Breaking News: Plutonium found in 45km area

First time since 311, Tepco officially admitted that they found plutonium out of the plant area.

They found plutonium at 6 different locations including Iidate mura, where is the furthest from the plants. (45km)

According to Tepco’s announcement, they got the data below, in the furthest area,Iidate mura. (45km)

Plutonium-238 = 0.82 Bq/m2

Plutonium-239 + 240 = 2.5 bq/m2

It is rational to think the data taken in Iidate mura shows the lowest level of contamination. However,they have not disclosed any other data from other places yet.

“Experts” say, they could not assume plutonium flies that far, however, it is not impossible.

Maybe it went out to the atmosphere with H2O from melted fuel rods and was carried away by the wind.

Ministry of Science conducted measurement from June to July.

They researched in the 80km area, at 100 different locations.

It has been longer than 6 months since 311.

It’s very guilty for them to hide the obvious fact for 6 months and had innocent citizens exposed to plutonium.

On the very same day, 9/30/2011, Japanese government lifted the mandatory evacuation area.

Japanese government is sending the citizens to the hot zone knowing it’s contaminated by plutonium.

The actual Fukushima worker tweeted like below,

Happy20790 ハッピー

20km mandatory evacuation area mustn’t be lifted.
Even when they decontaminate,they only check gamma ray and they never detect alpha ray or beta ray. (Plutonium emits only alpha ray) I’m doubtful if they take it into consideration. They must save citizens from alpha ray and beta ray.


Even in our working place, they had not checked beta ray until August. Since the accident where workers got exposed to beta ray in the process of purifying contaminated water.

They still have not checked alpha ray. Even whole body counter checks gamma ray.


so most of the workers don’t know how much they have been internally exposed. They are not even educated.
Authorities want to focus on only Cobalt or Cesium, but what actually matter are Plutonium and Strontium, which they don’t measure.

Even the effectiveness of decontamination is questionable.

On September 14th, 2011, we carried out an environmental radiation levels measurement in Watari district, Fukushima city. We were told that “decontamination” had been performed, but the sediment deposits in (drainage) ditches – in which the highest levels of radiation were recorded in June-, are impossible to get to (/unreachable), and (as a consequence(?)) the radiation levels above the ground surface were twice as higher (in September) than previously recorded (=in June).

As a model of “decontamination” made for districts, certain school-commuting routes became the target of this (systematic) decontamination plan (/model?) (=were decontaminated?), but (“the implementation of the decontamination model on areas”), according to that report (from Sept), the radiation levels continue to be as high as 1〜2 μSv/h , as an average, without decreasing more than 70%. Even according to this time’s testing (measurements), in the areas surrounding those school-commuting routes above the ground surface were measured extremely high levels of radioactivity, exceeding 20 μSv/h.

The contamination of the concrete and roofs – which are exposed in a similar way- can not be cleaned (/decontaminated) even if they are washed by high pressure aqueous cleaning, and they are the cause of the high level contamination inside the houses. In water passages and vacant lots, shrines, people’s gardens, -which haven’t been taken into account when the decontamination plan/model was made- are highly contaminated, the highest radiation level on the ground surface being as high as 20 μSv/h. Considering these aspects, we can hardly say the decontamination has been really made.

Am 14. September 2011 führten wir Messungen der radioaktiven Strahlung im Bezirk Watari in der Stadt Fukushima durch. Uns wurde gesagt, dass „Dekontaminationsmaßnahmen“ durchgeführt worden seien, aber die Sedimente in den Abflussrinnen – wo im Juni die höchsten Werte radioaktiver Strahlung aufgezeichnet wurden – sind nicht erreichbar und die Werte der radioaktiven Strahlung über der Bodenoberfläche waren zweimal so hoch (im September) wie zuvor gemessen (im Juni).
Als ein Modell für „Dekontamination“ für Bezirke, wurden verschiedene Schulwege das Ziel dieser Dekontaminationspläne, aber nach diesem Bericht (von September), waren die Werte radioaktiver Strahlung 1〜2 μSv/h, im Durchschnitt, ohne mehr als 70% abzunehmen. Auch nach den diesmaligen Messungen in den Gegenden um die Schulwege wurden auf der Bodenoberfläche extrem hohe Radioaktivitätswerte über 20 μSv/h gemessen.
Die Kontamination von Beton und Dächern – die auf ähnliche Weise Strahlung ausgesetzt sind – kann nicht beseitigt werden, sogar wenn sie mit Druckwasserreinigungsgeräten gewaschen werden und sie sind die Ursache für das hohe Niveau der Radioaktivität in den Häusern. Auf Wasserwegen und leeren Parzellen, Schreinen, privaten Gärten – die nicht in Betracht gezogen wurden, als der Dekontaminationsplan gemacht wurde – sind hochkontaminiert, die höchsten Werte auf der Oberfläche des Bodens liegen bei 20 μSv/h. Wenn man diese Aspekte betrachtet, kann man kaum sagen, dass Dekontaminationsmaßnahmen wirklich durchgeführt worden sind.

9 월 14 011, 공기 선량 측정은 후쿠시마 Watari에있는 지구에 실시되었다.
완료되었습니다 ‘오염 제거’가 가장 높은 복용 수동으로 조사되지 않은 6 월에 기록된에서 도랑의 퇴적물에 있었고, 표면 선량을 두번이나 증가했다 시간에 공간입니다.
‘오염 제거’는 지구뿐만 아니라 낮춘 2 μSv 1 ~ 높은 남아있는 보고서 (68 %)에 따라 ( ‘오염 제거 지역 모델 사업’), 평균 70 %에서 모델 학교의 대상이되었다 길이 또한 / H 선량 공간.
표면은 자신의 학교 노선에있는 설문 조사의 주변 20 μSv / H를 초과하는 매우 다량으로 복용하면 측정됩니다. 콘크리트 지붕 또는 유사한 오염 물질은 고압 물로 씻는 것이 집안 객실의 높은 복용량의 원인이 수에 의해 제거되지 않습니다.
, 높은 복용량에있는 신사과 정원이 개별 주택에 측정되지 않은 오염 제거 지역 수로와 빈 많은에 따라 그 표면에 가장 높은 복용량 20 μSv / H를 기록했다. 오염 제거가 적절한 의미에서 불가능합니다.

From the historical behavior of the authority,they disclose “very” important information when it’s too late.

We better think it’s not 45km area. It must be way further than that.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


September 2011