News: Japan after the typhoon

After the typhoon hit Fukushima,massive scale of contamination is detected.

It has been about 21.0 uSv/h around in Futabamachi all day long.

Even NHK reported that they detected double amount of cesium in the sea around reactor 3.

(Though this article reports the radiation level of around reactor 3,it mentions only cesium amount around reactor 2.)

Also,Tepco reported they found the water level was raised by about 44 cm in the basement floor of reactor 1.

However,in Onagawa nuc plant ,which is about 100km north to Fukushima plant, 2800 tons of water flowed in the the basement floor.

Looking from this flooding in Onagawa nuc plant,it is natural to assume that the same or even worse scale of flooding happened to each reactor of Fukushima plant.

There are also a lot of the forum posts to report illness after touching the rain too.

RieMatsuda 松田リエ

“Good evening! I’m in Saitama.(North to Tokyo) I got soaked up in the rain twice yesterday,I couldn’t help it.
I’ve been suffering from headache since last night.Today I feel sick slightly too.

I feel fatigue in the evening recently.have unclear sight too. piles of hair get off from head as well. I’m concerned..”

In Utsunomiya,where is south west to Fukushima,they measured 330 Mbq/km2 of cesium 134.

This is as much as they detected in March,and there was no detection of cesium 137,so some people recognize it to be an error.

However,just like after the rain in March,yellow powder was found in North Kanto area,where Utsunomiya is.

In March,the yellow powder phenomena was found everywhere after the rain too.(around 3/24)

In March,Japanese government explained it was pollen or yellow sand from China,but strangely,nobody had ever seen it before though pollen and yellow sand fly every year.

The yellow powder was found in Chernobyl too.

It looks “like” cesium powder actually.

  1. I wonder about symptoms,brilliant flashes passing through the minds eye with ones eyes closed of an evening,that kind of thing..

  2. “I’ve been suffering from headache since last night.Today I feel sick slightly too.
    I feel fatigue in the evening recently.” ???

    Same here…:
    headache since Tuesday morning… a little dizziness…
    fatigue all the time lately…
    but I thought:
    maybe it’s the weather, the atmospheric pressure,
    too much time staring at the PC screen, change of life and eating style, jet lag (came back to Japan last Friday and didn’t have enough sleep since then), stress etc..

    I don’t know what to say, but I didn’t feel often like this when I was out of Japan…

    About that yellow powder: it was everywhere, but I don’t remember when, maybe in March: on my veranda, on the stairs etc… I cleaned it up, while wondering what it could be, though I was having some kind of bad feeling about it…

    Should I laugh or should I cry?
    Well, I really hope they have internet in Heaven…

    1. D. I hope you are going to leave Japan soon, whatever it might be now that makes you feel like that.
      Jetlag and stress can be enough good reasons for feeling like that, but I know it is not reassuring anyway.
      I hope to be wrong, but my feeling is that the situation will deteriorate with time, and the accumulated doses of radiation will be harmful soon or later, once the limit is passed.

      I saw the sand storms in Peking and I know there were in March so surely sand was brought to Japan as it happens every year. However, the sand I saw in Peking was far from being of such a bright yellow colour. Just judging by the colour that looks like sulfur to me too.

      Take care

  3. Caesium is one of three metals that are liquid at or around room temperature. So it cant be cesium. Its uranium

    “The site, not far from Sabha in the Sahara desert, has two warehouses containing thousands of blue barrels marked with tape saying “radioactive,” and plastic bags of yellow powder sealed with the same tape.

    The material has not been confirmed as being radioactive, but in 2004 the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed that the Libyan government had yellowcake stored in Sabha.

    Yellowcake is processed uranium ore that can be used to produce enriched uranium for nuclear purposes.”

    1. AAA,
      you might be right, at least about the color, since “cesium” comes from the Latin word “caesium”, which means “sky blue”…

    2. Atomic number 55, Cesium is the heaviest of the natural alkali metals. Physically, it is a soft metal or light liquid, pale gold in color when pure, silvery-white otherwise. It melts at 28.4 C, just below body heat, and boils at 669.3 C. It has a specific gravity of 1.873, and an atomic weight of 132.9045.

