[Column] No compromise

[Column] No compromise

The worst moment I hate is when someone says “Iori, you were right.”.


I know I can be radical. I say those things because I know I’m right. but I don’t want it to come into the reality.


I can’t settle Fukushima, but I can anticipate. That’s what I’m doing.

However, I always want to be more helpful for the real world.

so I came to this place, Cluj for research.

Day1. The next room is “#311”. seems like I can’t get out of there.


I wish I could talk about this project more, but considering my influence on the internet, I couldn’t be too careful to choose words. It’s easy to set me up.


Some people are misunderstanding my situation apparently.

I HAVE moved to Romania. (Perfect tense)


They also say, “Romania is so different from Japan, why did you go to Romania.”

The answer is in the question. I came to Romania because it’s different from Japan.


but 99.998% readers are in America, France, Japan etc.. I feel like I’m having my freedom of speech restricted.(Not by the ordinary readers)


Maybe all I need is the total irresponsibility about being against media blackout.

I can’t even be told “Iori, you were right” without the entire freedom of speech.

I’m starting to think it’s the best for me to farm and update Fukushima Diary on the moon.


My family was always worried about me because I can’t compromise. but for me, it’s been always Live or Compromise.

I actually think I wouldn’t have been able to receive this kind of comments if I have ever compromised.

“I was working as a physical technician in the radiation therapy for over 40 years. So I can assess your Daily News. I’m watching enenews and others too. Your news are objectively correct and newsworthy! I hold your deeds for Japan and the whole world in veneration. Sorry that I cannot donate money regularly. Keep up the good work!”

– Anonymous


I don’t even know if I’m not starving next year. I may not even rent an apartment. but there is one thing that is certain. I will not compromise never. In order to protect my freedom of speech, I’m willing to transform my life style anyhow anytime.



You can ignore the truth but the truth won’t ignore you.


Français :

[Édito] Pas de compromis


[Column] No compromise

Ce que je déteste le plus c’est quand quelqu’un me dit “Iori, tu avais raison”.

Je sais que je peux être extrême. Je dis tout ça parce que je sais que j’ai raison. mais je ne veux pas que ça se réalise.

Je ne peux pas régler Fukushima mais je peux anticiper. C’est ce que je fait.
Mais je veux toujours aider encore plus le monde réel.
alors je suis venu ici, à Cluj, pour chercher.
Jour 1. La chambre voisine est la  “n°311”. on dirait que je ne peux pas en sortir.

J’aimerai pouvoir en dire plus sur ce projet mais vu mon influence sur internet, je ne peux pas être trop prudent en choisissant mes mots. Il est facile de me mettre dans une case.

Apparemment, certains n’ont pas compris ma situation actuelle.
J’AI déménagé en Roumanie. (tension totale)

Ils disent aussi “La Roumanie est tellement différente du Japon, pourquoi êtes-vous allé en Roumanie.”
La réponse est dans la question. Je suis venu en Roumanie parce que c’est différent du Japon.

mais 99,998 % des lecteurs sont en Amérique, France, Japon etc.. Je sens comme si on limitait ma liberté d’expression. (pas par les lecteurs normaux).

Peut-être que tout ce dont j’ai besoin c’est d’être totalement déresponsabilisé contre la censure médiatique.
On ne peut même pas me dire “Iori, tu avais raison” sans totale liberté d’expression.
Je commence à penser que le mieux pour moi serait d’être fermier et de mettre à jour le Fukushima Diary depuis la lune.

J’ai toujours  été un souci pour ma famille parce que je ne sais pas faire de compromis. mais, pour moi, ça a toujours été Vivre ou Faire des compromis.
En fait, je pense que je n’aurai jamais pu recevoir ce genre de commentaire si j’avais accepté les compromis :

“J’ai travaillé comme technicien en radiologie médicale pendant plus de 40 ans. Donc je peux juger vos informations journalières. Je regarde enenews et d’autres aussi. Vos informations sont objectivement correctes et  méritantes ! Je tiens en vénération votre action pour le Japon et pour le monde entier. Je suis désolé de ne pas pouvoir donner d’argent plus régulièrement. Continuez ce bon travail !”
– Anonyme

Je ne sais même pas si je vais mourir de faim l’an prochain. Il se pourrait même que je ne puisse pas louer d’appartement mais il y a une chose dont je suis certain. Je ne ferai pas de compromis, jamais. Pour conserver ma liberté d’expression, je veux pouvoir changer ma vie n’importe quand et n’importe où.

