19.71 Bq/Kg from Japanese Kellogg’s cereal

Even if you evacuate in Japan, you can’t escape from the supply chain of the food.
It’s not only agricultural food to be contaminated, but also processed food is contaminated.

A citizen’s radiation measurement group “Tida” in Hamamatsu Shizuoka [Link] measured 19.71 Bq/Kg of cesium from cereal. It’s the type of food grain to eat with milk for breakfast.
The product’s name is All brown Buran Flake Plain by Kellogg’s.

19.71 Bq/Kg from Japanese Kellogg's sereal 2


19.71 Bq/Kg from Japanese Kellogg's sereal 3


19.71 Bq/Kg from Japanese Kellogg's sereal 4

40% is Japanese wheat and 60% is polished rice from US.

Cs-134 : 8.95 Bq/Kg
Cs-137 : 10.76 Bq/Kg
Total : 19.71 Bq/Kg

19.71 Bq/Kg from Japanese Kellogg's sereal





  1. FUKUSHIMA DIARY FR – 19.71 Bq/kg dans des céréales Kelloggs japonaises.
    Par Mochizuki, le 5 août 2012.

    Même si vous évacuez le Japon, vous ne pouvez échapper aux fournitures de la chaines alimentaire.
    Non seulement les produits agricoles de base sont contaminés mais aussi toute leur chaine de reconditionnements.

    Le groupe de contrôle la radioactivité citoyen “Tida” de Hamamatsu Shizuoka [Lien : http://www.kon-tida.net/%5D a mesuré 19,71 Bq/kg de césium dans des céréales. Ce sont des céréales de petit-déjeuner, à consommer avec du lait.
    Le nom du produit est “All brown Buran Flake Plain” de Kelloggs.

    (3 photos du paquet)

    40% de farine japonaise et 60% de riz poli américain.

    Cs-134 : 8,95 Bq/kg
    Cs-137 : 10,76 Bq/kg
    Total : 19,71 Bq/kg


    Source : http://www.kon-tida.net/blog/main.php?mode=detail&article=29

  2. Has any body done any testing in Canada on food? Has any testing at all been done in Canada? I know we’ve been irradiated but you can’t get anyone to either believe you or pay attention. My congratulations to the mass media – you’ve done a wonderful job of convincing everyone that Fukushima is in the past and we’ve narrowly avoided a catastrophe.
    I’d like to know how much is still leaking; what the status of reactors one to three really is; and how secure fuel pond 4 is?

    1. Health Canada allows 1000Bq/kg in food. “The CODEX Limits for radioactive particles (Cs-134, Cs-137, and I-131) is 1000 Bq/Kg for general consumption. The sample size used for the test is generally around 120 g and the method used is High Resolution Gamma Spectroscopy. ”
      quoted from http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/fssa/imp/domeste.shtmlhttp://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hc-ps/ed-ud/respond/nuclea/2011-03-17-eng.php
      This is clearly far in excess of the radiation limits even in Japan! They also rely on manufacturer’s data & claims to evaluate the safety of products. There are so many companies in existance that they rely upon the manufacturer to police themselves.

      These criminals raised the limits shortly after the catastrophe. They claim to be monitoring, yet only release results infrequently, nor do they always note the equipment or methods used to obtain such data. This makes their claims impossible to replicate and therefore meaningless.


      Clearly we are led by those with minds of children.

      Here is an example of a true leader that has bucked that trend.
      “[Old Massett, British Columbia acting band manager John Disney] said his suspicions around adequate government testing started 25 years ago, after the nuclear meltdown in Chernobyl, Ukraine.

      He’d been out on his fishing boat and heard the Coast Guard over the radio telling lighthouse operators to disconnect their rainwater systems.

      When he tried to find out why, the local, provincial and federal health authorities told him not to worry, the coast guard were just being overcautious.

      He asked whether they were testing and was assured they were. But he decided to do his own investigation and took samples from his Nadu Road rain catchment system to a private lab. They found two types of radiation were at the danger level. He drained his 4,000 gallon tank. Fast forward to two weeks ago, post-tsunami in Japan, he said, when he was told not to worry about potential radiation in the rainwater here.
      “My hair stood straight up,” he said.”
      quoted from http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?pid=48628#p48628

      Iori: Respectfully, it is a ‘cereal’.

    2. Here’s another example of Mr. Disney’s testimony versus big oil:

      “John Disney-the suppressed testimony
      March 7, 2012 1:52 PM
      Old Massett Economic Development Officer John Disney tried to make a lengthy presentation to the Joint Review Panel in Old Massett last week.
      He was repeatedly interrupted by panel chair Sheila Leggett, who told him his presentation did not fit the panel rules.
      Here, the complete suppressed testimony, all 9,493 words.”

