Tepco discharged 561t of bypass contaminated groundwater to the Pacific



↑ They announce the discharged water is safe enough but the staff fully wears protective clothing in front of camera. It’s written Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry on the back.


Following up this article.. Tepco started pumping up the bypass water to discharge / Tritium density jumped up to 87% of desired safety level [URL]


On 5/21/2014, Tepco discharged 561 tonnes of bypass groundwater to the Pacific in the end.

From their latest analysis, 1,100,000 Bq/m3 of Tritium was measured from the sample groundwater taken on 5/19/2014. Tepco is stating groundwater from other bypass wells are less contaminated, they can dilute the contamination by mixing up with less contaminated water.


They don’t analyze the discharged water about Plutonium-238/239/240 and Uranium-235/238. Additionally this discharging would only decrease 10 ~ 25% of groundwater flowing to the plant buildings. (cf, [Video column] Fukushima Diary talks “Tepco washing off Plutonium to the Pacific, huge risk for the least effect” [URL 2])


Related article.. [Assumption overturned] Bypass water already exceeded the safety limit / Tepco “won’t stop pumping up” [URL 3]











You read this now because we’ve been surviving until today.


Français :

Tepco a déversé dans le Pacifique 561 tonnes d’eaux radioactives souterraines de la dérivation


↑ Ils déclarent que les eaux déversées sont assez sûres mais l’équipe à la manoeuvre reste en combinaison intégrale devant les caméras. On y lit “METI” dans le dos : Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry = Ministère de l’Économie, du Commerce et de l’Industrie.

Article lié : Tepco a commencé les pompages de la dérivation : la radioactivité en tritium a grimpé à 87 % de la limite de sécurité visée

Le 21 mai 2014, Tepco a au final déversé dans le Pacifique 561 tonnes d’eaux souterraines de la dérivation.
Selon leurs dernières analyses, 1 100 000 Bq/m³ (1,1 million) de tritium ont été relevés dans l’échantillon d’eaux souterrains pris le 19 mai 2014. Tepco affirme que les eaux des autres puits de dérivation sont moins radioactives, qu’ils peuvent diluer cette radioactivité en la mélangeant avec des eaux moins contaminées.

Ils ne recherchent pas le plutonium-238/239/240 et l’uranium-235/238 dans les eaux qu’ils rejettent. De plus, ce rejet ne fait diminuer que de 10 à 25% le flot des eaux souterraines qui s’écoulent dans les bâtiments de la centrale. (cf. [Édito Vidéo] Les entretiens du Fukushima Diary : “Tepco lessive le plutonium dans le Pacifique, un risque énorme pour un effet minimum”)

Article lié : [Hypothèse plafond dépassée] Les eaux de la dérivation sont déjà au-delà de la limite de sécurité / Tepco : “on n’arrêtera pas de pomper”


Vous pouvez lire ceci parce que nous avons survécu jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


May 2014