Vous pouvez ignorer la vérité mais la vérité ne vous ignorera pas.

  1. Come back to America and I will find housing that is affordable for you with journalists, some that has been to places you have traveled to. Get a Nymgo account and you can make calls anywhere for a penny a minute.

  2. I do understand you i hate to be right to.every thing i have thought about fukushima has bin worse than i thought :((

  3. /watch?v=zgcW6Hzn46w
    the whole video is worth watching, however if you’re interested in the cause of Fukushima disaster watch from 3:55-hours
    Thank you

  4. You are in Cluj?

    I’ve followed your blog since shortly after you started it and have wanted to help out in some way (been too broke to donate any funds) and while you’re in Cluj I might be able to. A friend of mine and her husband has started a “sustainable living” school nearby. Students usually stay in Alunisu (the one near Huedin). They opened it a couple of years ago and it might be a good networking opportunity for you, among other things. They’re located about 60 km from the Cluj Napoca airport.

    If nothing else it’d probably be very encouraging to see a project like theirs in the face of all the discouraging news the world seems to be full of (so if nothing else, maybe take a day off for some kawaii?). She’s a longtime friend of mine from the U.S. and her husband is from Holland so they get a very diverse set of students from all over. Their website w/location and contact info is http://www.provisiontransylvania.com/ (I’m not personally affiliated with the school as I’m still stuck in the U.S. for the moment, but they’re as good a group of people as you’ll meet anywhere).

    Good luck, and keep up the good work!

  5. It is greatly intelligent for Japan to manufacture high efficiency automobiles. This automotive energy conversion efficiency produces a vast global demand for Japanese automobiles. Japan automobile manufacturers were extremely wise for choosing efficiency. USA automobile manufacturer, General Motors defied this market need; which resulted in their total ruination.

    It is unfortunate that Japan has never made the same decision to pursue energy conversion efficiency; in the electrical grid and consumer equipment. There are KNOWN, but ignored energy conversion efficiencies at the source and the load. Such energy conversion wastefulness works AGAINST Japan in many ways. So for example, Japan HVAC equipment uses the highly efficient Wanlass electrical motor designs in single phase applications. However, Japan does not use, or manufacture for export the equally beneficial three phase electrical motors also invented by Chris Wanlass in the 1970s. Japan has mindlessly followed the wastrel path of General Electric, while wisely ignoring a similarly disastrous propaganda from General Motors.

    There are MANY other KNOWN energy conversion inefficiencies working to the manifest detriment of the Japanese People. Electrical Power Plant energy conversion inefficiency is another glaring example.


    Bill Duff

    1. AC electrical motors, from an electrical power engineering specialty prospective, presented to a non-specialist engineer, and/or the public, can be described with two (2) energy conversion parameters. These parameters are 1) Power Factor and Wattage. We shall simplify the terminology of power and energy, by using a 1 second time frame; where the two are identical.

      The KEY ‘take-away’, for overall system energy conversion efficiency can be simplified to a combined term called ‘Volt•Amp’ Efficiency. The most effective overall system energy conversion efficiency occurs in electrical motors with the lowest MEASURED amperage (electrical current). These are called ‘High Power Factor’ motors or ‘High Volt•Amp’ efficient designs.

      Two diversions are often used by the ‘Inefficiency Industry’. One is simple heat generation inside the motor, which is called ‘Real-Efficiency’ or Wattage Efficiency. This diversion is an attempt to hide electrical system losses which are caused by low power factor electrical motors. It is too narrow a technical term to serve a society or a planet.

      The second diversion typically relates to the uniqueness of the Wanlass Motors. At the time of their invention, the Wanlass Electrical motor designs were a Quantum Leap forward. Some comparable High Volt•Amp efficiency motor designs have been invented, such as the Otto Smith designs. None have EVER been placed into manufacture or general use, due to the antagonistic actions of the ‘Inefficiency Industry’ and their lackeys in government and the media press.


