[Pacific contamination] Cs-137 detected 1km offshore Fukushima plant for the first time

Cesium-137 was detected in seawater 1km offshore Fukushima nuclear plant port. The sampling date was 10/8/2013. The reading was 1,400 Bq/m3.

Since they started sampling in this location on 8/14/2013, Cs-134/137 density had been lower than the detectable level. This is the first time to measure the significant level of Cs-137.

Tepco states this is low enough based on WHO drinking water guideline. It’s not the harmful level.





Fukushima Diary will restart accepting donation from 10/14/2013 again. Thank you for reading all the time.


Français :

[Contamination du Pacifique] Pour la première fois, du césium 137 est relevé à 1 km au large de la centrale de Fukushima


Du césium 137 a été relevé dans l’eau de mer à 1 km au large de la centrale de Fukushima. L’échantillon est du 8 octobre 2013. Le relevé, de 1 400 Bq/m³.

La radioactivité du Cs 134/137 était en-dessous du détectable depuis qu’ils ont commencé à échantillonner dans ce coin le 14 août 2013. C’est la première fois qu’ils arrivent à relever du Cs 137.
Tepco affirme que c’est suffisamment bas selon les recommandations de l’eau potable de l’OMS, que ce n’est pas d’un niveau dangereux.


Le Fukushima Diary ré-ouvrira les dons à partir du 14 octobre. Merci de votre fidélité.

  1. Fukushima Technical update from Russia

    The Voice of Russia, Today, 18:14 http voiceofrussia com/ (2013_10_14/Fukushima-radiation-worse-than-feared-experts-3949/)

    Fukushima radiation worse than feared – experts

    IAEA experts are trying on the ground to sort out work to do away with the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. But the situation grows increasingly tense despite all efforts by the government.

    Hundreds of tons of radioactive water leaked out of the reservoirs and reached the subterranean waters just days ago. It may have likewise leaked into the ocean, says an expert in nuclear physics and nuclear power generation, Igor Ostretsov, Doctor of Engineering. “I am absolutely certain that the radioactive water leaks into the ocean have never stopped, because the plant molten corium is continuously cooled.

    . Japan clearly needs an immediate extraordinary solution.

    As of today, the radiation levels around the plant are so high that staying there for four hours would be lethal for a person. But the Japanese either failed or chose not to use the experience of Russian liquidators who tackled a similar situation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, says Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Vladimir Kuznetsov.

    “Japan has been unsuccessfully trying to get the situation under control for more than two years now, under the supervision of the IAEA. But the situation is worsening by the week. Neither Japan, nor the International Atomic Energy Agency is capable of controlling the situation. The decisions made are known to be wrong. We had a concrete cover for the crippled Chernobyl reactor in six months after the accident, while in Japan they still have nothing now that two and a half years have passed since March 11th, 2011. Background radiation is 400 times the normal levels in towns just 10 kilometres away from the crippled nuclear plant”.

  2. This much is certain:

    TEPCO, Japan, Barack Obama, IAEA, WHO, CTBTO and the global press, have deliberately withheld: essential data, reactor condition status updates, radionuclide dispersal information, population warnings, evacuations, victim decontamination, medical treatment, remediation, and food radiation contamination test labeling.

    And there has been an unbroken string of lies and contradictions, for the past 2.5 Years. One can reasonably surmise that the reality of the Fukushima disaster remains a grave threat.


    Bill Duff

  3. I would change your title to:

    “Cs-137 detected 1km offshore Fukushima plant for the first time publicly”

  4. Deutsch:

    [Kontamination des Pazifik] Zum ersten mal Cs-137 1km vor der Küste Fukushimas entdeckt

    Erstmalig wurde in 1 km Entfernung vor dem Hafen der Reaktoranlage in Fukushima Caesium 137 im Meerwasser entdeckt. Die Probe trägt das Datum vom 08.10.2013. Der Wert betrug 1.400 Bq/m3.

    Seit Beginn der Messung in dieser Region am 14.08.2013 lag der Gehalt von Cs-134/137 unterhalb des ermittelbaren Wertes. Dies ist das erste Mal, dass die Messung signifikante Werte ergab.

    Laut TEPCO liege der Wert innerhalb der von der WHO festgelegten Trinkwasser-Richtlinie und sei unschädlich.

    Quelle: http://fukushima-diary.com/2013/10/pacific-contamination-cs-137-detected-1km-offshore-fukushima-plant-for-the-first-time/

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


October 2013