Settlement report 6/7/2012 -change

Settlement report 6/7/2012


Settlement report 6/7/2012 2




I lost the sense of “height”. The shape of the wave was clear. I couldn’t stand still, had to sit down on the ground, where was not contaminated yet. Everyone sat on the street too.
As sitting on the street, everyone tried to connect to the internet with mobile phone. Now we needed information.
It finally ended. For some reason, I took my own photo. I made a silly big smile. I was thinking of uploading it to Facebook when I finally got the internet. Everyone must want to know what is happening and I want them to know that too. However, we needed to use electric appliance carefully because if the battery was dead, we can no longer use it.

I saw what was happening behind me to check the photo that I took by myself. I had my back facing a shopping mall with 5 floors. In the back ground of my photo, hundreds of the shopping mall staff were sitting beside the mall building. They looked like scared sparrows.
They were still in their uniform, some were from cake shop, some were from cafe, some were from kimono shop. The power was still dead. Inside of the mall must have been completely dark. Items must have dropped off from the shelves. I thought they crawled out of the labyrinth of capitalism.
At the center of the intersection, a cook was arranging the traffic. The traffic lights were still dead. Police was somewhere else. It was dangerous but someone had to do that. Everyone did what they can do. The funny thing was he was still wearing the hat of cook. It helped him to be more recognizable but I had never seen a cock was guiding huge dump trucks or buses in the middle of the dusty street. I heard people were saying, still a lot of people were stuck in the elevators. We didn’t know when the power would be back.

I came back to the building where the office is. A brother of the owner is running is vegetable shop in the next building, and around that time, he was always drunk and practicing golf or something at the entrance of our building. He was a funny guy.
I saw him at a loss in front of the building. His mobile radio, which he always listened to horse racing report, was broadcasting the live Tsunami information. I couldn’t understand if it had already come or was coming. It was NHK but it was completely messed up, I hardly caught the word of “15m” or “19m”.
The old man told to nowhere, “it’s over. Japan is over.” I went into the building.

It was completely dark. There was no window in the stairway, and the power was still dead. I couldn’t even see my own hands. I got to the second floor, where the massage shop is. Luckily, 2 female staff were still there. They gave me a torch and told me they would already close the shop and go home. They also told me it was M9.0, the epicenter was around Sendai. They were checking Twitter. Twitter was the only source of information. I remembered my friend in Sendai.

I came back to the office. Everything was scattered on the floor, but luckily, there was no broken grass. I put everything on the floor because aftershock might drop off everything while we were not here. My concern was the sun. The dusk must be about 18:30. It was already 16:30. Because of the black out, traffic was expected to be a complete mess at night. Also, because everyone tried to go home, massive traffic jam was expected. From the story I heard at the convenient store, train was stopped too. I thought I should go home on foot. It usually takes 1 and a half hour, but considering the traffic, it might take longer than 2 hours. I didn’t want to walk after the dusk because it would be very dangerous. I decided to go home.

Then I heard the scream and complaining of my mother downstairs. She was struggling to step up the stairway in the dark. I was working for my family company and my boss, my parents came to the office around 16:00 everyday. I didn’t know why she had to come here. I helped her with the torch. She was completely panicking, couldn’t judge what to do after the first shock of 14:46. She had her both hands full of random things like cushion or snack etc.. Soon after she came, my father came too. Both were panicking and complaining about the traffic mess.
I had my coworkers (two men) working near the coast. They went to Zushi since early in the morning. We tried to call them but we couldn’t get connected to the phone line yet. I hoped they were safe, but also, I thought they might not be able to come back during that day.
It was already near 17:00. It was already starting to get dark and cold. The heater was dead too.
I explained them that I had to hurry and leave there though it wasn’t still ending time of my work. They said we must wait for the coworkers, but as a matter of fact, whether we waited for them or not, nothing changes. My boss / parents were still thinking in the normal “range”. It was obviously a wrong decision. First, aftershock may have come anytime. Second, the power was still dead, the entire floor, building, and the town would be complete dark. Third, telephone, heater, PC, everything was unavailable. Forth, the place was completely isolated from information. You would never know even if fire happens next door.
I dared to break the rule. It was the first time when I thought more of my life and safety than “company”. I started thinking as an individual. The game changed. You must break the old rule and mustn’t feel scared because you are the leader of your own life. I was already starting to gain some kind of confidence to judge right in emergency.
I couldn’t decide anything at work like all the other 20s because I had no experience, but because no one had gone through this disaster, we were at the same start line. There was no boss or un-boss to survive. Whoever it is, the right decision is the right decision. Even if it’s a president or prime minister, decisions not based on the facts are absolutely wrong. It will cause a disaster. The rule of the game changed.

