[Column] 2 things Tepco never want us to ask – Direct leakage of coolant water and welling up contamination offshore

Japan takes advantage of their old image as “the trustworthy gentleman”, it’s concealing the most significant part of the facts. What we think is all is actually only a part of the entire situation, which they want us to see. Here are the two things that they never want to be asked about.


1. Isn’t the coolant water directly leaking out to the sea ?


High level of contamination is measured from the groundwater. Normally, everyone would suspect it’s from the reactor buildings and other related buildings. However they are taking ages to investigate trench and stuff -beating around the bush.

It’s actually easy to identify where the coolant water goes. Just color it. If you see it in the sea, the coolant water, which directly touched molten nuclear fuel, is leaking to the sea. Tepco is given the right to define the causes to take forever to get to what really matters, and media is supporting Tepco by not asking why they don’t investigate it.


2. Some of the contaminated water can go underneath the plant port and directly well up offshore.


Some parts of the groundwater in the plant area goes under the sea bottom of Fukushima plant port. It comes up to the sea far offshore.

The depth of the plant port is approx. only 5m. On the other hand, impermeable layer is 13m deep underground. Groundwater stream goes on the layer and can travel far like an underground river. There are some locations to have groundwater well up in the Pacific but Tepco hasn’t investigated it, nor doesn’t plan to do it. Japanese government doesn’t even mention the presence of such points in the sea.



You can ignore the truth but the truth won’t ignore you.


Français :

[Édito] 2 choses que Tepco voudrait  qu’on ne lui demande jamais : Fuites directes des eaux de refroidissement et remontées de contamination au large


Le Japon tire avantage de sa vieille image de “gentleman honnête”, ça dissimule la part la plus significative des faits. Ce qu’on pense être l’ensemble n’est en fait qu’une partie de la situation entière, celle qu’ils veulent qu’on regarde. Voici deux choses sur lesquelles ils ne voudraient jamais être interrogés :

1. Est-ce que l’eau de refroidissement ne part pas directement à la mer ?

On relève une radioactivité très forte dans les eaux souterraines. Normalement, tout le monde pense que ça vient des bâtiments des réacteurs et des bâtiments connexes. Or, ils mettent un temps fou à examiner les tranchées et et autres – ils tournent autour du pot.
Il est très facile en fait d’identifier par où s’en vont les eaux de refroidissement. Il suffi simplement de les colorer. Si on en voit dans la mer c’est que ces eaux, qui ont directement touché les combustibles nucléaires fondus,  y finissent. Tepco a reçu le droit d’établir les causes, donc de mettre une éternité à dire ce qui compte vraiment  et la presse couvre Tepco en ne leur demandant pas pourquoi ils ne le recherchent pas.

2. Une partie des eaux extrêmement radioactives peuvent s’enfoncer et passer par dessous le port de la centrale pour resurgir directement au large.

Une partie des eaux souterraines se jettent en mer par dessous le port de la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima. Elles réapparaissent en mer loin au large.
La profondeur du port de la centrale est d’environ 5 m seulement. De l’ autre ôté, la couche imperméable est à 13 m de profondeur. Le flot des eaux souterraines glisse sur la couche imperméable et peu aller loin, comme une rivière souterraine. Il y a des endroits où on peut avoir des remontées dans le  Pacifique mais Tepco ne les a pas recherchés, ni prévu de le faire. Le gouvernement japonais ne mentionne même pas  l’existence de tels endroits en mer.

Vous pouvez ignorer la vérité mais la vérité ne vous ignorera pas.

  1. Thank you so much, Iori Mochizuki, for keeping us updated! The Fukushima situation is a great worry…..

    just to make sure ive understood right, this far…:
    there have been 3 meltdowns? -Have all these cores melted through their containers and down into the Earth? What is known?

    The cooling dams/containers for spent nuclear fuel, what is the correct number of fuelrods and what is the current condition of these storage dams/containers?

    Worst case scenario when it comes to the spent fuel storage, breaking down? What can really happen?

    much gratefulness and appreciation for your work.

    Sincerely -Carina in Sweden

  2. Iori Mochizuki San is absolutely correct and confirmed internationally.

    Sincerely, Bill Duff


    Groundwater flows into the Ocean

    ‘Studying Water off Fukushima’ (nhkworld/newsline/nuclearwatch/20130524) Home > NEWSLINE > NUCLEAR WATCH – May 24, 2013 – Reported by Yoichiro Tateiwa: Interview with Ken Buesseler – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    Your view on the issue of the groundwater?