      Bill Duff

  6. The thermodynamic energy conversion efficiencies of electrical generation plants have generally remained quite low; in spite of many available efficiencies. The turbine, generator and nuclear industries gain some profits by selling more equipment; due to the deliberate inefficiencies.

    Such schemes result in more nuclear power plants and more conventional fuel power plants than are necessary. Good for Turbine sales and BAD for Japan. It is also bad for the USA, but such GOOD news is shouted down, just as the message of the Fukushima disaster has been rudely shouted down.

    CCLC (Cascading Closed Loop Cycle) system designs can produce far better results than the antiquated Combined Cycle and simple Gas Turbine systems that are generally in use today.


    Bill Duff

  7. William Edwards Deming aided Japan’s economic recovery after World War II and spurred the subsequent global success of many Japanese firms in the late 20th century. Deming’s Quality Control methods were rejected in the USA; then adopted in Japan in the 1950s. The remaining USA firms were driven to adopt the methods in the 1980s, to survive.

    I suspect that a similar pattern will be required to achieve efficient, point-of-use energy conversion. The USA will likely only follow in the footpath of the Japanese. Such innovations in efficiency have been to date effectively stymied on a global basis. The energy conversion inefficiencies most profoundly affect energy importing nations, such as Japan; and until recently – The USA. The abundance of domestic natural gas supplies is working AGAINST adoption of efficiency technologies in the USA. Corrupt equipment suppliers such as General Electric are dead-set against energy conversion efficiency. Inefficiency and waste increase sales for nuclear power plants, steam turbines and generators. This is a lousy way to operate a nation. It is a stupid way to operate a planet. I hope to DRIVE the USA to energy conversion efficiency; using the nation of Japan as a whip.


    Bill Duff

  8. — Compromise —

    It is irrational to compromise with those who have attempted to kill you, your family, village and prefecture. Oh and they stupidly and negligently poisoned your ancestral homeland and food-supply, as well as a vast expanse of Planet Earth. Their endless apologies are insincere and do not include any endeavor to do better in the future.

    Compromise with such low-life-dirty-dogs would appear to be cowardly, dishonorable and stupid.

    Refusal to compromise is a mark of virtue, under the present circumstances, by my lights. War, by any means at hand, against the likes of these miscreants, is just. Not at all like the banal inanity recently ‘pitched’ to the USA citizenry by Barack Obaman. I think that you are waging a highly effective battle against TEPCO, the media and compromised government officials. IMHO


    Bill Duff

  9. I’m fairly new to your site. I found you by accident, while searching for information regarding the oil spill cleanup in the gulf of Mexico. The worlds sea food supply is in serious jeopardy and that was what my search was about. News about Fukushima is almost non existent here in the U.S. I just wanted to say thank you for the information you provide, and That I am sharing your articles daily as this is an issue that far outweighs the BP spill. The two disaster’s together will at some point have a serious impact on the global food supply which cannot be undone. Now if Monsanto should have some freak accident in regards to their genetic engineering of food sources, and farmers lose crops to unpredictable weather, we could be looking at global famine conditions. The media blackout of these issues is unacceptable, so as long as you keep providing information, I will keep passing it on. At some point the human race needs to slow down with technology, and speed up with disaster control. Again, I just wanted to say thank you.

  10. While I still find it a little bit ironic that you’ve moved to the neighboring country of an even worse nuclear disaster 27 years earlier, I’ve come to appreciate your tenacity.

    It has been two and a half years, yet you still show exceptional vigor and fervor. I don’t think we will ever see eye to eye but I do appreciate your passion and sincerely hope that you find personal solace in the path you have chosen.

  11. It is difficult to maintain a total stance of ‘no compromise’. For example, we continue to purchase electricity from the grid. Thus, Japanese electrical power consumers, are paying TEPCO and other nuclear power plant operators for electricity. The electrical grid and nuclear power plant stakeholders in Japan and elsewhere, have spent decades intertwining the system to create this dilemma. It is not financially feasible for most families and businesses to entirely disconnect from the electrical power grid. Practical, incremental steps can be taken to reduce our electrical power needs.

