[Column] What is your next step ?

The mother was devastated.
Her daughter was diagnosed with acute leukemia though they are evacuees.
I heard this from my friend a couple of days ago.
Because the mother is deeply hurt with her remorse, I cannot tell the details but actually it was me to have to feel deep regret.
I could not listen to all the story. I found myself wanting to skip the news. It was simply too painful.
No matter how important they are, you cannot hear thousands of terrible news every single day.
You want to simplify the facts and detach yourself from the reality to ease your mind knowing it solves nothing at all.

I think my readers can share this feeling too. I know it hurts to read Fukushima Diary.

In the latest report, even WHO stated the female thyroid cancer rate will rise by 70% as infants in the most contaminated area.

Is that all we could do to look at children having their throat cut ?
Do we all just sit and let it happen ?

We can’t take this anymore. I think this is the sign to start moving.

We can move. It’s time to change our pain to the energy.
Soon it will be 2 years.
730 days, 1051897 mins, 6.3113852e+7 secs. Since that moment, have we become less cowardly ?

I personally have. I escape from radiation, but won’t run from the pain anymore.
Let’s do what may matter.
I’m not the type of person who discusses all kinds of the things. Actually, nature doesn’t discuss.
It tries out variety of patterns, systems and possibilities and let the survivor grow.
I want to follow this way.

Time is ticking.

Another friend of mine, who is also from Fukushima prefecture asked me for the help for a lawsuit and coincidentally Fukushima Diary covered the case on 2/22/2013.

“Public prosecutors won’t prosecute Katsumata of Tepco, Fukushima citizens demanded Tepco to surrender to justice” [URL]

Justice is bought though the money is from our tax and electric bills.
In the accounting of Tepco, nuclear waste is counted as their “property”, so all the Tepco executives shall be paid by plutonium but they spend even nothing for the victims, children, and even for decommissioning Fukushima plant.
These people are awake and trying to demand Tepco to surrender.
This is one of the attempts but nothing to lose to consider signing. Currently they got only 193 supporters where they need 4807 supporters. As a little remedy, won’t you give them your signature ? [Website : Prosecute those responsible for the Fukushima nuclear disaster ! [URL 2]]
That friend of mine is also organizing the ceremony for 311 in NY as below.
She’s very passionate.

If you spare your time, please have a look at it.

What is your next step ? Where are you heading for ?
3rd year is going to start. We won’t be just sitting.


[Column] What is your next step ?


2 [Column] What is your next step ?


3 [Column] What is your next step ?




Français :

[Édito] Qu’allez vous faire ?


La mère était effondrée.
Sa fille venait d’être diagnostiquée porteuse d’une leucémie aiguë bien qu’elles soient des évacuées.
J’ai entendu ça de mon amie il y a deux jours.
Je ne peux pas donner les détails parce que la mère est profondément choquée de ses remords mais, en fait, c’était moi qui était dévoré de regrets.
Je n’ai pas pu écouter toute l’histoire. Je me suis découvert à vouloir sauter la nouvelle. C’était simplement trop dur.
Leur importance n’importe pas, on ne peut pas écouter des centaines de nouvelles terribles tous les jours.
On veut simplifier les faits et se détacher de la réalité pour se soulager l’esprit qui sait que ça ne résoudra rien de toute façon.

Je pense que mes lecteurs peuvent partager ce sentiment aussi. Je sais que la lecture du Fukushima Diary est difficile à supporter.

Dans son dernier rapport, même l’OMS affirme que la fréquence des cancers de la thyroïde va augmenter de 70% chez les enfants des régions les plus contaminées.

Est-ce que tout ce que nous pouvons faire est de  regarder ces enfants se faire couper la gorge ?
On reste assis et on laisse faire ?

Ce n’est plus supportable. Je pense que c’est le signe pour commencer à bouger.
On peut bouger. Le moment est venu de transformer notre douleur en énergie.

Ça va bientôt faire deux ans.
730 jours, 1 051 897 minutes, 63 113 852 secondes.
Sommes-nous devenus moins lâches depuis ?
Personnellement, oui.
Je me suis sauvé de la radioactivité mais je ne veux plus fuir devant la douleur.
Faisons ce qui peut être utile.
Je ne suis pas le genre de personne qui discute tous les aspects des choses. De fait, la nature ne discute pas.
Elle essaye les voies possibles, les systèmes, les possibilités et laisse les survivants se développer.
Je veux suivre cette voie.

L’heure tourne.


Une autre amie, qui est aussi dans la préfecture de Fukushima, m’a demandé de l’aider sur une plainte et, par hasard, le Fukushima Diary a couvert le cas le 22 février 2013 : Le procureur ne poursuivra pas M. Katsumata de Tepco, les habitants de Fukushima demandaient à Tepco de se soumettre à la justice

La Justice est payée avec l’argent des impôts et des factures d’électricité.
Dans la comptabilité de Tepco, les déchets nucléaires sont considérés comme leur “propriété”, donc tous les cadres de Tepco devraient être payés en plutonium mais ils ne dépensent strictement rien pour les victimes, les enfants, et même pour le démantèlement de la centrale de Fukushima.

Ces gens-ci sont réveillés et essayent de demander que Tepco se rende.
Ce n’est qu’une tentative mais il n’y a rien à perdre à signer. Pour l’instant, ils n’ont reçu que 193 soutiens alors qu’il en faudrait au moins 4 807. Ne leur donneriez-vous pas votre signature en petit soutien ? [Site web : Prosecute those responsible for the Fukushima nuclear disaster ! ]
Cette amie organise aussi la cérémonie du 11 mars à New-York comme ci-dessous.
Elle est très engagée.

