Police was standing on the street to warn us about phone fraud or something.
I wonder why they don’t catch all the Tepco’s executives and pro nuc politician.
I used to believe there’s social justice to an extent.
We were supposed to throw away garbage separating plastic material and paper material otherwise plastic emits dioxin or something.
I used to believe Japanese food is safer than Chinese food.
but now, 50,000Bq/kg of sewage sludge is abandoned by Kashiwa local government ,in the middle of a bed town,trying not to let anyone know that. and they keep emitting plutonium to the atmosphere and they even try to make people back to the mandatory area.
Obviously Soviet was more rational to treat people.
Japan during WWW2 was more rational to let kids evacuate to the rural areas.
Now there is no justice here.
Food Safety Commission declared that we can be exposed to 100mSv through our life span.
but,it’s “Food” Safety Commission,how can they decide the limit of external exposure ?
and WHO has voted the law ? Who the world are the members of the commission ?
It’s not law-abiding country.
We are tied up to the nation to keep them alive.