Yamashita admits he exaggerated the safety of under 100mSv/y

Yamashita, Mr 100mSv admitted health risk under 100mSv/y of radiation exposure in his reply to open letter from a lawyer / journalist Mr. Hizumi.


Open Letter


Even ICRP admits there is no threshold of radiation exposure, but you have been stating there is no health risk if it’s under 100mSv/y. Give us the reason why.

Additionally, because you stated there is no risk under 100mSv/y, there is the social pressure to bash people conscious about radiation in Fukushima. Those people to choose food from west Japan or try to move to Okinawa are criticized  unfairly. What’s your opinion about that ?


Answer from Yamashita


About the threshold about dose, I don’t disagree to the hypothesis of ICRP about the linear causal relationship between radiation dose and health risk.
I apologize for exaggerating the safety of radiation exposure under 100mSv/y. I am sorry for causing anxiety and distrust.
I admit there was miscommunication about protection from radiation and health risk from the emergency situation just after 311, which was my fault.
If there are prejudice or discrimination among some of the Fukushima people, we must solve that problem.


Open letter (Original)






福島県立医科大学副学長山下俊一 殿



弁護士・NPJ編集長 日隅一雄


冠省 4月13日付け公開質問状に対し、同月25日付けの回答をいただきました。ありがとうございます。






① 実験発がん研究(パラグラフ259、260)の結論(「全体として、実験発がん研究からの関連する動物腫瘍データは、低線量では、しきいのない直線性の線量反応関係を支持する傾向にある」)(「いろいろなタイプの腫瘍に対する総合的な線量反応関係を表すとされる放射線関連寿命短縮についての実験研究では、幅広い線領域で直線的な線量反応が示唆されている」)、

② 癌発生のメカニズムからのアプローチ(パラグラフ261~263)の結論(「この考え方でいくと、それより下の線量であれば全ての放射線誘発損傷が忠実に修復されるという線量の存在を強く支持する事実はない」)(「このことは更に、放射線誘発効果においてあるかもしれないしきいの存在に反対するものである」)、(「線量と、時間-線量関係にかかわるメカニズムの現在の理解と量的データとは、低線量における直線的線量反応と矛盾しない。そして、それ以下では影響がないと思われるしきい線量を強く支持する事実もない」)、

③ そのほかの新しいデータ(パラグラフ264)に関する現時点での考え方(「これらの現象を、低レベル放射線へのヒト被ばく集団における潜在的リスクの推定に含まれるべき要因として評価する前に、これらの現象のメカニズムのよりよい理解、それがどの程度体内で働いているか、互いにどういう関係にあるかを知ることが必要である」)、

④ 確率限界からのアプローチ(パラグラフ265)に関する考え方(直接しきい値の存否とは関連しない)






第3の質問は、貴職は最新の知見を重要視されているようです。そうであれば、閾値の存在を否定する方向での文献やデータ、あるいは、チェルノブイリでの健康被害に関する新しい報告についてはいかに考えますか。閾値がある方向でのデータのみを引用されるのではバランスがとれていないと言わざるを得ません。閾値がないという最新の知見や被害実態に関するデータが事実ではないと否定できるのかできないのかについて根拠を挙げてお答え下さい。閾値がないとする文献としては、NAS/NRC(National Academy of Science/ National Research Council)の「第7 次報告書(BEIRⅦ) 」(10頁の「結論」という項目で、低線量被曝と癌発生との間に直線的な比例関係がある旨書かれています)のほか、「NCRP、2001」、「UNSCEAR、2000」などがあるようです。











なお、前回同様、本書面は、News for the Peple in Japan(http://www.news-pj.net/)及び当職が運営しているブログ「情報流通促進計画」(http://yamebun.weblogs.jp/my-blog/)にて、公開させていただくととともに、ご回答の状況についても掲載させていただきます。




Answer from Yamashita (Original)

Yamashita admits he exaggerated the safety of under 100mSv/y





  1. Yamashita has now admitted guilt in reguard to premeditatively violating the neuremburg code as well as that 800+ year old document, the Magna Carta.
    Yamashita’s premeditated lie about the safety of huge amounts of radiation is a crime that results in unconsentual modification of the health of Japanese citizens, WITHOUT their consent. This is a capital offense that can be, and should be, punished by EXECUTION.

    Go wash your neck, yamashita…………..

  2. Human lifetime length is tied to many things, mostly environmental like growing seaon, natural disasters, stupid self-destructive behaviors both personal and cultural like smoking, drinking, wars, religious delusions, etc., cause the average life length to vary greatly. Our very recent discoveries of the effects of ionizing radiation from the application of nuclear technologies, on human bodies, makes me wonder if our life hasn’t always been also tied to the amount of natural radiation exposure from both the planet, itself, and radiation constantly bombarding us from space. Studying the available literature on the subject, “they” always talk about how much radiation we can “tolerate” without significant effects. “They”, of course, have a pecuinary and personal agenda screwing up any kind of serious study to meet their own goals. Personally, I believe that the very first extraterrestrial gamma ray to pass through us, even in the womb, starts subtracting from our preset ionizing radiation allotment, probably before the moment of conception, as you can now see in Chernobyl Children.

    This makes our “safe level” for ionizing radiation equal ZERO. Any additional radiation beyond the natural background that kills us around 80-90 years simply decreases our account towards death…..