I was also worried about my turtles. Because it was still cold, I used electric heaters for their cases. If earthquake moved the heaters out of water, it may cause fire. Anyway, I had to go home soon as possible.

My mobile phone got the signal but I didn’t want to waste the battery. I couldn’t check the map to go home, but I remembered the way. When I didn’t even have money to take a bus, I had taken a walk to the office.
Poverty saved me. Dots and lines.

There were other people walking on the street too. Some wore helmets. Some had mobile radio. I walked near those with mobile radio to catch up with information.
Air was unusually yellow. I had to go through two hills. My feet hurt a little bit with my business shoes.
I was remembering the shopping mall staff like scared sparrows.



  1. Reading your story put me there. You captivated me as your audiance. I couldn’t imagine having such a horrific tragedy happen here in New York. I too would’ve thought the same way. In order for saving my life or other’s lives, my mind would take charge and I wouldn’t worry about my boss or anything else. My mind would be in survival mode and it changes the person you are at that time. Words can’t express enough how sad I feel for everyone who is suffering from the radiation fall out. I wish I could have the money and power to bring everyone to a safe and non-toxic living environment. I am so upset the entire disaster is kept on the down low and officials are down playing the severity of the radiation. I understand the damage is done and everyone has to make due with what they have. But, the situation could have been less toxic if TEPCO and the Japan government carried out a plan of action instead of a down play and a late plan of little action. This type of decision making has only made the situation worse. Of course their are massive numbers of people and where could they all go? I understand, but you would think anytime nuclear power plants are erected, a contingency plan for the what if’s………….would be in place. Especially since nuclear power is dangerous to play with. I am a person who doesn’t fit into this world. Because I have a heart with true feelings and I love the earth and I don’t like how humans have taken it for granted. Since I have become aware of my own “Government” and their “TRUE” agenda did I become more out spoken and trying to wake up anyone I can about the reality of the world we live in today.

  2. Wow, you are a good writer. I can easily imagine all of the things that happened to you. You describe a situation, in which it seems like the world is sucked dry of all it’s colours. When you describe your worries about other people, it really hurts my heart. I feel (maybe too much) empathy and it often stops me thinking clearly, but you did really well to ‘hold your own’ and control your emotions. If emotions slip away, in a moment of panic, then it is possible you will have difficulty in rationally thinking.

    As sad as your story is about this time, I really enjoying reading it from your perspective; as Ramona said, you really take the reader there. Very important skill for a writer, so again, thank you for such detail.

    You are absolutely right, “the game changed”. Not sure if you realise, but you are very lucky to be able to change your attitude in such a situation. But maybe, that is not too uncommon, in moment of panic you can think clearer, as certain things become more important (like survival, family, friends, basic life necessities).

    Thank you for sharing, what must be still a hard time to talk about. You did well, if you tried to be a martyr it is possible you would not be here helping the world to understand the situation.

    The sky is darkest just before the sun rise. I hope, with all my heart, that for you, and the people of Japan, that a new glorious sun will rise again.

  3. Iori-san:

    Labyrinth of capitalism … your grasp of english is not only outstanding, but your metaphors are poignant …

    I am glad you are telling your story. It may have taken this long for you to feel comfortable sharing your experiences, which is understandable. Hopefully you will find healing for yourself, too, in this process. Writing is an excellent way to process your experience, feelings, and to gain new understanding of the meaning of it all.

    Please don’t ever feel bad about the choices you’ve made, the decisions you have had to make are being faced by many millions, and more as the years go on … and you will be an increasingly valuable resource, a leader, for those that follow in your path. It is, as you are suggesting in these posts, the path that you may have been meant for in life?

    FUKUSHIMA DIARY FR – Rapport du 7 juin 2012 – Changement
    Par Mochizuki, le 7 Juin 2012.