      1. An excerpt from John Disney’s suppressed testimony: http://www.qciobserver.com/Article.aspx?Id=5369
        “In my lifetime my experience has been that oil and hydrocarbon clean up is mostly a sham and a profitable industry. A Burrard Clean employee who had personal connections in the community has confirmed this. He assured us that the company had a good thing going and with the many variables it was easy to fluff the numbers. All clean up jobs were lucrative to the company. On a final note, when the Queen of the North Ferry sank (the tankers carrying this dilbit will cross over that site) guess who was called in to control the fuel leakage? Burrard Clean and their spokesperson was on the news within 48 hours saying that 45% of the spill would evaporate and so they only had to account for 55%. It seems the evaporation rate is climbing! We have friends in Cordova AK who experienced exactly the same treatment from Exxon-lies and a total avoidance of responsibility.

        My point is that there is a lot of rhetoric and misinformation around oil spill clean up. The reality in my experience is that you never really clean up a spill. You may be able to lessen the impact, but you can’t clean it up. There are many examples world wide to back this up. In my experience I have the Marie Lake spill and a diesel spill in a creek off the Mamin River to name a couple. In 1959 there had been a diesel spill in this creek and we were contracted to clean it up in 2009 and the diesel was still there in the mud and debris 60 years later. Hydrocarbons don’t evaporate or simply disappear and so Enbridge is asking us here on Haida Gwaii and others on the north coast with different values to accept their mistakes. Their mistakes will kill our livelihoods and destroy the environment that defines us.

        o Atmosphere including greenhouse gas emissions Canada has gone the opposite direction from not only Europe but the rest of the world. No other nation has so blatantly turned their back on the only process the planet has, to develop effective mitigations to climate change-The Kyoto Protocol. Based on my experience monitoring and being involved in climate change and carbon offset projects and first hand knowledge working with the Kyoto Protocol program, this is the worst move Canada could have made. 8 years ago Old Massett had a contract with the Federal Government to perform carbon forest restoration work which was a first step in addressing climate change and setting up the process whereby emitters could work with entities such as us to mitigate their carbon dumping into the globe’s atmosphere. Unfortunately within months of this contract letter, our present day government was elected and all such contracts and movement toward carbon dumping mitigation were scrapped.

        The whole issue with addressing climate change is that it takes many years after the legislation has been implemented before the benefits begin to turn the tide in your favour. If Canada had begun implementing the changes necessary back in the mid 1990’s we would be a world leader at this time instead of the embarrassment we are. I base this on the knowledge I’ve gained working on climate change and carbon sequestration projects over the last 10 years. This knowledge has been accumulated by working collaboratively with entities such as the UN, the US department of the environment (EPA), the EU and the key certifiers and carbon markets on that continent (DNV), and Provincial and European Academic institutions. We helped key leaders develop the studies, protocols and methodologies to not only implement the land and ocean based work but to do it in such a way that we could make significant inroads into eliminating Canada’s carbon footprint. The product from the many years of work we put into to developing these processes, methodologies and action plans, was reviewed by the four cornerstones of our society; the Federal Government, Academia, large industrial emitters (Shell Canada) and a legitimate voice for the environment (Ecotrust Canada). We had 100% support and encouragement for our methods and plan.

        Our present day government threw it all out.”

      2. more from John Disney (http://www.qciobserver.com/Article.aspx?Id=5369)
        “Species at risk killer whales are a perfect example of a species that is protected under SARA and one that I have a lot of first hand knowledge of. Working on the waters around Haida Gwaii-Hecate Strait, Dixon Entrance and west coast of Haida Gwaii and Queen Charlotte sound-I had a lot of whales in my everyday life. From my relationship with these cetaceans over many decades it is obvious to me that there are 2 key circumstances that these creatures depend on for a healthy existence: a clean pure marine environment and salmon or marine mammals to eat. If either of these are compromised there aren’t any mitigation methods that can be employed to save them. Once the environment is contaminated the whales are gone. Once their food source is compromised they’re going to starve. These are highly intelligent yet sensitive animals that communicate over many tens of miles. Any negative episode in their territory puts them under extreme stress which makes them vulnerable to disease, and into conflict situations with other pods and therefore at risk from starvation. i.e. they can’t just move as there will be other groups in adjacent areas. I have observed their behaviours in stressful situation and one can tell they are vulnerable to environmental impacts. I have observed first hand a juvenile killer whale impacted by surfacing on some spilt oil/diesel fuel. The subsequent distress calls called in the alarmed parents from 20 miles away from beside my boat. By radiophone I heard the subsequent suffering and eventual death of the juvenile whale. An oil spill or other such incident would be catastrophic to this species.”

