Riot police barricaded the place between official residence and national journalist hall. This is what Japanese government really is.
It went out of control at 19:20 already.
「制御不能になったのは19:20です。それまでぐみ坂は1車線ずつ車が通っていましたが、霞が関に向かう6車線の通りはその時点で人があふれてしまって警察が制御不能に」 ( #kantei 官邸前通行不能に moi.st/509e79 )
— nofrillsさん (@nofrills) 6月 29, 2012
The demonstration went out of order at 19:20. Until then, one traffic lane was available but the six-lane road to Kasumigaseki were occupied by people, police couldn’t take a control of it.
Iori Mochizuki