    Dons : 34 $
    Frais : 0 $
    Reste: 34 $

    Objectif : 2 000$
    Total … : 311,50$
    Trouver : 1 688,50$

    Acquis = 15,6 %
    Manque = 84,4 %

    J’ai perdu le sens de la “hauteur”. La forme de la vague était claire. Je ne pouvais pas rester debout, je devais m’asseoir au sol, qui n’était pas encore contaminé. Tout le monde s’est assi dans la rue aussi.
    Comme j’étais assi dans la rue, tout le monde essayait de se connecter à Internet avec leurs téléphones portables. Maintenant on avait besoin d’information.

    Ça s’est finalement terminé. Sans vraie raison, je me suis pris en photo. J’avais un grand sourire niais. Je pensais la mettre sur Facebook quand j’arriverai enfin à avoir internet. Tout le monde voulait savoir ce qui se passait et je voulais le leur dire aussi. Cependant, nous devions utiliser les sources électriques avec précaution parce que quand les batteries seraient épuisées nous ne pourrions plus nous en servir.

    J’ai regardé ce qui se passait derrière moi pour vérifier la photo prise de moi-même. Mon dos était en face d’un centre commercial de 5 étages. En arrière-plan de ma photo des centaines d’employés du centre commercial étaient assis près de leur bâtiment. Ils ressemblaient à des moineaux effrayés.
    Ils portaient toujours leurs uniformes, certains de la boulangerie, d’autres du café, d’autres du magasin de kimonos. Le courant était toujours coupé. Le centre devait être complètement dans le noir. les articles avaient du disparaître des rayons. J’ai pensé qu’ils avaient rampé hors du capitalisme.
    Au centre du carrefour un cuisinier réglait la circulation. Les lampadaires étaient toujours éteints. La police devait être ailleurs. C’était dangereux mais quelqu’un devait le faire. Chacun faisait ce qu’il pouvait. Le truc rigolo c’est qu’il avait toujours son chapeau de cuisinier. Ça l’aidait à être plus reconaissable mais je n’avais jamais vu un cuisinier orienter d’énormes tas de camions au milieu de la poussière de la rue. J’entendais ce que les gens disaient, il y avait toujours un paquet de gens coincés dans les ascenceurs. Nous ne savions pas quand le courant allait revenir.

    Je suis retourné à l’immeuble de mon bureau. Un frère du propriétaire tient un magasin de légumes dans l’immeuble d’à côté, et autour cette fois, il était toujours ivre et en train de faire du golf ou autre chose devant l’entrée de notre immeuble. C’était un mec marrant.
    Je l’ai trouvé déconcerté devant l’immeuble. Sa radio portable, où il écoutait tout le temps les rapports du tiercé, diffusait des informations en direct sur le tsunami. Je n’arrivais pas à comprendre s’il était encore attendu ou s’il était arrivé. C’était NHK mais c’était inaudible, j’ai difficilement entendu le mot de “15m” ou “19m”.
    Le vieil homme disait à la cantonnade “C’est fini, le Japon est fini”. Je suis entré dans l’immeuble.

    C’était le noir complet. Il n’y avait pas de fenêtre dans l’escalier et toujours pas de courant. Je ne voyais même pas mes mains. J’ai rejoint le 2e étage, celui du salon de massages. Par chance, deux femmes de l’équipe des salariées étaient encore là. Elles m’ont passé une torche et l’ont dit qu’elles allaient fermer le magasin et rentrer chez elles. Elles m’ont dit aussi que c’était un M9.0, l’épicentre était près de Sendai. Elles vérifiaient sur Twitter. Twitter était l’unique source d’information. Je pensais à mon ami de Sendai.

    Je suis retourné au bureau. Tout était dispersé par terre mais, heureusement, les plantes n’avaient pas souffert. J’ai tout posé au sol parce que les répliques pouvaient faire tomber en notre absence ce qui ne l’était pas encore. Mon inquiétude était le soleil. Le crépuscule était vers 18:30. Il était déjà 16:30. A cause du black out, on s’attendait à une circulation en panique totale à la nuit. De plus, parce que chacun chercherait à rentrer chez lui, un embouteillage monstre était attendu. De l’histoire que j’ai entendue au magasin d’à côté, les trains étaient arrêtés aussi. J’ai pensé que je devais rentrer à pied. Ça me prend habituellement une heure et demie mais, vu la circulation, ça pourrait bien prendre plus de 2 heures . Je ne voulais pas être dehors après le crépuscule parce que ça serait très dangereux. J’ai décidé de rentrer.