      1. Remember that Cesium metal is extremely reactive and as soon as it comes into contact with air or water it forms compounds, carbonate and hydroxide mostly. Those compounds are white in color but the hydroxide is still very reactive and soon forms additional compounds according to what it comes into contact with and those may not be white.

  4. It was an oxide?

    Tiny apparently subdermal twinges corresponded to a momentary uptick on relatively insensitive metering equipment.

  5. The yellow stuff looks a lot like pine pollen to me, to be sincere.
    When I lived in the outskirts of Berlin, I had the yellow pollen every year in my balcony. It has not to be cesium. I am not pro atom energy at all,but judging from my experience it looks a lot like pine pollen!

    You just need to examine the yellow powder by looking at it through a microscope, pine polle is quite big, compared to other pollens. You do not need to be a botanist to do so, just check the web for a sample picture and compare.
    Nr. 2 is Pine Pollen

  6. How can it “rain” yellowcake uranium? How is that the end result of radiation released by Fukushima? I believe we had “yellow rain” in So. California during the plume and it was attributed to sulfur… not that one can believe anything the “authorities” and “experts” say because they’re all in CYA mode. But if someone can explain, I’d appreciate it.

  7. I would suspect that this is sulphur from all the smog coming from china’s coal fired power plants being washed out of the pollution in the sky.

  8. A very fine, slippery, white powder dust coating the inside of my house in the NW, got very sick after cleaning it up.

  9. Hair falling out is a sign of exposure to beta radiation. Usually skin burns from beta are also present. Fallout material in contact with the skin causes this according to the US Civil Defense Handbook for Radiological Monitors. You should decontaminate yourself as soon as possible to prevent on going self-radiation.

    According to the handbook, “hair will return in about 6 months” after exposure stops. Most geiger counters can measure both gamma and beta, if the geiger tube has a removable shield. Beta radiation is easy to shield against – it cannot pass through thick paper (like cardboard) or denser materials such as glass, walls, etc… However, gamma radiation passes through all these materials.

  10. What goes up must come down…

    Gravity is a fundamental law to physics. We know that the spent nuclear fuel that has been ejected into the atmosphere is subject to that basic fundamental law. However once into the atmosphere, factors such as atomic mass, volume, speed, velocity, and agility come into account. These are the factors to consider when considering the amount of danger imposed by the Fukushima Nuclear Crisis.

    The atomic mass of the an isotope plays a big factor in understanding global dispersion of radio-nuclides. Each elements weigh signature (atomic mass) should be considered individually in respects to travel time and resting location. We know that a significant amount of nuclear isotopes have been released atmospherically from the reactors on site. We also know that the two main isotopes being reported to the public are iodine and cesium.

    Lets start off by identifying atomic masses of these two elements:
    Iodine 126.9amu
    Cesium 132.9 amu

    In comparison here are the atomic masses of isotopes that have a higher rate of emission, toxicity.
    Plutonium 244.0 Amu
    Polonium 209.0 Amu
    Americium 243.0 Amu

    At first glance we are able to determine that plutonium has an atomic weight almost twice that, of the amounts of Iodine and Cesium. This would indicate that under the same conditions of atmospheric release Plutonium an element bearing a weight of 244amu, would more likely travel half as far geographically as Iodine. An element with roughly half its atomic mass; (‘126.9amu‘, A figure just over half the value of Plutonium)…

    Another large factor to consider is the elements ability to become airborne.
    For Example: The element ‘Polonium’ (in particle form). Has an acute ability to become an airborne / aerosol (polonium-oxide) at temperatures as low as 55c. (note the atomic mass of polonium is just 39.0Amu below that of Plutonium)…

    A solid becomes a gas when temperatures meet or exceed the known melting point of the substance; Creating a gaseous vapor via molecular decay…

    Melting point of various radionuclide.
    Iodine 113C.
    Cesium 28.5C.
    Plutonium 639.5C.
    Americium 994.0C.
    Polonium 254.0C.

    Cement: 1000C.
    Steel 1100 – 2900C. Depending on alloy.

