Unconfirmed Reports: August 14, 2011

[Acute leukemia]


A friend of mine died of acute leukemia.He was saving animals in 20km area in Fukushima.
Really sad. Pray..

[A man from Tokyo had his blood tested in Phnom Penh]

@tokaiama 半年以上板橋在住。原発無関係でプノンペンで血液検査した結果、白血球、血小板正常下限ギリギリ。リンパ球18(正常30-40)好中球82(正常45-70)

Been in Itabashi,Tokyo for longer than a half year. haven’t worked at a nuc plant.
went to Phnom Penh and had my blood tested.

White blood cells/blood platelet (count) ; lowest in the safe standard.
Lymphocyte ; 18 (safe limit 30-40)
Neutrophil ; 82 (safe limit 45-70)

[Fallout above the Kanto area]


My friend checks radiation level every time he boards a plane.He told me,fallout is floating above the kanto area like cloud.

[Abnormal cardiac rhythm by Cesium]

INYAKU Tomoya 印鑰 智哉

Internal exposure by cesium-137 causes abnormal cardiac rhythm.

[Abnormal bleeding]

震災後、農家の人がかわいそうと産地を選ばず食べていたて友人が子宮にポリープができ、不正出血。除去後も大量出血がまる1日続いていました。風邪も滅多にひかない子が。 #hibaku

After 311,my friend was eating agricultural products to save farmers in North Japan. then she had a polyp in her uterus ,abnormal bleeding.Even after the surgery to take it off,massive bleeding last for a day. She has a strong constitution,she hardly has cold.

[Tweet of an expert of ash from a volcano]


Radioactive plumes have been gathered with mud,blown by wind or rain water.It’s hotspot where dead leaves or mud,sand are gathered.You shouldn’t get close to those places.Ground covered with grass keeps hot particles as it fell,so it’s hotspot too.

In a park,the end of chute has hot particles.Wooden benches are risky too.Wood has radiation,so if you sit on it,your sexual organ gets damaged directly.

They should spread these specific information more.

[American government was right]

事実だと思う。小生も近い話を聞いた。@atushi3929: 友人の政府関係者が、ぼそぼそとすまなそうに電話口でこんな話をしていた《原発事故直後、米国が自国民むけに出した避難勧告の80キロが正しい。もし日本政府がそれをしたら福島県だけではなく東北道が通っているため東北がダメになり

My friend is working for the government.On the phone,he told me,”maybe America is right.Mandatory evacuating area should be 80KM area. but if we apply to it,Tohoku highway will be unavailable because it’s in 80KM area,so we couldn’t choose that.” He sounded sorry.

[Tepco has started building sheltering wall]


Tepco has finally started building the sheltering wall into the ground to 30m depth to separate melted out fuel from under ground water vein.
In Fukushima,nothing has been improved,it even keeps emitting radiation.It has already emit cesium as hundred times as Hiroshima,and still there are fuel rods underground,which is 4,000 times as Hiroshima atomic bomb.

[So reliable]

【保安検査官の福島第一原発駐在数】事故時:7人→直後:4人(3人はオフサイトセンター=OC)→12日:0人(7人全員OC)→13日:4人(3人OC)→15日:0人(7人全員OC)→22日2人(5人OC)→4月9日3人→現在3人(夜間1人) #genpatsu #fukushima

How many The Nuclear Agency members are located at Fukushima to save the world?

Before 311 ; 7
Just after 311 ; 4 (3 were at off site center.)

3/12 ; 0
3/13 ; 4 (3 were at off site center.)
3/15 ; 0
3/22 ; 2
4/9 ; 3
8/13 ; 3 (1 for night shift)

About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


August 2011