Breaking News: We are running out of time

Within the 30km zone surrounding the Fukushima dai-ichi power plant, there is a certain amount of despair setting in regarding the question of whether or not residents will ever be able to return to their homes. Serious problems remain. “In reactor three, which suffered a meltdown, fuel rods containing plutonium perforated the bottom of the containment and embedded themselves in the basement of the building. Just where and how far the plutonium travelled, no one quite knows”. (political commentator Jirou Honzawa)

On the tenth of August, LDP party and Diet member Seiichi Murakami posed the question of the whereabouts of the plutonium to the budget steering committee of the lower house, but neither Minister of health, Labour and Welfare Ritsuo Hosokawa nor his fellow ministers were able to provide an answer.

The day after the question, Jirou Honzawa interviewed the member Murakami. “The plutonium is certainly buried deep within the basement, but where exactly is anyone’s guess, and no one is able to pin it down. Obviously, the ocean is right next to the facility, so there’s no question that underground water is flowing into the sea. TEPCO is absolutely avoiding checking this out, and the government and the mass media are keeping a tight lid on this whole stinking mess.

Immediately after the accident, when it was announced that low-level contaminated water was to be discharged into the ocean, Murakami raised the possibility than contaminants might be carried far past the Alutian archipelago and possibly reach as far as San Francisco. however the government was unable to provide a compelling rebuttal. “Contamination of the ocean is continuing steadily. The scary thing is that unlike cesium, plutonium has a half life of 24,000 years, longer than anyone can fully comprehend. That’s how long this pollution of the ocean will continue, and if we don’t come to grips with this one way or another, we are going to fall afoul of international law. Those countries affected by the oceanic contamination are going to demand damages, aren’t they? But of course the government is preoccupied with short-term concerns, and are failing to get a handle on the situation.” (Honzawa)

We are running out of time.

“Gefahren von Plutonium, das im Boden begraben ist”
Innerhalb der 30 km Zone, die das AKW Fukushima Dai-ichi umgibt, gibt es in gewissem Ausmaß eine Verzweiflung bezüglich der Frage, ob die Bewohner jemals in ihre Häuser zurückkehren können, oder nicht. Ernsthafte Probleme bleiben bestehen. “In Reaktor drei, in dem eine Kernschmelze stattfand, durchbohrten Brennstäbe mit Plutonium den Boden der Sicherheitshülle und lagerten sich im Fundament des Gebäudes ein. Es weiß keiner genau, wohin und wie weit das Plutonium gewandert ist.” (Polititischer Kommentar, Jirou Honzawa)

Am 10. August hat der Parlamentarier Seiichi Murakami, Mitglied der LDP [Liberaldemokraten], an die Haushaltsplanungsgruppe des Unterhauses die Frage gestellt, wo sich das Plutonium befindet, aber weder der Minister für Gesundheit, ARbeit und Wohlfahrt, Ritsuo Hosokawa, noch seie Ministerkollegen waren imstande, eine Antwort zu geben.

Am Tag nach der Frage hat Jirou Honzawa das Mitglied Murakami interviewt. „Das Plutonium ist sicher tief im Fundament eingelagert, aber wo es genau ist, das kann man nur raten und keiner kann es feststellen. Offensichtlich ist der Ozean direkt neben der Einrichtung, daher ist es keine Frage, dass das Wasser im Untergrund ins Meer fließt. TEPCO vermeidet absolut, hier nachzuforschen und die Regierung und die Massenmedien halten einen Deckel über das ganze stinkende Schlamassel.

