Nuclear the dream technology can’t even fly a balloon. This attempt looks like a joke but the situation is not a joke at all.
The radiation level is significantly high in reactor1. (cf. [Reactor1] 5.2 Sv/h on the first floor)
Also, because they covered the reactor building soon after 311, Tepco can not see inside of the reactor building.
However, it’s not only in reactor4, but also in reactor1 that the spent fuel pool is potentially in a crisis. SFP1 can be seen from the operating floor on the 5th floor.
Tepco came up with the idea to fly a ballon with cameras from the 1st floor.
5 Tepco employees and 14 sub-contract workers (cf. [Nuke worker shortage] Worker left integral dosimeter in the bus on purpose) were involved, the maximum integral dose was 1.54 mSv but the balloon was stuck with something like a cable on the 4th floor, the project failed.
Actual Fukushima worker, Happy11311 commented it’s really hard to see SFP1 from the operating floor because of too much debris from looking at the picture before they covered the reactor building. He is very concerned about how much debris fell in SFP1. [Link]
<Settlement report 8/8/2012>
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Thank you very much for your support.
Some of the Japanese readers apologize to me for not paying donation or anything because they are struggling to evacuate themselves.
You don’t need to apologize ! Do take care of yourself ! Please do focus on your own evacuation. This is what Fukushima Diary is for.
Iori Mochizuki