M6.3 happened offshore Chiba.
The scale was 3 in Ibaraki and Chiba.
Tokyo citizens were talking it last so long.
A medical journalist in Fukushima tweeted like this below.
RT @HirokoAihara: 収まった。でも最近、福島では全く携帯の予報が鳴らないな。なぜ?
— okitukisamaさん (@okitukisama) 6月 5, 2012
It stopped now, but recently the earthquake alarm of mobile doesn’t work at all, why ?
RT @yokonakamura: @HirokoAihara 東京も鳴りませんでした。
— Hiroko Aihara (藍原寛子)さん (@HirokoAihara) 6月 5, 2012
It didn’t alarm in Tokyo either.
Iori Mochizuki