Direkt nach dem Unfall, wenn verkündet wurde, dass leicht kontaminiertes Wasser in den Ozean entlassen werden würde, hat Murakami die Möglichkeit erwähnt, dass die Kontamination bis hin zum Aleuten Archipel und wahrscheinlich so weit wie San Francisco weitergetragen werden würde. Die Regierung jedoch war nicht fähig, dies unzweifelbar zu widerlegen. „Die Kontamination des Ozeans nimmt ihren Lauf. Das Beängstigende ist, dass Plutonium – im Gegensatz zu Cäsium – eine Halbwertszeit von 24.000 Jahren hat, mehr als sich jeder vorstellen kann. So lange wird die Kontamination des Ozeans weitergehen und wenn wir das nicht in den Griff bekommen auf die eine oder andere Weise, dann kollidieren wir mit internationalem Recht. Die Länder, die von der Kontamination des Ozeans betroffen sind, werden Schadensersatz fordern, nicht wahr? Aber natürlich ist die Regierung mit kurzfristigen Auswirkungen beschäftigt und bekommt die Situation nicht in den Griff“. (Honzawa)

Die Zeit läuft uns davon.

‎’땅에 묻힌 플루토늄의 위험’
후쿠시마 다이이치 발전소를 둘러싼 30km 구역 내에서 주민도 자신의 집으로 돌아가 수 있는지 여부의 문제에 관한의 절망 설정의 일정 금액이 있습니다. 심각한 문제가 남아있다. ‘붕괴 고통을 반응기 3, 연료 용기의 플루토늄 구멍 아래를 포함하는 막대하고 건물의 지하에 자신을 내장. 그냥 어디에와 플루토늄이 얼마나 멀리 여행, 아무도 꽤 ‘도 몰라. (정치 평론가 Jirou Honzawa)
8 월 열번째에서 자민당 파티 국회 회원 Seiichi 무라카미는 중의원의 예산 운영위원회에 플루토늄의 행방의 질문 인한 있지만, 후생 노동 Ritsuo 호소 카와이나 동료 목사의 어느 장관 수 있었다 답변을 제공합니다.

그날 질문 후 Jirou Honzawa는 회원 무라카미 인터뷰. ‘플루토늄은 확실히 지하실 안에 깊이 묻혀 있지만, 정확히 누구의 추측이고, 아무도 그것을 아래로 핀 수 있습니다 않습니다. 분명히, 바다 시설 바로 옆에 있으므로 지하수가 바다로 흐르는 것을 의심할 여지가 없습니다.
TEPCO는 절대적으로이 체크 아웃 피하고 있으며, 정부와 매스 미디어가이 모든 악취 혼란에 꽉 뚜껑을 유지하고 있습니다.

즉시 사고 후, 그것이 낮은 수준의 오염된 물이 바다로 배출되는 것을 발표했을 때, 무라카미는 오염 물질이 Alutian 열도 과거까지 진행하고 가능한 멀리 샌프란 시스코로 도달 수도보다 가능성을 높였다. 그러나 정부는 강력한 반대를 제공할 수 없습니다. ‘바다의 오염이 꾸준히 계속됩니다. 무서운 것은 세슘 달리 플루토늄 사람이 완전히 이해할 수 이상, 2만4천년의 반 생명을 가지고있다는 사실이다. 그것은 바다의 오염이 계속됩니다 얼마나 오래이고, 우리가 어떤 식으로든와 그립에 와서하지 않으면, 우리는 국제법 걸렸나 가을 갈 수 있습니다. 해양 오염에 의해 영향을 이들 국가가 손해 배상을 요구하는 거예요, 그렇죠? 물론 정부는 단기적인 문제로 정신이되며, 상황에 핸들을 얻으려면 실패하고 있습니다. ‘

왼쪽에 더 많은 시간이 없습니다.