        If one could understand how deadly oil can be to these species, how much more difficult is it to comprehend the probable impacts from a major radionuclide release?

        See the “contributed stories by xdrfox” for articles dealing with the impending extinction of many whale species (et al). 🙁

        Slow-motion train-wreck “my ass”! Trains can’t possibly cause that much damage themselves.

    3. Oh, yeah; there’s this recent article concerning canada’s contribution to the releases of radionuclides, specifically tritium (200-trillion becquerels tritium yearly from the Gentilly Reactor in Quebec):

      “Canada leads the world in doing nothing.” – John Disney, Economic Development Officer, Old Masset, Haida Gwaii

    4. By the way, some of canada’s politicians are beholden to foreign interests, according to former-head of CSIS Richard Fadden (June 23, 2010).

      “Fadden said he is concerned that too much of the agency’s resources are focused on fighting terrorism and not counter-espionage. That concentration leaves more chances to steal Canada’s sensitive technology and trade secrets, worth billions of dollars a year.

      “The difficulty I have, as does everybody, is you have to balance where you allocate resources, but it most definitely is as serious problem, and if I had to guess, I’d say it was going to get worse,” Fadden said.”

      CSIS boss defends ‘foreign interference’ comments:

      MP’s Call on CSIS Head to Quit:
      Me thinks their protestations are much more telling than the accusations!

    5. End the Export of Canadian Cancer!
      Canada is the only G8 country still mining and selling asbestos.

      “There are three sets of villains in Canada:

      1. The Quebec government which loaned $58-million to a rightfully dying industry. Premier Jean Charest shamelessly used money from Quebec taxpaying business and individuals as well as from Canada’s general public who contributed in form of their tax transfer payments to Quebec. He ignored a vital business fact which made his loan most vulnerable, Thailand’s government (second largest importer after India) is planning to ban the use of chrysotile asbestos.

      2. Mineral Fiber the company which now owns the Jeffrey mine. Most notably Baljit Chadha, an embarrassment to the Canadian Sikh community, who already has made millions ruthlessly exporting Canadian chrysotile asbestos to India for many years. He invested $11-millions and talked a Thai company Oran Vanich Co., the largest producer of cement/chrysotile building materials in Thailand, into loaning him another $14-million.

      3. The Federal government which supports the asbestos industry’s right to mine and actively promotes the use of chrysotile asbestos through their Embassies and High Commissions in developing countries. Prime Minister Harper and his Cabinet who refuse to listen to globally recognized scientific asbestos research and willfully ignore international condemnation of Canada’s chrysotile asbestos policies.”

      “The Conservative Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. Stephan Harper, and his cabinet blindly support the Canadian (Quebec) chrysotile asbestos industry for political gains in Quebec. They have proven to be blind not only to science but also to human decency.”

      “After much stalling, Quebec Premier Jean Charest has now agreed to loan $58-million to revive Canada’s last asbestos mine, the Jeffrey Mine in Asbestos, Quebec. Without this money, it would be the dead industry it should be.
      For years, private investors had made it clear they wouldn’t touch the project without such public funding. At the same time, a huge anti-asbestos coalition has publicized the indisputable evidence that asbestos, even the chrysotile variety from the Jeffrey Mine, maims and kills those who come near it. Death is slow and agonizing. There is no credible health authority in the world that disagrees. The mainstream media in Quebec joined in strong opposition to the loan. Yet last week, late on the Friday before the Canada Day long weekend, a time when governments furtively leak news they want no one to know, the Charest government made the $58-million announcement that most of us were confident we would never hear.”
      …quoted from: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/second-reading/is-canada-ready-to-take-the-asbestos-test/article4394369/

  3. Thank you for all of your hard work Iori. Many people don’t seem to understand that you didn’t HAVE to do this. You chose to stay and help when many others were too afraid, mean-spirited, greeedy or selfish to do so themselves.

    You stayed firm to your commitment while other bloggers complained or gave up after the various Fukushima situations became too difficult for them to manage.

    It is good to see that you are staying entirely focused on helping the Japanese people when so many others have failed due to fear, greed, or misplaced pride. I am eternally grateful to you.

  4. WOW….Radioactive AND Genetically Modified!!!!

    Surely a good recipe for some TRIFFID based health food.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.
