[Column] Researching real estates around Arad

They say now I’m the only Japanese in Arad prefecture.
I’m honored to be able to do something nobody has ever tried to do, alone.

Some of my Japanese readers want to know the prices of real estate in Arad. I need a lot to research.
Now I’m in the apartment of my friend’s friend’s friend. It’s not brand new but located in the heart of the town and quite spacious. I think it’s about 200m2~250m2, where I use only one room.
The rent is 50€ per week without utility. I heard it’s about 5,000€ ~ 7,000€ if you want to buy.
The utility costs 20€ average, which includes power, water, and everything we need.

I’m looking for a house to live. It doesn’t need to be this big and hopefully cheaper.
There are some villages in the outskirt of Arad. I’m planning to visit there soon as I post this column.
When I registered Fukushima Diary corporation, I added “Marketing research” to the articles of the association. This is legally the company work.

Currently Fukushima Diary accepts donation by 3 means, Paypal, Bank and Pobox.
I heard Paypal changed their rule recently. They used to allow us to pay without a Paypal account but it requires us absolutely to have an account after the change. “Guest payment” is impossible depending on regions.
I see no merit of this change for anyone, but I can’t help following.
I would love you to send me a message whenever you have a problem with Paypaling donation.
If you can’t use Paypal, I recommend PoBox. It’s never had a problem and I know the manager of the post office pretty well.

Here is the address just in case. You only need to write as it is.

Iori Mochizuki

This way, you are completely secured and can be anonymous if you want.

Also, I have received a lot of message from local people in Romania, especially in Transilvania.
If you have some land or apartment that you don’t need anymore, it would be a useful donation too. We can share it with other Japanese who may be coming to Romania.



Monthly donation is also very helpful !


Français :

[Édito] A la recherche des résidences autour d’Arad


Ils disent que, là, je suis le seul japonais de la préfecture d’Arad.
Je suis honoré d’avoir l’opportunité de faire quelque chose que personne n’avait tenté, seul.

Certains de mes lecteurs japonais voudraient connaître les prix en résidence à Arad. Je dois faire pas mal de recherches.
Actuellement, je suis dans l’appartement des amis des amis de mes amis. Il n’est pas flambant neuf mais il est au cœur de la ville et plutôt spacieux .Je pense qu’il doit faire dans les 200-250 m², alors que je n’utilise qu’une pièce.
La location est de 50 € par semaine sans les charges. J’ai entendu que c’était dans les 5 à 7 000 € à l’achat.
Les charges sont de 20 € en moyenne, comprenant l’électricité, l’eau et tout ce dont on a besoin.

Je cherche une maison où vivre. Elle n’a pas besoin d’être aussi vaste et si possible moins chère.
Il y a plusieurs villages autour d’Arad. Je prévoie de m’y rendre dès que j’ai fini cet éditorial.
Quand j’ai déclaré la Fukushima Diary corporation, j’ai ajouté “recherches marketing” dans l’objet de l’association. C’est un travail légal de la société.

Le Fukushima Diary accepte actuellement les dons de 3 façons distinctes : Paypal, banque et boîte postale.
J’ai entendu que Paypal a récemment changé ses règles. Ils permettaient de faire des paiements sans avoir de compte Paypal mais depuis le changement ils exigent qu’on ait un compte. Les “paiements d’invités” sont impossibles selon les régions.
Je ne vois aucun avantage pour quiconque dans ce changement mais je n’y peux rien.
J’aimerai beaucoup que vous m’envoyiez un message si vous rencontrez des problèmes de dons par Paypal.
Si vous ne pouvez utiliser Paypal, je vous conseille la boîte postale. Il n’y a jamais eu aucun problème et je connais très bien la directrice du bureau de poste.

Voici l’adresse au cas où. Vous n’avez besoin d’écrire que ça :

Iori Mochizuki

De cette façon, vous êtes totalement sécurisé et vous pouvez rester anonyme autant que ça vous chante.

J’ai aussi reçu beaucoup de messages de gens de Roumanie, en particulier de Transylvanie.
Si vous possédez une terre ou un appartement dont vous n’avez plus besoin, ce serait aussi un don très utile. On pourrait le partager avec d’autres japonais qui pourraient venir en Roumanie.


Les virement mensuels aident aussi beaucoup !

  1. Lori-san,

    i think you should investigate cleveland and detroit before settling on a european country.

    Many japanese speak English as a second language, they have familiarity with american culture and ways and people and laws.

    Cleveland and Detroit have lots of vacant housing and real estate is very affordable.

  2. Deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance.
    -Oscar Wilde

    お互いを騙し合う。 それが世界が誇る夢。

  3. I’m from Detroit. You DON’T want move there. The citiy is going bankrupt and the state of the politics in the country as a whole is vase waiting to crack. The suburbs are still ok but boring and apathetic. Ann Arbor MI is what I’d reccomend, but I think you’re doing great now! So why change. GO! Lori GO! Hell, I may even join you.

  4. Lori, you deleted my comment. Not sure why. Sure would like to know. I didn’t make a sarcastic comment nor attack anyone. Just tried to tell you a different side of Detroit. I have donated to you twice, and supported your cause. I think if you delete your loyal followers comments, at least show them the courtesy and tell them why. I am deleting my bookmark to your web page. I don’t believe in censorship and tired of moderators having too much power. You have just lost a follower.

  5. i speak on behalf of the site but please realize this comment zone has some odd “Auto Moderator” feature & so far i have no idea what triggers it. most mainstream sites just get overwhelmed with Troll spam but that is not the case here. once you post the site refreshes so it’ll seem like it made a direct post, but you might see it say ‘Your Comment Is Awaiting Moderation’ just above your comment & theres a 50/50 chance it’ll get processed in actuality. sometimes if u just repost the same comment it’ll bypass it with no problem, alas it can be a text format error of cut & pasting stuff onto the comment box.

    i realize how the Internet can grab you by the heart & sling it out your behind at times but please dont let such tiny Misunderstandings create more problems… The World is based on one Big Misunderstanding & that is more than enough.

    i think we all have the stereotypical view of Detroit indeed.. & living in this era where War is not rampant, i think we judge too harshly of places we have never been to, but yes, comes a point theres no place to run or hide, especially when it comes to America’s Gun Laws. one very outlasting aspect of Japan is how hard it is to obtain a gun here & despite the gung-ho image we have of Yakuza, they are quite terrified of even owning a gun as well cuz it just means long hard time. in fact just last week the last remaining half of a crime syndicate here were all dumped in the slammer cuz of tough gun love.

    its when the gun affects ones temper.

    “How does it feel… When youre looking down the barrel of a loaded gun? Tell me how it feels…”
    -No Use For A Name

  6. My apologies Lori, as Ziro says, it must have been some kind of glitch. First time it’s happened to me, so no surprises now.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


June 2013