Dans la zone de 30 km autour de la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima Daiichi, le désespoir monte autour de la question de l’improbable retour des résidents dans leurs foyers. De sérieux problèmes perdurent. « Dans le réacteur 3, le corium riche en plutonium résultant de la fusion a probablement percé le fond de la cuve sans que son positionnement et sa progression verticale ne soient connus. » (Jirou Honzawa)
Le 10 août, Seiichi Murakami, membre du parlement et du parti LDP a posé la question de la localisation du plutonium au comité de pilotage de la Chambre des représentants et aucun des ministres n’a pu apporter de réponse. Ce même Murakami a été interviewé le lendemain par Jirou Honzawa : « Personne ne peut localiser précisément le plutonium dans le sous sol. Mais une chose est sûre, vu la proximité de l’océan, la nappe aquifère est forcément en relation avec lui. TEPCO évite résolument d’approfondir la question et ni le gouvernement ni les médias ne lève le voile sur ce désastre ». Immédiatement après l’accident, lorsqu’il a été annoncé que de l’eau faiblement radioactive devrait être relarguée dans l’océan, Murakami a évoqué la possibilité que des contaminants soient transportés jusqu’aux îles Aléoutiennes et atteignent San Francisco. Le gouvernement n’avait pas pu alors réfuter cette hypothèse. « La contamination de l’océan continue inexorablement. La chose effrayante est que contrairement au césium, le plutonium a une demi vie de 24000 ans, ce qui va bien au-delà de l’échelle humaine. C’est sur cette période que la pollution de l’océan sera effective et si nous ne nous saisissons pas du problème nous allons tomber sous le coup de la loi internationale. Les pays touchés par la contamination de l’océan vont demander dédommagement, n’est ce pas ? Mais bien sûr le gouvernement gère les problèmes au jour le jour et ne maîtrise pas la situation».
Il ne nous reste plus beaucoup de temps.

  1. I check your website every day. Thanks for doing this website.

    You probably know about Arnie Gunderson of Fairewinds – now all his info will be available in Japanese translation.

    His newest video is very good. Just released today, I believe.

    And Chris Busby, Ph.D. is trying to get people to help him send stable calcium and magnesium to Japan, for the children – this can bind some of the uranium, plutonium, and strontium that is damaging their hearts.

  2. There is plenty of Chalk in southern england,not so much magnesian limestone.

    Would it help?

  3. We may be OUT of time. The levels of various toxins knowingly and deliberately introduced into the food and water supplies, the air and general environment, the medications, plus who-knows-what by way of more “medical experiments” and other such things being done by various government agencies (many of whom seem to be trying hard to create more deadly versions of diseases and then spread them around) – are insane as it is, and that’s just one facet of the assault on Americans! Add in Fukushima, the Nebraska plant and the total blackout on info about radiation and how to survive and mitigate it, plus cops killing innocent people with no accountability… The people behind all this and their servants just keep adding to it. We’re pretty much cut off from any input to the government and its agencies. I’m still trying to figure out some way to change things around.


  4. Ian, I agree with you about a few greedy people have already poisoned the earth beyond repair. What is needed? The SHEEPLE need to get angry. We all need to hit the streets like the millions who were protesting the execution of that death row inmate. I don’t think our govt. allows us to even whisper descent but we need to all head for DC & let congress know who they work for. Will that happen? Not likely. It’s illegal & the Patriot act makes people too scared.I read every day how people are arrested with no warrant, no trial, no lawyer, no reason & no limit on time they can be detained. Since our constitution was shredded we have no democracy & few freedoms left. We’ve been screwed, blued & tattooed! Any suggestions? It doesn’t matter who we vote for at all for any office. They’re all for themselves.

    1. the only solution is to arrest the politicians and all Bankgsters,,and those responsible for poisoning the planet and stealing natural resources.Further those criminals and mass murderers responsible for invasions and wars,killing millions of civilians and using DU ammunition.They deserve severe punishment in cages at Guantanamo concentration camp or hanging for crimes against humanity

  5. The media’s concerted minimization of this catastrophe is also shameful.It just goes to show you that money talks…in fact it can say anything it wants..or it can say nothing at all.The world should be paying attention to this catastrophe above all else as it affects us all.Instead we are fed a steady diet of “Its all fine..nothing to see here..move on”..
    The message being repeated ad nauseum is:
    Everything is fine now..its a good thing that this disaster didn’t get really Chernobyl.TEPCO is on top of it and repairs are progressing splendidly.
    I can smell the pile steaming from here.

  6. It…CAN…be too late, but the informed must keep trying to INFORM THE IGNORANT ONES.

    Two choices, really, either fight for survival or give up and die.

    IAMTHEWITNESS [Knowledge *IS* POWER – Get educated]
    (scroogle is your friend)

  7. Pingback: tierarzt

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


September 2011