    We know that during the meltdowns at Fukushima; Spent nuclear fuels’ thermal temperatures were elevated above the melting points of both cement and steel. An indication that conditions were met to transform these elements from a solid state, to a gaseous state or; In this case radioactive aerosols such as polonium oxide and plutonium oxide; Both of which are capable of causing acute radiation poisoning when ingesting only a single micron.

    Travel Time / Distance…

    March 24th 2001
    Germanys radiation protection authority states radioactive contamination has been detected as reported in the Braunschweiger Zeitung Newspaper…

    In respect to travel times…
    If the isotopes Cesium and Iodine were detected in Germany which is approximately 18,000m. Away from Fukushima Japan. Wouldn’t that indicate that Plutonium Oxide had breached the American west coast a distance of only 6000 m? with the ability to have been distributed as far east as Rhode island a distance of 9000m.

    Symptoms of Plutonium Oxide:
    Metallic taste on tongue,
    Nose bleeds
    Sensitive / scratchy throat
    Hair loss
    Chest pain
    Painful joints’

    In the last 6 months have you felt any of these symptoms…?

    I should also note a familliar characteristic of plutonium oxide: Crystalline in shape and reported as yellow in color…

    Are we seeing yellow sediment in rain?

    Emmy. Sept 2011

    10 Pounds of plutonium can end humanity…
    There is 10 tons in reactor 3 alone…


      1. I am emmy from enenews ;).

        Aka Tacomagroove 🙂

        Thanks for reading cheers. Feel free to google my screenname (tacomagroove and enenews to read more) 🙂

        1. Hi,nice to meet you. I feel like I received a death sentence.
          Could you please give me some more explanation about the plutonium oxide / dioxide ?
          I googled your screenname but most of the articles are old (in May or so). and I found an article your account has been hacked. I want to confirm I’m talking to YOU actually.
          Thank you very much for your crucial info. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

            1. I’d like to know why you got to think it was plutonium
              Is it oxide or dioxide ? you didn’t deny the possibility of Su,pollen,and sand.

              and what’s more,is there anything we could do ?

  11. Basically its plutonium oxide…

    Not sulfur.
    Not yellow cake…

    yellow cake isnt yellow inside a reactor…

    But plutonium dioxide crystalizes and leaves yellow sediment…

    There you have it.


    Plutonium-239 is one of the two fissile materials used for the production of nuclear weapons and in some nuclear reactors as a source of energy. The other fissile material is uranium-235. Plutonium-239 is virtually nonexistent in nature. It is made by bombarding uranium-238 with neutrons in a nuclear reactor. Uranium-238 is present in quantity in most reactor fuel; hence plutonium-239 is continuously made in these reactors. Since plutonium-239 can itself be split by neutrons to release energy, plutonium-239 provides a portion of the energy generation in a nuclear reactor.
    The physical properties of plutonium metal are summarized in Table 1.

    TABLE 1.
    Physical Characteristics of Plutonium Metal

    Color: silver
    Melting point: 641 deg. C
    Boiling point: 3232 deg. C
    Density: 16 to 20 grams/cubic centimeter
    Nuclear Properties of Plutonium

    Plutonium belongs to the class of elements called transuranic elements whose atomic number is higher than 92, the atomic number of uranium. Essentially all transuranic materials in existence are manmade. The atomic number of plutonium is 94.

    Plutonium has 15 isotopes with mass numbers ranging from 232 to 246. Isotopes of the same element have the same number of protons in their nuclei but differ by the number of neutrons. Since the chemical characteristics of an element are governed by the number of protons in the nucleus, which equals the number of electrons when the atom is electrically neutral (the usual elemental form at room temperature), all isotopes have nearly the same chemical characteristics. This means that in most cases it is very difficult to separate isotopes from each other by chemical techniques.

    Only two plutonium isotopes have commercial and military applications. Plutonium-238, which is made in nuclear reactors from neptunium-237, is used to make compact thermoelectric generators; plutonium-239 is used for nuclear weapons and for energy; plutonium-241, although fissile, (see next paragraph) is impractical both as a nuclear fuel and a material for nuclear warheads. Some of the reasons are far higher cost , shorter half-life, and higher radioactivity than plutonium-239. Isotopes of plutonium with mass numbers 240 through 242 are made along with plutonium-239 in nuclear reactors, but they are contaminants with no commercial applications. In this fact sheet we focus on civilian and military plutonium (which are interchangeable in practice–see Table 5), which consist mainly of plutonium-239 mixed with varying amounts of other isotopes, notably plutonium-240, -241, and -242.

