News: One-third of the children lost weight

In July, at a nursery school in Nakano Ward, approximately one-third of the children lost weight. “Extremely rare” the report says.

This information came from a nursery school in Nakano Ward [Tokyo]. The size of school is said to be 90 children capacity. Every month, they check the weight, and in July, approximately one-third or 29 children lost weight compared to the previous month. The school considered this situation and commented that “heat, infections, and summer cold might be the cause”, yet also expressed that a weight loss at this scale is rather rare even though a temporary weight loss when children grow so much taller occasionally. This nursery school serves lunches and uses milk.

This weight loss phenomenon had been observed in Chernobyl frequently.

If the average weight of young children were going down, it needs attention. Not only your own children but including any children around you, please check around to see if weight losses have been observed frequently. It concerns me if other kindergarten and nursery schools are observing a phenomenon such as this.

This mother who has reported the story says her child lost a little during the past 6 months. The weight was 14.2kg in May, in June through August, 14.0kg, and in September, increased to 14.4kg. A two year old.

A separate report is here. “A woman in her 30’s in Oota Ward [in Tokyo became] pregnant [sometime] after March 11. In July, she was saying “early pregnancy” but in August, ‘anencephaly‘ was diagnosed, and she had an abortion” as it was told.

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7 월에 나카노 구에있는 보육원에서 어린이의 약 3 분의 1은 무게를 분실. ‘극히 드문’보고서는 말한다. 2011년 9월 22일 1시 30분 41초 | 후쿠시마 다이이치 Genpatsu이에 보육 정보 나카노 구 출신
[도쿄]. 학교의 크기는 90 어린이 용량이라고합니다. 매월 그들은 무게를 확인하고 7 월, 약 3 분의 1 또는 29 아이들은 전월에 비해 체중을 잃었습니다. 학교는 이런 상황을 고려하고 ‘열, 감염, 및 여름 감기의 원인이 될 수 있습니다’이라는 주석, 아직도이 규모에서 체중 감량이 오히려 드문 것을 표현도 임시 체중 감소하지만 아이들이 가끔 너무 키가 커서. 이 보육원은 점심과 사용 우유를 제공하고 있습니다. 이 체중 감소 현상이 자주 체르노빌에서 관찰했다. 어린이의 평균 체중이 내려가는있다면, 그것은 관심이 필요합니다. 뿐만 아니라 주변 모든 어린이를 포함하여 자신의 자녀 있지만, 체중 손실이 자주 관찰되었는지 주위를 확인하시기 바랍니다. 그 날 우려가 이러한 현상이 관찰 다른 학교 보육 및 유치원있다면. ‘이 (가) 지난 6 개월 동안 작은 아이를 잃은 어머니는이 이야기를보고했다고 밝혔다.
무게 14.2Kg 8 월, 14.0kg을 통해 6 월, 많은 사람에, 그리고 9 월, 14.4Kg로 증가했다. 이전 2 년간. 별도의 보고서는 여기에 있습니다. ’30 여자가 Oota 구의 [도쿄되었으며] 임신 [때때로] 3월 11일 후. 7 월, 그녀는 ‘임신 초기’을 말하는했지만 8 월에는 ‘무뇌아
‘는 진단을하고, 그것이 들었는데로 그녀가 낙태 ‘를 있었다.

Im Juli haben in einer Kinderkrippe in Nakano Ward ungefähr ein Drittel der Kinder an Gewicht verloren. „Sehr seltsam“, so der Bericht.

Diese Information kam von einer Kinderkrippe in Nakano Ward [Tokyo]. Die Einrichtung betreut 90 Kinder, so wurde gesagt. Jeden Monat überprüfen sie das Gewicht und im Juli hatten ungefähr ein Drittel von 29 Kindern im Vergleich zum Vormonat an Gewicht verloren. Die Einrichtung prüfte diese Situation und erläuterte, dass „Hitze, Infektionen und Sommererkältung eine Ursache sein könnten“, drückte aber auch aus, dass ein Gewichtsverlust in diesem Ausmaß ziemlich seltsam ist, obwohl es manchmal zu Gewichtsverlust kommt, wenn Kinder schnell wachsen. Dieser Kindergarten versorgt die Kinder mit Mittagessen und verwendet Milch. Solche Phänomene von Gewichtsverlust wurden in Tschernobyl oft beobachtet. Wenn das Durchschnittsgewicht der Kinder abfällt, muss man aufpassen. Bitte beobachten sie nicht nur bei eigenen Kindern, sondern auch anderen Kindern in der Umgebung, ob es zu häufigen Gewichtsverlusten kommt. Es beunruhigt mich und andere Kindergarten und Kinderkrippen beobachten auch solche Phänomene.
Die Mutter, die von dieser Geschichte berichtet hat, sagte, dass ihr Kind während der letzten Monate etwas an Gewicht verloren hätte. Das Gewicht lag im Mai 14,2 kg, Juni bis August 14 kg und im September wieder bei 14,4 kg. Das Kind ist zwei Jahre alt.
Einen anderen Bericht gibt es hier. „Eine Frau in den 30igern in Oota Ward [Tokyo] wurde nach März 2011 schwanger. Im Juli sagten sie, es wäre eine „Frühgeburt“, aber im August wurde ‘Anenzephalie’ diagnostiziert und sie hatte eine Abtreibung“, so wurde berichtet.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


September 2011