Following up this article..[Reactor4] Coolant system of SFP4 stopped. Tepco is still investigating the cause.
The coolant system is not functioning yet and the back-up unit is out of order too.
Japanese freelance journalist and comedian, Oshidori received emergency emails from Tepco to follow up.
— おしどり♀マコリーヌさん (@makomelo) 6月 30, 2012
<Translate> Control panel indicated the disorder of UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), UPS bypass power supply, heat exchange unit A/B trip. Tepco is still investigating the cause. <End>
4)・なお、午後4時現在のプール水温度は35.8℃(仮設温度計の指示値)で、使用済燃料プール水の温度が保安規定上の管理温度の上限である65℃に達するまで、約60時間と予測。・現在、現場調査中ですが、新たな情報がわかりましたら、改めてメールにて知らせる。(続 — おしどり♀マコリーヌさん (@makomelo) 6月 30, 2012
At 16:00, the water temperature of SFP4 is 35.8℃ (indicated by the temporary thermometer). It’s estimated to take 60 hours to reach 65℃, which is the safety limit. They are still investigating at the moment. will update by email.
5)* UPS:無停電電源装置*「UPS故障」警報:UPSの異常を知らせる警報*「UPSバイパス給電」警報:UPSバイパス給電中であることを示す警報*「熱交換器ユニットA(B)トリップ」:熱交換器ユニットA(B)の循環ポンプがトリップしたことを知らせる警報(東電のメール16:41
— おしどり♀マコリーヌさん (@makomelo) 6月 30, 2012
UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) is interrupted to alart.
Alart : UPS bypass power supply, heat exchange unit A/B trip, heat exchange unit A/B circuit pump trip
Mail received at 16:41 6/30/2012
Tokyo newspaper reported, the back-up coolant unit doesn’t work, water temperature increases at 0.26℃/h. It was 35.8℃ at 16:00 of 6/30/2012. [Link]
Jiji reported both of the pumps stopped, UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) has gone out of order. The water temperature was 36.6℃ at 18:00 of 6/30/2012. [Link]
Though these 2 newspapers slightly contradict each other, based on what Tokyo newspaper reported, the water temperature increases at 0.5℃/h, it reaches 65℃ at 2:00 of 7/3/2012, and goes over 100℃ at 24:00 of 7/5/2012 roughly estimated. (JST)
However, it excludes the facts that the coolant water decreases as it evaporates and atmospheric temperature rises in day time, it may be faster.
Iori Mochizuki