15% of pregnant woman in Fukushima suffer from depression


15% of the women who were pregnant in 311 or had a birth after 311 in Fukushima are suffering from depression.

Health management division of Fukushima prefecture conducted the research to send questionnaires for 15,954 expectant and nursing mothers this January. 8,886 of them (55.7%) were retured by March, 1,298 (14.6%) people answered “yes” for the question “Have you felt depressed in this month ?” to show that they need mental support.


原発事故:福島の妊産婦、15%に「うつ」傾向 県調査
毎日新聞 2012年06月18日 19時51分(最終更新 06月18日 23時30分)







  1. A 15% rate of depression during pregnancy is not unusual in the general population of pregnant women as whole. It appears that further investigation of pregnant females relative to Fukushima needs to be done in comparison with the general population of pregnant women in order to make it clinically significant.

    I offer these two articles as samnples”

    Prevalence of depression during pregnancy: systematic review.
    Bennett HA, Einarson A, Taddio A, Koren G, Einarson TR.

    Faculty of Pharmacy and Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. heather.bennett@utoronto.ca
    Erratum in

    Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Jun;103(6):1344.


    Current estimates of the prevalence of depression during pregnancy vary widely. A more precise estimate is required to identify the level of disease burden and develop strategies for managing depressive disorders. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of depression during pregnancy by trimester, as detected by validated screening instruments (ie, Beck Depression Inventory, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Score) and structured interviews, and to compare the rates among instruments.

    Observational studies and surveys were searched in MEDLINE from 1966, CINAHL from 1982, EMBASE from 1980, and HealthSTAR from 1975.

    A validated study selection/data extraction form detailed acceptance criteria. Numbers and percentages of depressed patients, by weeks of gestation or trimester, were reported.

    Two reviewers independently extracted data; a third party resolved disagreement. Two raters assessed quality by using a 12-point checklist. A random effects meta-analytic model produced point estimates and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Heterogeneity was examined with the chi(2) test (no systematic bias detected). Funnel plots and Begg-Mazumdar test were used to assess publication bias (none found). Of 714 articles identified, 21 (19,284 patients) met the study criteria. Quality scores averaged 62%. Prevalence rates (95% CIs) were 7.4% (2.2, 12.6), 12.8% (10.7, 14.8), and 12.0% (7.4, 16.7) for the first, second, and third trimesters, respectively. Structured interviews found lower rates than the Beck Depression Inventory but not the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale.

    Rates of depression, especially during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, are substantial. Clinical and economic studies to estimate maternal and fetal consequences are needed.


    Depression during pregnancy: rates, risks and consequences–Motherisk Update 2008.
    Marcus SM.

    Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Perinatal Mood Disorders Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.

    Affective illness is common in women, and the puerperium is a time of particular vulnerability. Gender differences in the expression of affective disorders have been attributed to the impact of hormonal influence, socialization, and genetics. Dramatic fluctuations in gonadal hormones that occur following childbirth, influences the increased incidence of mood disorders during this time. Numerous tools including the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale can be used to screen for depression during pregnancy and postpartum. While screening tools may assist with appropriately identifying women who should be further assessed, their use alone does not significantly increase treatment seeking in women, even when their providers are notified about risk. Many studies demonstrate that only a small number (18%) of women who meet criteria for major depressive disorder seek treatment during pregnancy and postpartum. Additionally, common symptoms of depression (sleep, energy and appetite change) may be misinterpreted as normative experiences of pregnancy.Treatment engagement is important as untreated depression during pregnancy may have unfavorable outcomes for both women and children. Complications of pregnancy associated with depression include: inadequate weight gain,under utilization of prenatal care, increased substance use, and premature birth. Human studies demonstrate that perceived life-event stress, as well as depression and anxiety predicted lower birth weight, decreased Apgar scores, and smaller head circumference, and small for gestational age babies. Postpartum depression (PPD) is a common clinical disorder occurring in 15% of deliveries,making it one of the most frequent conditions to complicate pregnancy. Risk factors include past personal or family history of depression, sing marital status, poor health functioning, lower SES, and alcohol use. Women who have a prior history of postpartum depression, particularly with features of bipolarity or psychosis may be at particularly high risk

  2. Why are the women depressed is the part that is missing. Is it because they are fearful of their newborns outcome with the radioactivity and birth defects, low IQ, cancers etc… Or has the radiation itself gotten to them with extra lethargy and poor health? How is their depression compare with other Japanese women their age, is it more, less or in the median range? Who is studying this data, who is compiling this data… could there be perimeters that exclude other mental health issues, such as anxiety?

