Continuous troubles in ALPS / A filtration part is imported from France

Related to this article.. 4,200,000,000Bq of β and 10,000,000 Bq of γ nuclides leaked from ALPS again / New technology never get into operation [URL]


A part in the filtration of multiple nuclide removing system ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System) is imported from France.


Tepco stated in the meeting of NRA (Nuclear Regulation Authority) on 4/18/2014.


ALPS is having the continuous troubles since they started the hot test in March of 2013. Among the numbers of the troubles, two of the two different systems were caused by a filtration part.

A Teflon-lined sealing part is damaged. This part is assumed to have had radiation degradation though it is the nuclide removing system.


It is not announced what French company manufactured this part. However Tepco added it is taking time to import the replacement.


On 4/19/2014, Fukushima Diary reported Areva is being eliminated from Fukushima decommissioning site. (cf, “Mitsubishi Heavy Industries trying to quit being in cooperate with Areva”, a Fukushima worker [URL2]) It is not clear if this issued part is manufactured by Areva, but if it is, international nuclear industry is starting to be split due to the gaps in technology level.



You read this now because we’ve been surviving until today.


Français :

Sempiternels problèmes sur ALPS : Une partie des filtres est importée de France


Article lié : 4,2 milliards de Bq en β et 10 millions de Bq en γ ont encore fuit de ALPS : Cette nouvelle technique n’a jamais été opérationnelle

Une partie du système de filtrage multi-nucléides ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System) est importée de France.
Tepco l’a affirmé au cours d’une réunion de la NRA (Nuclear Regulation Authority) le 18 avril 2014.

ALPS est perpétuellement en panne depuis qu’ils ont commencé les essais à chaud en mars 2013. Parmi ces divers ennuis, deux ont eu lieu dans deux systèmes de filtration différents au niveau des filtres.
Un joint en téflon est endommagé. Cette partie est supposée avoir été abîmée par la radioactivité alors que c’est le système retenant les nucléides.

Ils n’ont pas précisé le nom de la société française qui a fabriqué cette partie. Néanmoins, Tepco a ajouté qu’il fallait du temps pour importer les pièces de rechange.

Le 19 avil 2014, le Fukushima Diary rapporte qu’Areva est en train de se faire “éliminer du site du démantèlement de Fukushima”. (cf. Un travailleur de Fukushima : “Mitsubishi Heavy Industries essaye de rompre ses liens avec Areva”) On ne sait pas si la partie en question est fabriquée par Areva mais si c’est le cas alors l’industrie nucléaire internationale est en train de se diviser sur des écarts de niveaux techniques.

Vous pouvez lire ceci parce que nous avons survécu jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

  1. France tried to make a good money deal. Sold an experimental product not ready for commercial use and Japan bought it.
    In exchange, France stopped its evacuation of Tokyo.

  2. Interesting …

    Sounds plausible …

    The International Diplomatic Community did evacuate Honshu Island, following 311. USA military dependents were evacuated from Honshu Island, Japan; Mostly to South Korea.

    Many, perhaps most nations distributed KI to their ex Pats and counseled evacuation.

    Did French Diplomats and their families stay in Japan? Did they do so, as part of a Faustian Bargain, to sell an Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS)? Again, sounds plausible, however this point has not been raised before.

    Link(s) … ?

    1. Most French were requested to leave Tokyo.
      The French embassy/Consulate was moved to Osaka from the 14th.
      All French, Swiss, German and many other European countries, were inviting their citizens to leave East Japan (including Tokyo) already from the 03/11 if I remember well. About 50% of some of these populations left within a week on special chartered and military planes.

      1. DKA

        Yes, this matches the general procedures, of the various embassies.

        Some individual nation, might have traveled a different path.

        So, what, if any French, agreed to stay in the Tokyo contamination zone?

        Or is your message something else?


        Bill Duff

        1. >>So, what, if any French, agreed to stay in the Tokyo contamination zone?

