[Column] We all need to try something new

I never imagined to feel this nervous to touch my throat until 2 years ago.
I check my thyroid, lymph and symptoms of other things that I don’t even want to mention the names.
My feet feel a little bit sweaty to be nervous.

I was exposed in the first week. It’s irreversible. Not so many people can share this feeling in the world.

When I was a teenager, there was a time when my family member died, and we moved to a new house and I had a term‐end examination. I learnt how much stress affects my ability of concentration.

Now it’s not even comparable. I’m not even in my country, and keep moving all the time.
Nothing guarantees my life and health for tomorrow.
but when I knew the reactor3 probably had a nuclear explosion and all the mass media concealed it, I thought I had to move and do something for the truth. It wasn’t a decision to need me to be courageous, it was the only way for me to go.

Nothing to reassure me. Maybe you don’t know how I’m staying sane. I don’t know either.
However, there’s something I must do. This is the most important thing I have.

The mass media lies to you to keep you within the fence.

We have no power. I’ve seen hundreds of protests since last year, but I got to think none of them was powerful enough. As time passes, the protests are getting smaller and smaller.
The longer it takes, the more difficult it would be.

It’s the same as all the other activities. You may protest on the street, school, shopping mall, every corner in a city, but that’s not enough. We need to gather our power.

There were some criticisms but I made a pre-group for the platform of all kinds of the activists. (Facebook)


This is the group to discuss and inspire each other, and it will be closed on 4/11/2013.
It’s just a fb group. There’s nothing to lose.

Probably we are not sharing the same image of realizing the enormous platform because of my bad explanation.
If you long for reaching more people, I think this is a way to go. Sometimes we need to try something new.




Français :

[Édito] On a tous besoin d’essayer quelque chose de nouveau


Je n’avais imaginé ressentir une telle nervosité en touchant ma gorge, jusqu’à il y a 2 ans.
Je contrôle ma thyroïde, ma lymphe et les symptômes d’autres choses encore que je n’ose même pas nommer ici.
Mes pieds sont un peu en sueur de cette nervosité.

J’ai été exposé pendant la première semaine. C’est irréversible. Assez peu de gens au monde partagent ce sentiment.

Lorsque j’étais adolescent, il y a eu une époque où un membre de ma famille est mort, nous avons déménagé dans une nouvelle maison et j’ai passé un examen final. J’ai appris à quel point le stress peu affecter ma faculté à me concentrer.

A présent ce n’est pas comparable. Je ne suis même pas dans mon pays et je dois tout le temps déménager.
Rien ne m’assure ma vie ou ma santé pour demain.
mais quand j’ai su que le réacteur 3 avait sans doute explosé et que toute la presse l’a censuré, j’ai pensé que je devais partir et faire quelque chose pour la vérité. Ce n’était pas une décision qui me demandait du courage, c’était la seule direction possible pour moi.

Rien pour me rassurer. Sans doute ne savez-vous pas comment je fais pour rester équilibré. Je n’en sais rien moi-même.
Cependant, c’est quelque chose que je dois faire. C’est la chose la plus importante que je possède.

La grande presse vous ment pour vous garder derrière ses barrières.

Nous n’avons aucun pouvoir. J’ai vu des centaines de manifestations l’an dernier mais j’en suis venu à penser qu’aucune d’entre elles n’a été assez puissante. Comme le temps passe, les manifestations sont de plus en plus petites.
Plus c’est long, plus ce sera difficile.

C’est pareil pour toutes les autres activités. Vous pouvez manifester dans les rues, les écoles, les centres commerciaux, dans tous les coins de la ville, ce n’est pas suffisant. On a besoin de partager notre pouvoir.

Il y a eu quelques critiques mais j’ai ouvert un pré-groupe pour la plate-forme pour tous les types de militants. (Facebook)


C’est le groupe où débattre et s’inspirer les uns les autres et il sera fermé le 11 avril 2013.
C’est seulement un groupe FB. Il n’y a rien à perdre.

Sans doute ne partageons-nous pas la même image de la réalisation de cette énorme plate-forme à cause de mes mauvaises explications.
Si vous peinez à atteindre plus de gens, je pense que c’est une voie possible. On doit parfois tenter quelque chose de nouveau.

  1. Hello Mochizuki-san, thanks very much for your postings. I am a journalist, writing for The Independent newspaper and The Economist magazine. I’m looking into the thyroid issue. You’ll probably have seen the media articles about reports of thyroid cancer: http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201209120067. As I understand these reports, the doctors are saying that (a) it is too early for thyroid cancer to show up in statistics (it seems to take 4-5 years); (b) there is no need to worry anyway because most children did not inject enough radiation. I wonder if I could hear your opinion about this. I’m also curious about what you make of this: http://www.japanprobe.com/2012/07/21/more-anti-nuclear-fearmongering-thyroid-growths-in-fukushima/. If you’d rather not reply here, my email address is davidamcneill@gmail.com. Many thanks. d

    1. Thank you for your comment.
      That’s so typical.

      4 years.. that’s when the thyroid cancer started showing the rapid increase, so it had been increasing before 4 years passed since Chernobyl.
      That’s also when Soviet Union started getting collapsed so doctors and hospitals became able to implement the survey.

      (b) there is no need to worry anyway because most children did not inject enough radiation… Yeah, stress is more harmful. haha

  2. Guns & Money

    USA government officials listen SLIGHTLY better; ONLY because ALL the citizens have GUNS and know how to use them.

    Revolt and execution are ALWAYS an option in the USA.

    As opposition to government policy increases, USA politicians, officials and judges HIDE from the public. To see an example, TRY to google a picture and address for ANY USA federal district judge.

    Bill Duff

  3. They lied right from the beginning and are still lying to the population about the seriousness of the situation. But most people just do not want to know because the problem is too big for them to tackle. They do not realize that there is a way out = protect oneself by all means. The institutions governed by big financial interests are irresponsible. Populations will suffer greatly !

  4. The explosion videos clearly show that the explosions in FDU-1 and FDU-2 are hydrogen deflagrations (subsonic).

    The explosion in FDU-3 was a detonation (supersonic). The sequence clearly shows an explosion, implosion and then the huge detonation. This sequence IS evidence of a nuclear explosion.

    Then there is the matter of the uranium and plutonium scattered across the region. Also, the STRUCTURAL equipment near the FDU-3 was shown by Gamma Cam to be radioactive which is definitive evidence of neutron irradiation and fission occuring outside the containment stuctures.

    The USA, Tepco, Japan and the CTBTO contine to restrict distribution on the real time data of the radionuclide emissions during Mid-March 2011.

    I consider FDU-3 to be an atomic explosion, until PROVEN otherwise.

  5. Once you hit 40 moving all the time will become a problem. Moving is stressful and after a while stress builds up. I moved for work all the time til I was 37. Then it started to be a problem. Constant moving begins a panic disorder once it starts it becomes hard to stop. Once you get older it’s hard to stop the stress disorder especially if you are still alone and moving around 40. Sometimes it can affect the heart. Sooner or later you will be forced to settle down once you age. When I was 30 I could do anything, take any stress. 40 or 45 is a whole different matter. Beware of this and plan for it. Aging is difficult.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.