  3. They’re depressed because there’s at least 3 steaming out of control nuclear reactors nearby and it’s creating continuous fallout, the nature of which threatens all life near and far, my prescription is the same one as those from chernoble, run/leave, pls/tx.

  4. yellow glowing fuel rod or something in front of reactor 3 at 11:52 am mountain standard time, 2:52 am japan time

  5. Also weird glowing orb “dingleberry, cottonball, tepclown nose” has been steady on top righthand corner of reactor four “in the distance” on tepclown cam.

  6. Mochizukisan, that’s completely normal. Most studies put the rate of depression in pregnant and postpartum women somewhere between 10% and 20%.

  7. This is absolute undeniable delusional, psychosis, schizophrenia, etc, these people should be institutionalized for their own good, if they think their “dear leader” thinks it’s ok for pregnant women to be anywhere near at least 3 steaming, open nuclear reactors. What fantastic tragic delusion. I have a pretty good idea how this story goes.

    1. Hi Intel,

      I have been reading most of your comments and am in agreement. I am certain that the number of depressed people, both sexes are under the duress of the radioactive nightmare as it continues. I know that I am aware of the history and probable future that Fuku brings to the globe and it is depressing; and I am from the northern states of the USA. I have read about the papers not placing condolences because there are so many, and the suicides of a people who have lost hope along with everything that they had as security.

      The government of the USA was aware of the meltdowns of the plants on 311 and they made the decision on 3/15/11 to do nothing. Not even telling us to at least take potassium-iodine. One more betrayal that follows the pattern of the BP Oil environmental disaster in our Gulf of Mexico.

      1. completely agree. There are millions if not billions of Americans now eating radioactive food contaminated by radiation fallout. And NO NEWS AGENCY DISCUSSES IT IN USA. Every bot of grain grown here is full of radiation, every animal is fed those grains and grasses, and I am trying to find places too track birth defects in USA. It is difficult as all the states agencies and CD are now changing their reporting system so you cannot do a simple search for cause of death or rates of cancer. This is being intentionally to bury the truth which will become self-evident overtime. And once reactor 4 collapses, all life on earth forever changes and dies

        1. If you are so worried about nuclear fallout in your food supplies, learn what the US did in the Marshall Islands. fall out from fukushima is absolutely nothing in comparison.

  8. FUKUSHIMA DIARY FR – 15% des femmes enceintes sont en dépression nerveuse à Fukushima
    Par Mochizuki le 24 juin 2012 · 7 Commentaires

    15% des femmes de Fukushima qui étaient enceintes ou qui ont accouché après le 11 mars 2011 sont en dépression nerveuse.

    La division de la gestion de la Santé de la préfecture de Fukushima ont mené cette recherche en envoyant des questionnaires à 15 954 mères à venir ou avérées en janvier dernier. 8 886 d’entre eux (55.7%) ont été retournés en mars, 1 298 (14.6%) personnes ont répondu “oui” à la question “Vous êtes-vous sentie déprimée ce mois-ci ?” pour exprimer leur besoin d’assistance psychologique.

    原発事故:福島の妊産婦、15%に「うつ」傾向 県調査
    毎日新聞 2012年06月18日 19時51分(最終更新 06月18日 23時30分)




    Source : http://mainichi.jp/select/news/20120619k0000m040053000c.html?inb=tw

  9. What’s life worth if people, govt’s, corps can just do heinous things to you, HUH? YOU CAN’T SEE IT COMING AND RECOURSE REALLY MATTERS NOT WHEN YOUR DEALT A FATAL BLOW.


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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.