    Plutonium-239 and plutonium-241 are fissile materials. This means that they can be split by both slow (ideally zero-energy) and fast neutrons into two new nuclei (with the concomitant release of energy) and more neutrons. Each fission of plutonium-239 resulting from a slow neutron absorption results in the production of a little more than two neutrons on the average. If at least one of these neutrons, on average, splits another plutonium nucleus, a sustained chain reaction is achieved.

    The even isotopes, plutonium-238, -240, and -242 are not fissile but yet are fissionable–that is, they can only be split by high energy neutrons. Generally, fissionable but non-fissile isotopes cannot sustain chain reactions; plutonium-240 is an exception to that rule.

    The minimum amount of material necessary to sustain a chain reaction is called the critical mass. A supercritical mass is bigger than a critical mass, and is capable of achieving a growing chain reaction where the amount of energy released increases with time.

    The amount of material necessary to achieve a critical mass depends on the geometry and the density of the material, among other factors. The critical mass of a bare sphere of plutonium-239 metal is about 10 kilograms. It can be considerably lowered in various ways.

    The amount of plutonium used in fission weapons is in the 3 to 5 kilograms range. According to a recent Natural Resources Defense Council report(1), nuclear weapons with a destructive power of 1 kiloton can be built with as little as 1 kilogram of weapon grade plutonium(2). The smallest theoretical critical mass of plutonium-239 is only a few hundred grams.

    In contrast to nuclear weapons, nuclear reactors are designed to release energy in a sustained fashion over a long period of time. This means that the chain reaction must be controlled–that is, the number of neutrons produced needs to equal the number of neutrons absorbed. This balance is achieved by ensuring that each fission produces exactly one other fission.

    All isotopes of plutonium are radioactive, but they have widely varying half-lives. The half-life is the time it takes for half the atoms of an element to decay. For instance, plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24, 110 years while plutonium-241 has a half-life of 14.4 years. The various isotopes also have different principal decay modes. The isotopes present in commercial or military plutonium-239 are plutonium-240, -241, and -242. Table 2 shows a summary of the radiological properties of five plutonium isotopes.

    The isotopes of plutonium that are relevant to the nuclear and commercial industries decay by the emission of alpha particles, beta particles, or spontaneous fission. Gamma radiation, which is penetrating electromagnetic radiation, is often associated with alpha and beta decays.

    TABLE 2.
    Radiological Properties of Important Plutonium Isotopes

    Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Pu-242
    Half-life(in years) 87.74 24,110 6537 14.4 376,000
    Specific activity(curies/gram) 17.3 .063 .23 104 .004
    Principal decay mode alpha alpha alpha
    some spontaneous fission(a) beta alpha
    Decay energy(MeV) 5.593 5.244 5.255 .021 4.983
    Radiological hazards alpha, weak gamma alpha, weak gamma alpha, weak gamma beta, weak gamma(b) alpha, weak gamma
    Source: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics; 1990-1991. Various sources give slightly different figures for half-lives and energies.
    a) Source of neutrons causing added radiation dose to workers in nuclear facilities. A little spontaneous fission occurs in most plutonium isotopes.
    b) Plutonium-241 decays into Americium-241, which is an intense gamma-emitter.
    Chemical properties and hazards of plutonium.

    Table 3 describes the chemical properties of plutonium in air. These properties are important because they affect the safety of storage and of operation during processing of plutonium. The oxidation of plutonium represents a health hazard since the resulting stable compound, plutonium dioxide is in particulate form that can be easily inhaled. It tends to stay in the lungs for long periods, and is also transported to other parts of the body. Ingestion of plutonium is considerably less dangerous since very little is absorbed while the rest passes through the digestive system.