    The groundwater naturally flows into the ocean along the coast, any place in the world. So to say “there is no groundwater flow” doesn’t fit with any science I know. That area at the site has been contaminated from the cooling water used to keep the reactors cool during the disaster, and even today. Some of that water certainly is leaking back out to the ocean. These buildings have cracks. There was a melt-through, so there is definitely a contact of the radioactive materials with the groundwater. That groundwater flows into the ocean. I don’t think there is a question there. How much is coming out is a big question.

  3. Why was the map not published in the Mainichi?

    From Mainichi Shinbun Japanese (1:15AM JST 5/27/2011):

    文部科学省は27日、宮城県気仙沼市沖から千葉県銚子市沖まで南北約300キロにわたる海底の土から、最高で通常の数百倍に当たる濃度の放射性物 質を検出したと発表した。文科省は「海産物に影響が及ぶ恐れがある」としている。東京電力福島第1原発から海に流出した汚染水に含まれた放射性物質が、広 範囲に拡散していることが裏付けられた。

    The Ministry of Education and Science disclosed on May 27 that radioactive materials in concentration that was up to several hundreds of times the normal level were detected from the soil on the ocean floor in the 300-kilometer strip along the coast from Kesennuma City in Miyagi Prefecture to Choshi City in Chiba Prefecture. The Ministry says “the marine products may be affected”. It is now confirmed that the radioactive materials in the contaminated water released [both intentionally and unintentionally] from TEPCO’s Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean have spread far and wide.

    9日から14日にかけ、沖合約15~50キロの12カ所で海底の土を採取。すべてから放射性物質が検出された。濃度が最も高かったのは、福島第1 原発の沖合約30キロの水深126メートルの海底で、土1キロ当たりセシウム134は260ベクレル、セシウム137は320ベクレルだった。

    The soil samples were taken from May 9 to May 14 at 12 locations about 15 to 50 kilometers off the coast. Radioactive materials were detected in all samples. The highest concentration of radioactive materials was detected from the sample taken from the ocean floor, 126 meters deep, 30 kilometers off the coast of Fukushima I Nuke Plant. Cesium-134 was 260 becquerels/kilogram, and cesium-137 was 320 becquerels/kilogram.


    In comparison, in the survey done in 2009 in the approximately the same location, cesium-134 was not detected, and cesium-137 was 1 becquerel/kilogram.


    Iodine-131, whose half life is short and was not detected at all in the 2009 survey, was found at 1.6 to 6.1 becquerels/kilogram.


    The spread of cesium was more concentrated north of Fukushima I Nuke Plant. Cesium-137 at a location off the coast of Kesennuma City in Miyagi Prefecture, 70 kilometers north of the plant, was 110 becquerels/kilogram, whereas at a location off Kita-Ibaraki City in Ibaraki Prefecture, 70 kilometers south of the plant, it was 12 becquerels/kilogram.


    According to the Ministry, “There’s a variation in the amount of radioactive materials due to the variation in ocean floor topography and the effect of the ocean current.”

  4. Truth vs Fiction, Abe obviously gave the side of fiction. Strikes me he is funnelling money for construction to his mates. Has any hosting country not been left with massive long term debt and no benefit from being the host.

    What about locating the leaks, and more so the cores, and doing something for the evacuees?

    Our societies seem to be ever more built on lies,


  5. Anybody could test the ocean, right? Why doesn’t a local university take a boat out, gather samples, and test it? What is stopping local activists to get samples and take it to a lab? This doesn’t make sense. Japan is supposed to be highly scientific and aware of problems with radiation from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What about the melted cores? What is TEPCO’s plan to stop the China Syndrome from happening 1, 2, or 3 times? Doesn’t Japan have space satellites with sensors for radiation, and who has access to that? Why hasn’t TEPCO’s stock price plummet? The Olympic thing is a huge problem becuz no news will be allowed and everything will be smiles and sunbeams even more than it already is. Google: smiling cures radiation.

  6. Mochizuki-san, you are now “the trustworthy gentleman”.
    You are and have earned the respectful title by inherantly going above and beyond the call of duty.

    I say these things not to flatter you, but because it is true in my humble opinion.

    I would not be surprised if the Emporer and his family follow your posts.
    Even though i am gaijin, i still remember his words from over a year ago, though censored.

    Quoted from:http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/03/japan-in-uproar-over-censorship-of-emperors-anti-nuclear-speech/255025/

    His Majesty, Emperor Akihito said:
    “As this earthquake and tsunami caused the nuclear power plant accident, those living in the designated danger zone lost their homes and livelihoods and had to leave the places where they used to live. In order for them to live there again safely, we have to overcome the problem of radioactive contamination, which is a formidable task.”

    “It is important for us to never forget this disaster and hand down the lessons we learned to future generations and foster the proper attitude towards disaster prevention…”

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


September 2013