Tepco is starting back to being brazen.
While the summer of saving energy is coming to an end, Tepco is launching a counterattack.
Medias conclusion that the accident in the power plant was a „man made disaster“ is objected as „very unsatisfactory“ while most parts of a document submitted to the lower house describing the course of actions at the hours after the accident are blackened out.
From next fiscal year electricity charges are going to be raised and it is also currently discussed to raise the bonus of the companies employees that has been reduced to half back to normal.
On the other hand at the same time the free supply of food to the workers who are risking their lives working in the Fukushima Daiichi power plant is decided to discontinue.
A 160 pages explanation to the compensation application is forced on the victims of the disaster and criticism is strengthening more and more.
Like forgeting their repentant attitude the minute actions are beeing put into reality Tepco is returning to their „amateurish way of doing business“ before march 11th.
Facing the workers who are trying to coming to grips with the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant their „feeling of gratitude is unchanged“ but from 13th they charge a fee for the retort food and bread served to them.
Originally the free food was implemented to improve the humble diet of the workers, starting form may after Goshi Hosono, the current nuclear disaster minister, raised his voice. The motivation of the workers after this coldhearted treatment is feared to be declining.
Tepco is said to pay several thousands of dollars daily allowance to the workers, but the truth is that because of several deductions they receive only about 130 dollar. Tepcos employees earning more than about 130 thousand dollar a year and Masataka Shimizu, former companies president who received a retirement money of about 6,5 billion dollars, probably don´t question that“ a writer who is collecting data about the mentioned plant is stating.
But Tepcos insensibility is not just facing their workers. Answering a request from a special committee of the ministry of science and innovation, they submitted a report on 12th containing only a mostly blackened cover page and index, due to highly classified informations.
On the other hand, as a reaction to a documentary on the reaction of the compnay after the accident broadcasted on 11th on TBS they objected the conclusion of a man made disaster as „very unsatisfactory“.
According to the Asahi newspaper of 14th, Tepco is investigating the possibility of raising the electricity charges 15% for three years starting from next fiscal year. At the end of this period the employees boni would be raised back to normal again after beeing reduced to half.
Even with the reduced boni many employees receive more bonus than an average 35,6 year old public servant (about 7,300 dollars). The committee investigating the management and the financial structure of Tepco is questioning the fact that high labor cost and expenses are covered with electricity charges in a “generalized cost method” (?), estimating capital investment excessively .
The application form necessary for the application of compensation money paid to disaster victims is 60 pages thick, the explanation 160 pages. Tepco is forcing this mercilessly even on old people.
The generousity facing themselves and the severity facing workers, consumers and disaster victims is becoming more and more exposed.
[Tweet of a Japanese]
Momoko, a young Japanese woman evacuated Tokyo and left to Germany to receive a full body counter check …Results; highly contaminated with Cesium. She is afraid to go back, to breath, to eat there … that is the everyday life of Japanese people at the moment !
MomoKo, jeune japonaise a fuit Tokyo pour passer des examens de dépistage de radioactivité en Allemagne. Résultat : forte contamination au Césium… Peur d’y retourner, peur de respirer, peur de s’alimenter… c’est ça le quotidien des Japonais aujourd’hui. …
Momoko, eine junge Japanerin floh aus Tokyo um sich in Deutschland auf Radioaktivität untersuchen zu lassen. Das Ergebnis: Eine hohe Kontamination durch Cäsium… Sie hat nun Angst dorthin zurückzukehren, zu atmen, dort zu essen… Das ist heute Alltag der Japaner.
[1.20uSv/h in the center of Tokyo]
昨日9月13日都内(単位μsv/h) 新宿1.20 江戸川1.00 葛飾0.88 港区0.75 江東0.50 千代田0.28 世田谷0.27 足立0.25
Yesterday, the 13rd of September in metropolitan area (Tokyo), in microsievert per hour :
Shinjuku : 1.20
Edogawa : 1.00
Katsushika : 0.88
Minatoku : 0.75
Koto : 0.50
Chiyoda : 0.28
Setagaya : 0.27
Adachi : 0.25
11일은 9월 13일 수도권(도쿄)에 시간당 microsievert : 신주쿠 : 1.20
에도가 : 1.00
카츠 : 0.88
Minatoku : 0.75
코토 : 0.50
치요 : 0.28
세타가 야구 : 0.27
아다치 : 0.25
[Tweet of an actual Fukushima worker.talking about the water purifying system.]
The equipment system of Kurion, Areva and SARRY do remove Cesium and the gamma readings go down, but [I suspect] Strontium doesn’t get removed much and beta reading is high, approximately 100mSv/h. Beta rays have a weaker penetration power compared to gamma rays, but its management is complicated and something needs to be done.
Die Ausrüstung von Kurion, Areva und SARRY entfernen das Cäsium und die Gamma-Messwerte gehen runter, aber (ich vermute), dass Strontium damit nicht besonders gut entfernt wird. Die Beta-Messwerte sind hoch, etwa 1000mSv/Std. Beta-Strahlung hat, verglichen mit Gamma-Strahlung, nicht so ein hohes Durchdringungsvermögen, aber sie ist schwierig zu händeln und man muss irgend etwas unternehmen.
Die Ausrüstung von Kurion, Areva und SARRY entfernt das Cäsium und die Gamma-Messwerte gehen runter, aber (ich vermute), dass Strontium damit nicht besonders gut entfernt wird. Die Beta-Messwerte sind hoch, etwa 1000mSv/Std. Beta-Strahlung hat, verglichen mit Gamma-Strahlung, nicht so ein hohes Durchdringungsvermögen, aber sie ist schwierig zu händeln und man muss irgend etwas unternehmen.
@ Happy20790
Kurion, Areva와 SARRY의 장비 시스템이 세슘 제거하고 감마 수치가 내려가지만, 스트론튬 많이와 베타 읽기를 제거하지 않는 [내가 의심]하면, 약 100mSv / H. 높이 베타 광선 감마 광선에 비해 약한 침투 능력을 가지고 있지만 관리가 복잡하고 누군가는해야 할 일이 필요합니다.
I witnessed a grade school student with bleeding nose again today. The third person this week. Its cause and effect relationship with
radioactive material being exposed shouldn’t be taken lightly, but… when I say so on Twitter, how come are there intense protests? Even though it is totally possible story as one of symptoms.
오늘 다시 코를 출혈과 초등학교 학생을 목격. 세 번째 사람은 이번 주에. 그 원인과 함께 효과 관계
노출되는 방사능 물질이 가볍게,하지만 안됩니다 … 제가 지저귀다에 그렇게 말할 때는 어떻게 오는가 강렬한 시위입니까? 그것은 증상의 하나로서 완전히 가능한 이야기이지만.
[Inside Japan’s nuclear exclusion zone]
(Comment;”Used to go shopping in that town (Tomioka) every summer in August. the railway station is only about 1km from Fukushima Daini.”)