It’s impossible to think only peach is not contaminated among Fukushima agricultural products, but they are committing into the peach marketing by using an idol group “TOKIO” on TV CM etc..
The local supermarket chain in Fukushima, “Ichii” actually measured cesium 134/137 from Fukushima peach. The highest reading was 24.66 Bq/Kg. Measurement was done on 7/20/2012. [Link]
This sample was taken from Tsukidatemachi Fukushima, where is only 51.4km from Fukushima plant.
Cs-134 : 11.30
Cs-137 : 13.36
From Tsukidate machi
Cs-134 : 7.02
Cs-137 : 7.97
From Tsukidate machi
Cs-134 : –
Cs-137 : 5.05
From Date city (60.8km from Fukushima plant)
Another supermarket chain, Maruetsu measured 4.6 Bq/Kg of cesium even from the peach in Yamanashi prefecture.(Harvested on 7/18/2012) [Link] Yamanashi prefecture is 294.6km from Fukushima plant, further than Tokyo.
However, they are not only committing into marketing but also exporting it overseas.
JETRO, Japan External Trade Organization announced they are going to invite the buyers of the departments, supermarkets and restaurant chains in Thailand to support Fukushima farmers from 8/7 to 8/10. It is an attempt to export Fukushima peach for the first time after 311. Since Taiwan stopped importing agricultural products from Fukushima, their products have not been exported from Japan.
They are focusing on Thailand because they accept it only with the document to prove radiation measurement result. For the beginning, they are going to invite 4 companies of importers and major retailers. [Link]
On 8/8/2012, they even presented 180 of Fukushima peaches to imperial family.
The peaches were harvested in Kori machi Fukushima, where is only 66km away from Fukushima plant.
They packed the peaches in that town too. (66km from Fukushima plant)
The local Japan Agricultural Cooperatives comments the price of the peaches are only 70~80%.
They think it’s because of harmful rumor and it can be solved by having Imperial family consume them.
Iori Mochizuki