Massive gas covered Fukushima plants from 2:30 ~ 5:00 AM of 5/2/2012 (JST).
It looks like it came from around reactor 3, 4.
Tepco explained to Japanese comedian / journalist Oshidori that the gas comes up day and night, and it’s radioactive.
RT @yuric117: 福一の夜に出ている煙のような物は何か?と質問した。水蒸気だと。その水蒸気には放射性物質は含まれてないか?と聞いたら、含まれてございますと。しかも昼夜を問わず出てございますと。その後、東京電力10億ベクレル毎時と回答。おしどりマコさん、大阪弁護士会講座
— Bianca Jagger (@BiancaJagger) April 29, 2012
Oshidori Mako talked at Osaka Bar Association when she asked Tepco , “We see gas coming out from Fukushima plants at night. It looks like smoke. What is that ? ” Tepco replied it’s water vapor. She asked them again, if it’s radioactive. They answered it is radioactive, and it comes out in day time and night time.
Iori Mochizuki