    TABLE 3.
    How Plutonium Metal Reacts in Air

    Forms and Ambient Conditions: Reaction:
    Non-divided metal at room temperature (corrodes) relatively inert, slowly oxidizes
    Divided metal at room temperature (PuO2) readily reacts to form plutonium dioxide
    Finely divided particles under about
    1 millimeter diameter
    particles over about
    1 millimeter diameter

    spontaneously ignites at about 150 C(c)

    spontaneously ignites at about 500 C.

    Humid, elevated temperatures (PuO2) readily reacts to form plutonium dioxide
    c) US Department of Energy, “Assessment of Plutonium Storage Safety Issues at DOE Facilities,”
    DOE/DP-0123T (Washington, DC: US DOE, Jan 1994.

    Important Plutonium Compounds and their Uses

    Plutonium combines with oxygen, carbon, and fluorine to form compounds which are used in the nuclear industry, either directly or as intermediates.

    Table 4 shows some important plutonium compounds. Plutonium metal is insoluble in nitric acid and plutonium is slightly soluble in hot, concentrated nitric acid. However, when plutonium dioxide and uranium dioxide form a solid mixture, as in spent fuel from nuclear reactors, then the solubility of plutonium dioxide in nitric acid is enhanced due to the fact that uranium dioxide is soluble in nitric acid. This property is used when reprocessing irradiated nuclear fuels.

    TABLE 4.
    Important Plutonium Compounds and Their Uses

    Compound: Use:
    Plutonium Dioxide(PuO2) can be mixed with uranium dioxide (UO2) for use as reactor fuel
    Plutonium Carbide(PuC)
    Plutonium Dicarbide(PuC2)
    Diplutonium Tricarbide(Pu2C3)
    all three carbides can potentially be used as fuel in breeder reactors

    Plutonium Trifluoride(PuF3)
    Plutonium Tetrafluoride(PuF4)
    both fluorides are intermediate compounds in the production of plutonium metal

    Plutonium Nitrates [Pu(NO3)4]
    and [Pu(NO3)3]
    no use, but it is a product of reprocessing (extraction of plutonium from used nuclear fuel).

    Formation and Grades of Plutonium-239

    Plutonium-239 is formed in both civilian and military reactors from uranium-238.

    The subsequent absorption of a neutron by plutonium-239 results in the formation of plutonium-240. Absorption of another neutron by plutonium-240 yields plutonium-241. The higher isotopes are formed in the same way. Since plutonium-239 is the first in a string of plutonium isotopes created from uranium-238 in a reactor, the longer a sample of uranium-238 is irradiated, the greater the percentage of heavier isotopes. Plutonium must be chemically separated from the fission products and remaining uranium in the irradiated reactor fuel. This chemical separation is called reprocessing.

    Fuel in power reactors is irradiated for longer periods at higher power levels, called high “burn-up”, because it is fuel irradiation that generates the heat required for power production. If the goal is production of plutonium for military purposes then the “burn-up” is kept low so that the plutonium-239 produced is as pure as possible, that is, the formationo of the higher isotopes, particularly plutonium-240, is kept to a minimum.

    Plutonium has been classified into grades by the US DOE (Department of Energy) as shown in Table 5.

    It is important to remember that this classification of plutonium according to grades is somewhat arbitrary. For example, although “fuel grade” and “reactor grade” are less suitable as weapons material than “weapon grade” plutonium, they can also be made into a nuclear weapon, although the yields are less predictable because of unwanted neutrons from spontaneous fission. The ability of countries to build nuclear arsenals from reactor grade plutonium is not just a theoretical construct. It is a proven fact. During a June 27, 1994 press conference, Secretary of Energy Hazel O’Leary revealed that in 1962 the United States conducted a successful test with “reactor grade” plutonium. All grades of plutonium can be used as weapons of radiological warfare which involve weapons that disperse radioactivity without a nuclear explosion.

    TABLE 5.
    Grades of Plutonium

    Grades Pu-240 Content
    Supergrade 2-3 %
    Weapon grade < 7 %
    Fuel grade 7-19 %
    Reactor grade 19 % or greater
    International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and The Institute for Energy and Environmental Research: Plutonium, Deadly Gold of the Nuclear Age, (Cambridge, Massachusetts: International Physicians Press, 1992).