    In most of the world the major portion of the total utility bill relates to heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC). Major appliances contribute the next level of utility expenses. Lighting is no longer a major utility load. Consumers and businesses can reduce their financial support of the Nuclear Power Plant industries, by reducing their electrical power use. This object is best accomplished by switching appliances. So for example, natural gas and/or propane can be easily used for heating and cooking. The same fuels can be used for cooling and refrigeration. Thus, a refrigerated air unit, heat pump (compressor) can be spun by a natural gas engine or by an electrical motor. Similarly gas refrigerators are available.

    Japanese families and businesses, and others throughout the world, can replace their electrical appliances and HVAC equipment with natural gas powered alternatives. This direct energy conversion ‘on site’ is typically MUCH more efficient than purchasing electrical power, which is a ‘double-conversion’ process. So, the purpose is accomplished; and money is saved. In this fashion, the addiction to nuclear power plant electrical generation can be gradually broken. It seems to me that such MARKET actions are often more effective and quicker than public protests. ‘Starve the Beast’.


    Bill Duff

    1. The bridge to safety

      Electrical motors are the main load on the AC electrical grid and in homes and businesses. And AC electrical motors have internal (heat) losses and create additional losses on the AC electrical power grid (power factor/VAR). So replacing electrical motors with natural gas engines is the bridge; to breaking the nuclear power plant addiction, in Japan, France, Germany, Great Britain and the USA.

      A home which has substantially replaced the electrical motors with natural gas engines; CAN with some effort, disconnect (partially or totally) from the AC electrical grid. Solar Voltaic and Wind Power are utterly useless, without substantial load conversion to natural gas powered equipment. With the motors removed, a suitable DC (battery) system can be installed to handle the lighting and control loads. The same holds true for businesses, prefectures-states-provinces and nations.


      Bill Duff

      1. Examples only:

        I am not trying to endorse or sell any product or particular manufacturer. A few (Natural Gas/Propane) appliances were quickly surfed up, to demonstrate the concept of (point-of-use) direct energy conversion rather than the multiple energy conversions required in the AC electrical grid. (Lighting, controls and circulating fans are trivial electrical loads.)

        http ://w youtube com (/watch?v=oDPyKSyte5c)
        https ://www lehmans.com (/p-4427-dometic-natural-gas-refrigerator) aspx
        https ://www thenaturalhome com (/gasappliances) htm

        It is virtually certain that Japanese manufacturers now produce or could quickly produce such goods. The characteristic EXCELLENT product development process in Japan probably has such items ‘on the shelf’. It is easy to find, once you know to look.


        Bill Duff

      2. Weaning off the AC Grid

        Another product example for weaning off the AC Electrical Grid. And again this is not an endorsement of a particular company, fuel, technology, product and/or supply chain.

        IntelliChoice Energy http:// www (iceghp) com/ — Some details and data are at subdirectories: (benefits) & (Intellichoice_Energy_Product_Brochure)

        This particular USA company, manufactures commercial air conditioning (HVAC) products. The scroll pump (compressor) is driven by a small natural gas engine rather than an electrical motor. The ‘waste-heat’ from the system is available for hot water applications such as in: car-washes, apartment buildings, hotels, laundrymats, grocery-stores, hospitals and swimming pools. These particular natural gas modules range from 8 Ton to 15 Tons HVAC. This particular brand can be converted from natural-gas (methane) to propane (LPG) use, by turning a 3-way valve and punching a ‘propane’ button on the control panel.

        No doubt Japanese Manufacturers have comparable, perhaps even superior, HVAC products. Thus the Japanese People can DIRECTLY remove TEPCO and the other Nuclear Power Plant Operators as their key energy conversion vendor. The protests are important, but a FEASIBLE COMMERCIAL alternative is ESSENTIAL. IMHO “Starve The Beast” is a plan of action. Money savings are present, due to greater efficiency, for such ‘point-of-use’, direct energy conversion.


        Bill Duff

      3. Breaking the GRID addiction:

        A Japan based GHP system manufacturer was located. Again, these are technology and availability EXAMPLES only. They are not commercial and/or engineering endorsements. There are likely many other sources and alternatives in Japan and elsewhere.

