[Column] Summary of Fukushima situation ~What we are not informed of

I don’t know if I’m doing the good thing for my country. I believe our descendants would evaluate me accordingly. It’s not my job anyway.
The harder you push, the harder you are pushed. Criticisms and attacks never stop.
However I know it’s not them to make me give up. It would be my own sense of helplessness.
I can’t stop moving on so I’m warm all the time.

Water leakage, groundwater contamination, mysterious substance found in Naraha-machi. These are the hottest topics about Fukushima accident.
However, most important facts are concealed. Tepco conceals, and the media don’t tell Tepco is concealing something we should know.
Here I’d like to show you what is covered up.

1.Plutonium density in leaking water from reservoirs.

Retained contaminated water increase by 400 tones everyday. Tepco is having the serious shortage of the storage. They made 7 “holes” on the ground and called them “reservoirs”.
Sure they leaked this April and Tepco ended up transferring it to spare tanks. Even now, radiation is detected from around the reservoirs everyday.
However, Tepco hasn’t announced the α nuclides density of the leaking water. α nuclides include Plutonium, Uranium, Americium etc.. They didn’t even publish when to announce the density. None of the newspaper or TV report “α nuclides density is not published by Tepco yet.”.

2. The fact that Tepco doesn’t analyze Strontium-90.

Recently Tepco found the groundwater and seawater are severely contaminated. However, they only report the density of radioactive water Tritium. The density of Strontium-90, which causes leukemia has not been reported since the second report. It’s not only they don’t report it, but they don’t analyze.
Therefore no matter how long we wait, we will never know Strontium-90 density in groundwater and seawater. As long as Fukushima Diary knows, none of TV or newspaper report that Tepco doesn’t analyze the samples for Strontium-90.

3. α dose of the highly radioactive substance found in Naraha-machi.

So far, 4 pieces of highly radioactive substances were found in Naraha-machi and all of them were immediately sent to Fukushima nuclear plant. Japanese government assumes they are related to the explosions.
They reported γ and βdose on the surface but never report α dose. If they measure α dose on the surface, it suggests the possible presence of Plutonium, Uranium, Americium etc like the unreported fact 1 above.
Again, none of TV or newspaper report Tepco doesn’t report α dose on the surface.


Looking as if they were telling everything, they hide the most important facts. Ordinary audience don’t even know what they don’t know. This is a sophisticated way of media blackout.



The primary function of the media is to choose what not to report.


Français :

[Édito] Résumé de la situation à Fukushima ~ De quoi ne sommes-nous pas informés


Je ne sais pas si je fais une bonne chose pour mon pays. Je crois que nos descendants me jugeront en fonction. Ce n’est pas mon travail de toute façon.
Plus on pousse fort, plus on est poussé fortement. Les critiques et les attaques ne s’arrêtent jamais.
Je sais cependant que ce ne sont pas eux qui me feront abandonner. Ce sera mon propre sens d’impuissance.
Je ne peux pas arrêter d’avancer donc je suis tout le temps à chaud.

Les fuites d’eau, la contamination souterraine, des substances mystérieuses découvertes à Naraha-machi. Ce sont les sujets les plus chauds sur l’accident de Fukushima.
Les faits les plus importants sont néanmoins censurés. Tepco censure et la presse ne dit pas à Tepco qu’ils censurent des choses qu’on devrait savoir.
Je voudrais ici vous montrer ce qui est caché.

1. La concentration en plutonium dans l’eau qui fuit des réservoirs.

Le stockage des eaux contaminées augmente de 400 tonnes tous les jours. Tepco subit une grave pénurie d’espaces de stockage. Ils ont fait 7 “trous” dans le sol et ont appelé ça des “réservoirs”.
Évidemment, ils ont fuit en avril dernier et Tepco a fini par les transvaser dans des citernes de secours. Même à présent, on relève de la radioactivité autour des réservoirs tous les jours.
Tepco n’a cependant pas donné la concentration en α nucléides des eaux qui fuient. Les α nucléides incluent le plutonium, l’uranium, l’américium, etc.. Ils n’ont même pas publié quand ils en donneraient les concentrations. Aucun des journaux ou télés ne dit que “la concentration des α nucléides n’est pas encore publiée par Tepco.”.

