Following up this article..240,000 Bq/Kg at 5km from Imperial Palace
Mr. Ishikawa, who found this black substance finds the same substance at many other locations in Tokyo.
She tweeted like these below,
— 石川あや子 (@3sisters3) May 15, 2012
found black substance near the entrance of an elementary school of Tokyo.(3/21) It was removed a few days later than I found it, but it came back around the end of April. We need to repeat decontamination for years.
【黒い物質@東京③】都内で採取した「黒い物質」のCs濃度(Ge半導体検出器での分析)江東区内:1.295μSv/h→ 134Cs 37,596Bq/kg、137Cs 53,344Bq/kg合計90,940Bq/kg ※写真4/24…
— 石川あや子 (@3sisters3) May 14, 2012
Cesium concentration of the black substance (Surface dose : 1.295μSv/h) found in Kotoku Tokyo. (Measured by germanium semiconductor detector)
134Cs 37,596Bq/kg
137Cs 53,344Bq/kg
Total 90,940Bq/kg
The picture was taken on 4/24.
Iori Mochizuki