Now that it’s becoming harder and harder to get the uncontaminated food, some people are thinking home-grown food is safe. However, the problem is the contaminated soil.
From the food measurement result by Kashiwa city Chiba, home-grown cherry and Chinese citron turned out to be more contaminated than the ones sold at supermarkets. Kashiwa city is known to be a hotspot, about 200km from Fukushima plant.
Traditional consumption pattern to avoid pesticide doesn’t work to avoid radiation.
Home-grown Cherry
Sample taken : 5/1/2012
Cs-134 : 57.5 Bq/Kg
Cs-137 : 84.1 Bq/Kg
Total : 141.6 Bq/KgHome-grown Chinese citron
Sample taken : 4/20/2012
Cs-134 : 76.50 Bq/Kg
Cs-137 : 116 Bq/Kg
Total : 192.5 Bq/Kg
According to Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No.112 [Link], radioactive material to contain more than 100 Bq/kg of Cs-134/137 must be properly stocked to not to cause public radiation hazard.
When you see Cs-137, the contamination level of cherry is almost the safety limit, and it’s over the safety limit in case of the Chinese citron. These are home-grown nuclear waste.
Iori Mochizuki