        Yanmar Energy System Co., LTD. Overseas Marketing Dept. 5-12-39 Oyodonaka, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan 531-0076 Phone: +81-(0)6-6451-4503 Fax: +81-(0)6-6451-7955

        Head Office: 5-12-39 Oyodonaka, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan 531-0076 Phone: +81-(0)6-6451-7838 Fax: +81-(0)6-6451-1039

        Catalogue: http:// yanmar com (/product/energy/catalog/pdf/gasHeatPumpAirConditioningSystem/ghp) pdf

        1. This same Yanmar Company also manufactures some MICRO cogeneration AC electrical power supplies for 50 Hertz applications. These units appear to be VERY efficient and well suited for single phase and three phase applications. The Yanmar Company appears to produce products suited to breaking the AC Grid Addiction.

          yanmar com (/product/energy/catalog/pdf/microCogenerationPackage/cp) pdf

          If a sufficient number of Japanese families and businesses BOYCOTT the AC Electrical Grid; then Japan will no longer need ANY nuclear power plants. Little government approval is required to issue a ‘Pink Slip’ to TEPCO and other nuclear power providers, in Japan and elsewhere.

          I remind that these details are for examples only, not a sales attempt or product endorsement. The POINT is that Nuclear Power Plants, in particular and the electrical grid in general are NOT sufficiently efficient for the MODERN world. Their ‘planned obsoslescence has simply materialized in a more dramatic fashion than their schemes of domination and lying, accounted for.


          Bill Duff

      4. One clear glass pie heater.
        Double glazing (commercial refrigerator doors)
        Granite pavers.
        Stack granite pavers inside pie heater.
        One upside down aluminium bonnetcar resting against a wall facing the equator, Angled to form a radiant heat reflector to base of granite pavers.
        Sheepskin lined wooden box cover for the whole thing.
        Equals retained heat solar cooker, permanent pie warmer.
        In the US you have soapstone which is a more efficient heatbank than granite.
        Gilligans Island is only a bad government away….

        1. Helen,

          Let’s try that heater at Point Barrow Alaska, above the Arctic Circle.

          Summer: the sun circles the sky, so the heater would work for about 1 hour per day.

          Winter: the sun does not rise above the horizon.

          So the Pie Warmer works about 1 hour per day for about 3 months per year.


          Next let’s consider the American South:

          Cooing is needed and is most of the energy/power requirements for homes and businesses. Heating and/or cooking are trivial components of the energy power needs of homes and commercial applications in the American South. The Pie Warmer is a waste of materials, money and real-estate.

          Might be a useful demo for a children’s summer camp. The Pie Warmer design has no general utility in the USA. Thanks anyway.


          Bill Duff

    2. Point-of-Use Energy Conversion

      A large number of off-grid technologies and products have been developed fo:r automotive, recreational vehicle, boating, truck, farm, ranch, aircraft, military and oil/gas offshore platforms. Some of these use DC power (batteries) rather than AC electrical power from the grid. Basic appliances and DC electrical motors are thus commercially available in several DC voltages.

      If memory serves (in the USA): land-based telephone systems use 48 Volt Direct Current (VDC), Trucks and Aircraft use 24 VDC, Trains use 72 VDC; while most other industries use 120 VDC or 240 VDC. Using as an example, 12 Volt (6 cell) car batteries or the more suitable ‘deep-cycle’ battery technology; a 24 VDC system would use two (2) marine batteries (in series), a 48 VDC system would require 4 batteries (in series). To double the ‘back-up-time’, for a particular system, just double the number of batteries and connect them in parallel.

      So for example, emergency cooldown pumps for most (all) conventional electrical power generation stations are battery powered. Nuclear power plants, such as Fukushima can be as easily cooled by diesel powered pumps rather than by electrical power pumps. So also, this Fukushima ‘ice-wall’ can be more efficiently powered by direct engine drives than electrical motors. Redundancy would REQUIRE it. Actual Redundant Emergency Planning would require several types of prime mover.

      TEPCO is killing the Japanese People, lying to them and robbing them. The Nipponese might consider ‘point-of-use’, site conversion for their energy needs as an alternative. “Starve the Beast!”


      Bill Duff

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


September 2013