  3. http://fukushima-diary.com/2012/06/yamashita-admits-he-exaggerated-the-safety-of-under-100msvy/#.T8ygn0hfzS4.facebook

    FUKUSHIMA DUARY – M. Yamashita admet qu’il a exagéré la sécurité sous 100 mSv / an
    Par Mochizuki le 4 Juin 2012 · 5 Commentaires

    Dans sa réponse à la lettre ouverte d’un avocat-journaliste M.Hizumi, M. Yamashita, alias “M. 100 mSv”, a admis qu’il existe un risque pour la santé avec une exposition aux rayonnements en-dessous de 100 mSv / an .

    * Lettre ouverte (Résumé) :
    Même le CIPR admet qu’il n’existe pas de seuil d’exposition aux rayonnements mais vous avez été déclaré qu’il n’y a pas de risque pour la santé si elle est sous 100 mSv / an. Pouvez-vous nous donner la raison sur laquelle s’appuie votre affirmation.

    En outre, parce que vous avez dit qu’il n’y a pas de risques en-dessous de 100 mSv / an, il existe une pression sociale contre les personnes conscientes des rayonnement à Fukushima. Ces personnes qui choisissent des aliments issus de l’ouest du Japon ou qui essayent d’aller à Okinawa sont injustement critiqués. Quelle est votre position à ce sujet?

    * Réponse de M. Yamashita (Résumé) :
    A propos du seuil de dose, je ne conteste pas l’hypothèse de la CIPR sur la relation de causalité linéaire entre la dose de rayonnement et de risque pour la santé. Je m’excuse d’avoir exagéré la sécurité de l’exposition aux rayonnements en-dessous de 100 mSv / an. Je suis désolé d’avoir créé cette source d’anxiété et de méfiance.
    J’admets qu’il y a eu une mauvaise communication sur la protection contre les rayonnements et les risque pour la santé dans la situation d’urgence qui a suivi juste après le 11-3, c’était de ma faute.
    S’il existe des préjugés ou de la discrimination contre quelques personnes de Fukushima, nous devons résoudre ce problème.

    Réponse de Yamashita (Original)

    Source : http://yamebun.weblogs.jp/my-blog/2012/06/%E5%B1%B1%E4%B8%8B%E4%BF%8A%E4%B8%80%E6%95%99%E6%8E%88%E3%81%8B%E3%82%89%E3%81%AE%E5%9B%9E%E7%AD%94%E3%81%9D%E3%81%AE%EF%BC%92%EF%BC%91%EF%BC%90%EF%BC%90%EF%BD%8Dsv%E4%BB%A5%E4%B8%8B%E3%81%AE%E5%AE%89%E5%85%A8%E6%80%A7%E3%82%92%E5%BC%B7%E8%AA%BF%E3%81%97%E3%81%99%E3%81%8E%E3%81%9F%E3%81%A8%E3%81%AE%E6%89%B9%E5%88%A4%E3%81%AB%E3%81%AF%E7%94%B3%E3%81%97%E8%A8%B3%E3%81%AA.html

    Iori Mochizuki

  4. At the very least he should be held under house arrest until a case can be prepared against him and “others” at the Hague.

  5. In “ETHOS IN FUKUSHIMA”, an anonymous person called “buvery” is planning “the ICRP stakeholder meeting” behind closed doors.

    A call of participation is announced only via “bubery”‘s account on twitter, detailed information is hidden.


    “buvery” has spread incorrect information about estimate of I131 exposure (wrong 1000~10000 times!).

    Moreover, “buvery” is radical racist and historical revisionist, shown as his or her weblog below.


    “buvery” is abusing people who want to avoid radiation exposure “abnormal”.

    ICRP and ETOTH must exclude “buvery” as soon as possible, otherwise you will lose the trust of Japanese decisively.

  6. In the end, radiation is simple.
    It biols down to mecanics, simply putt, the distance to the source of rad.
    Thats it.
    We have aprox 1000 different isotops, a hundred regulary isotops, and all of the functions and radiates in different patherns, wawelength and energy emitted.

    A bannana is a rad source, the argument is logical flaw, we are eating rad. and that rad. is infact a danger, that what we have learned in the reasent years, something that we have hadd inour minds before Fukushima happened.
    We just got it all confirmed thrue Fukushima.

    The CT/CAT scan analogy is even worse, its external emitter, and is now way near the danger lewewl given by Internal rad.
    Never forgett that, people.

    And why is everything getting wurse and wurse, and still we are feed shitt and flaout lies, about preaty mutch everything. Stil a year and a half, they stil lie and downplay.

    Stay putt, and gett them ower to you, when the storm comes, it may be to late or to difficould to gett them out when That happens.

    And even I have notised strange tissue and highly lockal “pains” and/or throuth issues like, constant charfing and/or respitory changes. It never give in, even in the opostitt side of the world, we wil be afected to, its just a matter of time.
    The situation is so bad and the future so grim that even I know, that this wil propbably kill me, because I am a out door person.
    I am contaminated, but my level is nowhere near the Japanes and the people in the Nother hemispher in the American continent.

    Do you remeber the beginning, when we talked like this, and I hadd trubles wil beliving my self, but the only thing that we where wrong at, was the scale, it mutch bigger that what I expevcted and atisipated in the beginning.
    The ELE event is not a distant threat, is fu.. real.
    And everything we are witnesingthis days, points at that direction.


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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.