    J’ai alors entendu les cris et les plaintes de ma mère en bas de l’escalier. Elle bataillait pour monter les escaliers dans le noir. Je travaillais pour ma société familliale et mon patron, mes parents, venaient au bureau vers 16:00 tous les jours. Je ne savais pas pourquoi elle devait venir ici. Je l’ai aidée avec la lampe torche. Elle paniquait complètement, ne savait pas quoi faire après le premier choc de 14:46. Elle avait les mains pleines de choses aléatoires comme un coussin ou un en-as, etc… Peu après son arrivée, mon père est venu aussi. Ils étaient tous les deux paniqués et pestaient contre l’embouteillage.
    Mes collègues (deux hommes) travaillaient près de la côte. Ils étaient allés à Zushi tôt dans la matinée. Nous avons essayé de les appeler mais on n’avait pas encore de ligne. J’espérais qu’ils soient saufs mais j’ai pensé aussi qu’ils ne pourraient pas revenir dans la journéee.
    Il était déjà près de 17:00. Il commençait déjà à faire sombre et froid. Le chauffage était mort, lui aussi.
    Je leur ai expliqué que je devais partir d’urgence et ils pensaient que je n’avais pas fini mon temps de travail. Ils ont dit qu’on devait attendre les deux autres mais prosaïquement, qu’on les attende ou non n’y changerait rien. Mes patrons / parents étaient toujours en train de penser en “mode normal”. Il était évident que c’était une mauvaise décision. Primo, les répliques peuvent arriver n’importe quand. Secundo, le courant est toujours coupé, tout l’étage, l’immeuble et la ville vont se retrouver dans le noir complet. Tertio, le telephone, le chauffage, les PC, rien ne marchait. Quarto, l’endroit est complètement isolé de toute source d’information. On ne potvait même pas savoir s’il y avait un incendie chez le voisin.
    J’ai osé casser la règle. De toute ma vie, c’était la première fois que je pensais plus à ma vie et à ma sécurité qu’à la “société”. J’ai commencé à penser en individu. Le jeu changeait. Vous devez briser les anciennes lois et ne devez pas avoir peur de devenir le maître de votre propre vie. Je commençais déjà à prendre une forme de confiance en mes jugements dans l’urgence.
    Je ne pouvais décider de rien au travail, comme tous les autres jeunes de 20 ans parce que je n’avais pas d’expérience mais parce que personne n’avait celle de cette catastrophe nous étions tous à pied d’égalité. Il n’y a pas de patron qui tienne quand il s’agit de survivre. Pour qui que ce soit, la bonne décision est la bonne. Qu’il soit président ou premier ministre, les décisions qui ne sont pas basées sur les faits sont totalement mauvaises. Elles induisent des catastrophes. La règle du je avait changé.

    J’étais aussi préoccupé pour mes tortues. Parce qu’il faisait encore froid, je chauffais leurs boîtes encore à l’électricité. Si le séisme avait sorti les chauffages hors de l’eau ça pouvait provoquer un incendie. De toute façon je devais rentrer à la maison le plus vite possible.

    Mon téléphone portable avait accroché le signal mais je ne voulais pas gaspiller sa batterie. Je ne pouvais pas vérifier le plan pour rentrer mais je me souvenais du trajet. Comme je n’avais même pas l’argent pour le bus, j’avais marché jusqu’au bureau.
    La pauvreté m’a sauvé. Points et lignes.

    Il y avait d’autres gens marchant das la rue aussi, certains avec des casques, d’autres avec une radio portative. Je marchais près de ceux ayant une radio portative pour attraper les informations.
    L’air était inhabituellement jaune. Je devais traverser deux collines. Mes pieds souffraient un peu de mes chaussures d’affaires.
    Je me rappelais les gans du centre commercial, comme des moineaux affolés.

  5. Iori,

    Thank you for informing us of your experience. It is very important, for us to know what is faraway from us. Here in US people have no idea, and they don’t care often. If they read your story I think they will feel something, hopefully feel a need to get involved to put an end to this mess. Your expression is clear, I feel guilty for enjoying the story, knowing it is about events causing so much stress, and damage!
    Please keep telling your story and updating us, no one can get real facts here, our government is as bad as yours, nothing but lies.
    I am praying, and acting, but still in the dark as to what to do.
    I will also agree with you, your thinking was clear in this situation.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.