    Benedict, Manson, Thomas Pigford, and Hans Wolfgang Levi, Nuclear Chemical Engineering, 2d ed. (New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1981).

    Wick, OJ, Editor, Plutonium Handbook: A Guide to the Technology, vol I and II, (La Grange Park, Illinois: American Nuclear Society, 1980).

    Cochran, Thomas B., William M. Arkin, and Milton M. Honig, Nuclear Weapons Databook, Vol I, Natural Resources Defense Council. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1984)

    Plutonium(IV) oxide is the chemical compound with the formula PuO2. This high melting point solid is a principal compound of plutonium. It can vary in color from yellow to olive green, depending on the particle size, temperature and method of production.[1]
    Contents [hide]
    1 Structure
    2 Synthesis
    3 Applications
    4 Toxicology
    5 See also
    6 References
    7 External links

    PuO2 crystallizes in the fluorite motif, with the Pu4+ centers organized in a face-centered cubic array and oxide ions occupying tetrahedral holes.[2] PuO2 owes utility as a nuclear fuel to the fact that vacancies in the octahedral holes allows room for fissile products. In nuclear fission, one atom of plutonium splits into two. The vacancy of the octahedral holes provides room for the new product and allows the PuO2 monolith to retain its structural integrity.

    Plutonium metal spontaneously oxidizes to PuO2 in an atmosphere of oxygen. Plutonium dioxide is mainly produced by calcination of plutonium(IV) oxalate, Pu(C2O4)2·6H2O, at 300 °C. Plutonium oxalate is obtained during the reprocessing of nuclear fuel.

    PuO2 glow through the isotope plutonium-238 in it.
    PuO2 is used in MOX fuels for nuclear reactors. Plutonium-238 dioxide is used as fuel for several deep-space spacecraft such as the 'New Horizons' Pluto probe. The isotope decays by emitting α-particles which then generate heat (see radioisotope thermoelectric generator). There have been concerns that an accidental orbital earth re-entry might lead to the break-up and/or burn-up of a spacecraft, resulting in the dispersal of the plutonium, either over a large tract of the planetary surface or within the upper atmosphere.
    Physicist Peter Zimmerman, following up a suggestion by Ted Taylor, demonstrated that a low-yield (1-kiloton) nuclear bomb could be made relatively easily from plutonium oxide.[3]

    See also, Plutonium Toxicity
    Plutonium oxide is highly toxic to humans, especially via inhalation.[4] As with all plutonium compounds, it is subject to control under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Due to the radioactive alpha decay of plutonium, all of its compounds, PuO2 included, as well as plutonium metal, are warm to the touch.

    1. May I post it on the blog ? I want to hear the voice of the world.
      and please show me how you deny it was Su ?

  13. Plutonium(IV) oxide is the chemical compound with the formula PuO2. This high melting point solid is a principal compound of plutonium. It can vary in color from yellow to olive green, depending on the particle size, temperature and method of production.[1]

    You See


  14. Do your trees flower twice a year…?

    Also Sand melts to glass not vapor…

    The powder cant be sand…

    So pollen?

    Do your trees flower twice a year in japan… You had yellow rain in march and now again in Sept???

    Plants only cycle once a year… (so that would be impossible).

    Only once…

    So it cant be either sand or pollen

    Use alpha detection on it…

    Plutonium oxide and dioxide.

    An oxide is a chemical compound containing at least one oxygen atom.

    A dioxide is a chemical compound composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single atom.

  15. wear mask to prevent it from going in mouth and nose…

    Nasty stuff…
    The oxidation of plutonium represents a health hazard since the resulting stable compound, plutonium dioxide is in particulate form that can be easily inhaled. It tends to stay in the lungs for long periods, and is also transported to other parts of the body. Ingestion of plutonium is considerably less dangerous since very little is absorbed while the rest passes through the digestive system.

  16. You can repost, everything…

    But I have no proof I live in america…

    Test the powder with a geiger counter…

    Its the easiest test you can do…

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  19. Terrific post! News: Japan after the typhoon | Fukushima Diary seriously makes my morning a little better 😀 Continue on together with the wonderful posts! Cheers, You

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


September 2011