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Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama-city
A specialist dad in Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama-shi collected and assayed a debris found on the rooftop of a condo he lives in at an isotope research facility.
The results are:
- Cs-137 33,659 Bq/kg
- Cs-134 29,775 Bq/kg
- total of 63,434 Bq/kg
- Date of sample collection: 7/24/11
- Date of analysis: 8/10
- Date of report: 8/11
- Date of publication on http://tomynyo.tumblr.com/: 8/15
Below is an excerpt from his site (http://tomynyo.tumblr.com/post/8948007120/7-24)
The screened part in the drainage is designed with a 1/4 inch drop off, and runoffs are directed to it.
There is almost no human traffic [in this area], dusts and particles accumulated quite a bit.
The surface of rooftop made of resin-based material, and the radioisotopes adhered to it when the majority of the radioactive fallout drained into the area and accumulated.
A quick calculation gives fallout amount of 2,730.4 Bq/m2
(To understand the danger of this number, it falls between these two:
370 Bq/m2: Expand protective actions: stay indoors whenever possible, close windows, seal openings, cover gardens with tarps, shelter livestock, avoid ingestion of leafy vegetables and fruits harvested in fallout areas. Expand monitoring of food, water, and milk; discard or avoid ingesting foods and water contaminated by the indicator nuclides I-131 and Cs-137 above 370 Bq/kg or Bq/l (10,000 picocuries, the protection action level used by the US FDA to dispose of imported foods contaminated by Chernobyl-derived fallout). Continue monitoring of ambient radiation levels.
3,700 Bq/m2: Expand protective actions to restrict movement of children, outside workers, nonessential travel, and recreational activities such as hiking and sunbathing. Closely monitor food, milk, and water intake, sources, and radiation levels. Continue use of information technology to keep informed of ongoing emissions. Immediate sheltering is the best option to avoid exposure to a passing plume. source)
I think many rooftops of condos are structured similarly, and this story surely won’t be limited to ours.
黒猫の戯言 – 7/24に採取したうちのマンションの屋上の溝の堆積物の核種分析の結果が出ました。 …
7/24に採取したうちのマンションの屋上の溝の堆積物の核種分析の結果が出ました。 Cs134が29,775Bq/kg,Cs137が33,659Bq/kgで計63,434Bq/kgです。 溝のスクリーンの部分に0.5cm弱の段差があり,水が溝に溜まりやすい構造になっています。 人がほとんど出入りすることがないので,ちりやほこりのような物がかなり堆積していました。 屋上表面は樹脂系の素材で,屋上の降った…
There is also a report of fantastically hot retail compost (leaf mold) (not the first such report).
60,800 Bq/kg of radioactive Cesium was detected in bagged compost, made of Tochigi’s leaf compost and sold in Aichi prefecture. A total of 550 bags are already sold.
*friends in japan, please make this go viral and try to make the people aware of this package*!
【汚染】愛知県で販売された栃木産腐葉土から放射性セシウム6万800ベクレル/kg検出、計550袋すでに販売 | SAVE CHILD