According to Tepco’s announcement, tritium amount in intake is increasing.
Tepco monthly publish the data of radiation leakage to the sea water inside of intake.
Though other nuclides, such as cesium 134 / 137 and strontium 89 / 90, are in the decreasing trend, tritium is still leaking about 3 ~ 7 times much as cesium 137.
Tritium is beta nuclide. It acts exactly like H2O, you can never filter it out. It’s in tap water, shower, and rain, etc.
Though massive amount of tritium is assumed to have leaked, nobody has measured it from food, environment, and even from urin.
Even if you take care about cesium in food, you can’t escape from tritium.
(H-3 = Tritium)
Iori Mochizuki