Donation : 105.00USD
Expense : 10.57USD
Left in hat : 94.43USD
Goal : 3,000.00 USD (My previous salary in Japan plus new server cost)
Current total : 2,473.40 USD
To go : 526.60USD [Closed]
Thank you very much for your donation ! In May, I met 82% of the goal !
About this article..My Facebook account was disabled
About 5 hours later than it was disabled, it was reactivated. I received no notice again. Yesterday a lot of people went though the log-in problem about Facebook [Link], but having an account disabled was somewhat too much for me.
I actually sent Security team of Facebook several emails. I was pissed and also shocked because there are the photos and random things of these 6 years. However, I know it doesn’t last forever.
I didn’t like the idea to open my PAGE on Facebook but I got the excuse to open it for emergency.
A lot of the readers misunderstand my personality etc..
I hope it to make myself understood right.
Iori Mochizuki