2. Le fait que Tepco n’analyse pas le strontium 90.

Tepco a récemment découvert que les aux souterraines et de la mer sont gravement contaminées. Ils ne communiquent cependant que les concentrations en tritium radioactifs de l’eau. La concentration en strontium 90, qui provoque des leucémies, n’a plus été publiée depuis le second rapport. Non seulement ils ne la publient pas mais en plus ils ne l’analysent pas.
Donc, aussi longtemps qu’on attende, on ne saura jamais la concentration en strontium des eaux souterraines et marines. Pour autant que le Fukushima Diary le sache, aucune télé, aucun journal ne dit que Tepco n’analyse pas le strontium 90 de ses échantillons.

3. La dose en α de la substance extrêmement radioactive découverte à Naraha-machi.

Pour l’instant, 4 morceaux de substances hautement radioactives ont été découverts à Naraha-machi tous ont immédiatement été envoyés à la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima. Le gouvernement japonais suppose que c’est lié aux explosions.
Ils ont communiqué les doses en surface des γ et β mais n’ont jamais donné les α. S’ils relèvent une dose d’α en surface, ça suggère une présence possible de plutonium, d’uranium, d’américium, etc. comme pour le fait non rapporté précédent en 1 ci-dessus.
Encore une fois, aucune télé, ni aucun journal ne dit que Tepco ne publie pas les doses en α en surface.

Tout en ayant l’air de tout dire sur tout, ils cachent les faits les plus importants. L’auditoire ordinaire ne ignore même ce qu’il ne sait pas. C’est une censure médiatique sophistiquée.

La première fonction de la presse est de choisir de quoi ne pas parler.

  1. I’d add few points they hide since long:

    * They surely know where at least some of the coriums are in fact (at most all), but astonishingly, there is never a word about it, nowhere.
    In a normal country, those in charge of the decommissioning would have either given what they know on coriums, and maps of the known underground water involved main streams.

    * They surely analyzed samples of the black substance, same thing: not a word about, nothing, nowhere. Classified.

  2. Thank you for your tireless effort to warn and inform the world. You are appreciated! Even if it saves just one life it was well worth it. As long as there are people like you the good is not lost. Keep fighting. Thank you!

  3. Whenever you get discouraged, just think about this:

    YOU are one of VERY FEW Japanese citizens out there with the courage to do what you’re doing.

    Go ahead, read that again… Your reporting is very important to the rest of the world, sir — don’t EVER give up!!

    1. Mr. Fixit

      Iori-san is one of very few Citizens globally that have the “marbles” to stand up, get the F out, and tell the truth about the situation with minimal bias.

      Will pykrete assist in groundwater mitigation efforts?
      That is, when they finally start some meaningful mitigation efforts.

      One could also mandate at least three wind turbines, two at sea and one on land, for each operational “nuke-puke”. Double that in the Dimensional-Transcendant zone.
      None of those were anywhere near as effected by the earthquake or subsequent tsunami.

  4. Early in the nuclear disaster it was said that the responables are all lying to the population to not make people panicking. Unfortunately, people did not believe in the TRUTH published right from the beginning by some people, especially in the urgent recommendation to leave Japan as there is NO solution.
    Read all the urgent warnings sent on

  5. You are so right! They give bits of information, tiny bits who hide the rest. I can’t understand why people accept receiving only tiny bits of the whole information. I thank you for gathering the bits and parts together as much as possible.

    I would like to know what is the usual ratio of Cs134 and Cs 137 while criticality, on a frame of time, first and secondly, the usual measurements of different nuclides in the different water systems in a NNP… and how it is managed. And I hope Arnie Gundersen could tell us what seems to be happening.

    Death of Yoshida seems suspect in the whole context. I pray if he was about to speak, he has distributed well information. Maybe we’ll know it soon.

    Of course if we add all the becquerels released each second in these m3 of water, we would be extremely shocked.

    Thank you

  6. I’ve had it up to my neck with tepco lies. This disaster will affect us all. Who made tepco god? Jail the management and appoint an international consortium to manage the shut down and ban that company from setting foot in a nuclear plant again…ever.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.