          Sorry Bill, I don’t understand your question (maybe phrase it differently or something.

          1. DKA,

            Your statement(s) above are unclear: “France tried to make a good money deal. Sold an experimental product not ready for commercial use and Japan bought it. In exchange, France stopped its evacuation of Tokyo.”

            Were you saying that France did not fully evacuate Tokyo, because of a business opportunity?

            Or that Japan did not evacuate Tokyo, because of French AREVA over-optimism, and salesmanship about the ALPS unit operational capabilities?

            French AREVA also marketed, a ‘rubber’ waterbed as a flood control berm (dam) for nuclear power plants in the USA. The device failed miserably in field conditions in a Nebraska nuclear reactor. Record winter snowpack levels created flooding along the Missouri River, which rose ABOVE the plant design level. Many additional flood control measures and hasty plant modifications prevented flood damage to the nuclear power station.

            AREVA field salesmen may have PROMISED ALPS and the Rubber artificial Berm were commercial products. However NO responsible engineer, in Japan, or the USA considered the products to be fully functional, proven, predictable implementations. TEPCO and Japan heard what they wanted to hear. And Japan did what they wanted to do. The evidence, and the ACTUAL threat level, did not support Japan. Most of Honshu Island should have been evacuated, beginning on March 11, 2011. EXTREME ‘Shelter In Place’ measures were called for, the rest of the month of March.

  3. ALPS has been and will remain obsolete, as we all know thanks to exposé done by Ex-SKF.

  4. Fukushima is out of control

    http www jp/ (news/2014/04/20/national/fukushima-no-1-boss-admits-water-woes-out-of-control/#.U1TE01fHvOe)

    National, by Yuka Obayashi, Reuters Apr 20, 2014

    Fukushima No. 1 boss admits water woes out of control

    Abe told an Olympic Committee meet situation was under control

    OKUMA, FUKUSHIMA PREF. – The (TEPCO) manager of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant admits to embarrassment that repeated efforts have failed to bring under control the problem of radioactive water, eight months after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told the world the matter had been resolved.

    “It’s embarrassing to admit, but there are certain parts of the site where we don’t have full control,” Akira Ono told reporters touring the plant last week. He was referring to the latest blunder at the plant: channeling contaminated water into the wrong building. Ono also acknowledged that many difficulties may have been rooted in Tepco’s focus on speed since the 2011 disaster. “It may sound odd, but this is the bill we have to pay for what we have done in the past three years,” he said.

  5. Japan suffered the equivalent of, on the order of, 100 Hiroshima nuclear bombs, during mid-March 2011. Three (3) nuclear reactors fully melted down, suffered 100% core failures, and suffered explosions. This fact, standing alone, called for an evacuation response and rapid cleanup response of 3X Chernobyl.

    The evidence on hand at the time, CLEARLY indicated that the FDU-3 explosion was an atomic explosion. Black Smoke, Yellow Flame, Explosion-Implosion-Explosion, supersonic detonation, scattered reactor fuel, mushroom cloud, radioactive release, neutron induction of Gamma Radiation in structural metals, fused nuclear fuel, hot particles … and other clear evidences. The FDU-3 explosion, standing alone, was clearly worse than Chernobyl.

    Several Fukushima Spent Fuel Pools sustained damage, fires, lost cooling, and fuel damage. The dangers associated with a single Spent Fuel Pool disaster, at Fukushima, are on the order of 25X that of the Chernobyl disaster, due to the MASSIVE nuclear fuel inventory involved.

    Japan should have instituted EXTREME sheltering in place policies and immediately evacuated all children and reproductive age women. This was KNOWN at the time. All nations evacuated their diplomatic personnel and families from Tokyo. Most nations distributed anti-radiation medicines to their expats and ordered evacuations. The USA evacuated military dependents. The Fukushima hazards were known to Japan, at the time. Yet Japan deliberately did not respond to these KNOWN nuclear fallout and nuclear contamination threats.


    Bill Duff

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


April 2014