Si vous avez un peu de temps, merci d’aller regarder.

Qu’allez-vous faire ? Où voulez-vous aller ?
La 3e année va commencer.
On ne va pas rester assis.

[Édito] Quel sera votre prochaine action ?

2 [Édito] Quel sera votre prochaine action ?

3 [Édito] Quel sera votre prochaine action ?

  1. yes, the children will really take a heavy blow.

    It’s sad that people will have to learn firsthand
    that the pain and fear and chaos of cancer or its
    many disease friends is FAR worse than breaking
    free of Japanese society and making a new life!!..:(

    But, the same goes for the U.S. They are blissfully

    Most radiation-related disease and death may not show
    up for 5-10 years. But, that’s how it works!…

  2. Signed&Shared
    awful, terrible, genocidal technology.
    I feel for all those families who now realise that their cancer is man made by their government and no one gives a damn.

  3. Salutations Iori,

    Despite I can not have access to your web page and that I might have badly express myself (I am French-Canadian) I still vigil the situation and with my network of Humanitarian and Scientist contact we still do our best. It’s been a year now since I propose you to come to Québec, I have a place and there is a predisposition in my small village to bring up to 10 families. FYI, I will make my master on Nucleides fall out management. The latest perspective that granths hope is the Hutchison know-How, it is still far from peer review but at least it enshrined hope on agglomerating radio-activity in small containement unit. As for radio-gardase, Blue Prussian, I reiterate that for children it is benefic to agglomerate in the bowels Cesium and allow elimination of a large portion of it trough bowels.
    Anyway, just a word to tell you that you’re an inspiration by your devotion and you perseverance and a reminder that you are not alone even if we have sometimes problems to understand each others. Keep your Presence and Vigilance Iori, I trust your Eyes, Sights, discretions and Humanism. Heartfel Thanks, Michel, aka, Harfang des Neiges, Snowy Owl

  4. Iori , you saying ” … 3rd year is going to start. We won’t be just sitting … ” .

    – 62.7 % of the Japanese voters decided a month ago for a nuke friendly governmnet in office . It’s done . Live with it for the next four years Term unless you find a way to undo it .

    – how do you plan to reach those 62.7 % fools and weak them up ? You still din’t finish the hyperlink page that explains the terminology , and you didn’t forward the hard Foam cover over Fukushima idea .

    – and if they will weak up only when the cancers will start raising , How will you move the cancer patients and the rest of the population and in what willing country ? Please show & tell . Do you have international treaties up you sleave ?

    – so , Iori , when you say ” We won’t be sitting ” , Where are you going ? By all means , please , Explain !

    – lead by example will also mean , according to the Exodus , that if you would plan to became the next Japanese Prime Minister you would also NOT return to Japan …

    – So , one way ( by staying and getting decimated ) or another ( by Disorganized Exodus disolved into over six billion non-Japanese ) the Japanese Race is guaranteed to be exterminated . So , Why fret , you are a smart guy , you see this coming , and there is no solution for the survival of the Japanese race once its 124 million people became assimilated ( NOT my choice of spelling , blame the Brits ) by over six Billion . Why , are you planing to Organize them as I suggested a month ago , into the Nipon Arc ? No ??!! Hmmmm ….

    P.S. : an ( irevirsable ) Vasectomy is the cure of all Evil … because :


    Oh , unless you are a genius and had prepared properly the nest for your children , please show How . I’ll supply the violins background …

    A man’s P.S. : just hope that the radiation will not cause the Pretty Japanese girls to start growing Fur …. it will be even a harder sell abroad

    If you die with a smile on your face you were properly manhandled by the mortician … and in Japan ‘glowing’ is free !

    1. Hey, wake up.
      You’re the only one thinking you’re smart with your pathetic irony.

  5. Lori, have your friend with the daughter with Leukemia go to the
    lowdosenatrexone.org website. There are many cases of cancer cured by this wonderful drug and it is legal in the US anyway and you can even get it off shore with out a prescription. This website is non profit and full of helpful information. Also Liposome encapsulated Vit C has proven to be very helpful, if one can not get intervenous Vit C. I figure we have to become extremophiles, I think that is the spelling, in this day and age.
    I will go on that March in NYC. I value the work you are doing, even if it is something you never dreamed of doing. Very few people I know want to hear about the radiation and some admit that they prefer to stick their head in the sand. It is a relief when I can speak of it to someone. It is too painful for most, they get a frantic look on their face when I tell them and they want me to shut up. My brother lives on the West Coast of the US and he really got sick of me begging him to come East and begging him to take the Liposome Vit C, which is good for getting rid of some kinds of radiation, and begging him to take other supplements as well.
    I have learned to keep silent and pray that I am somehow wrong. I take comfort from the book called A Diet For A Nuclear Age, that there was so much fall out in the US from bomb testing that it got into the food chain here in the 60s. Maybe we are already extremophiles and don’t know it.

  6. Signed and shared. Wishing you lots of courage, your comments are of great importance to the rest of the world who hear nothing being reported in the official media. Action would be good!

    1. Signed.
      Will send around on facebook. Everyone else who signs from here, please send around your friends and mention fukushima diary too.
      Perserverence is everything.

Comments are closed.

About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.
