factories in mainland Japan. I have read that Japanese government officials admitted to having so much nuclear fissile matter that they could easily create up to 3000 nuclear warheads within 24-hours of an emergency-need occuring. I have read that Japan’s space program (JAXA, JRANSA, etc.) is really just a cover for their testing of Rocket technologies for lofting these warheads into international airspaces. Further, I have recently read that not only has Japan continued forward with their Nuclear Weapons Programs at break-neck speed, that it has produced so much weapons-grade Plutonium at Fukushima (combined home-grown and USA-provided) that when the Tsunami hit, this is the reason that there is so much devastation at Daiichi…and the reason that Japan’s government refuses to allow any significant foreign corporate involvement in the Fukushima environmental remediation efforts. Of course Japan’s government has consistently denied all of these facts for decades (since Nixon and PM-Sato Eisaku first signed the Agreement which traded the Okinawan land back to the Japanese in exchange for future rights to continue storing nuclear armaments in Japan) because it flies in the face of Japan’s Constitution. My questions are…do any of the Japanese people care? Do Japanese people ever read these news and comments, or is it only the Ex-Pats in Japan and those foreigners that have ties to Japan that read it? Do Japanese people ever investigate this info through Internet Google Searches (e.g. Okinawa Nuclear Bombs), and then question their government on it? Do the Japanese people really want to remain a nuclear-free country, or is it all just a convenient ruse? What are your thoughts?

  10. I quit eating seafood awhile ago just because of mercury from the coal we burn. Now with radiation in the water, seafood is not for me at all! I still eat sea vegetables from the north Atlantic Ocean as they are helpful in discharging radiation from our bodies.

    The cover up seems to be going quite well. When I talk to people about this I just get blank stares. I even get laughed at for telling people to stay out of the rain. Here in Oregon it is difficult to stay out of the rain!

    I thank the Internet for giving everyone a chance to see a little better, not that it does much good. It seems that the powers that be are running head first to a total extiction, as usual. Oh well have a nice day, there might not be many left.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


September 2013