A freelance journalist reported from Motomiya station in Fukushima, where is 57km away from Fukushima plants.
本宮駅なう。赤ちゃんをあやす若い母親。微笑ましい光景だが、線量は0.36μSV/h。赤ちゃんの無事を祈るのみ。撮影後、線量は0.4に達した #本宮市 #被曝 @kuanyin24 twitter.com/s_hiroki24/sta…
— 鈴木博喜(兼業フリー記者) (@s_hiroki24) May 21, 2012
Motomiya station now. A mother with her baby. It’s a beautiful view but the atmospheric dose is 0.36μSv/h. I only hope for the safety of the baby.
After taking the picture, the dose became 0.40μSv/h.
Iori Mochizuki