66 years later, Japan dropped more than 168 Hiroshima atomic bombs on itself (Cs-137 base)

At 8:15 AM 67 years ago, Hiroshima got the first atomic bomb in the world.

So far, 280,959 people died. Only within this year, no less than 5,729 people are added to the list. (cf. Ministry of health concealed the survey data of atomic bomb victims)

They hold a ceremony every year and state they won’t let the world repeat the same tragedy, but Japanese government is still reluctant to admit the fact that black rain fell not to pay the compensation.

As a matter of fact, they shall give the statement to themselves.

According to the report of Japanese government in 2011, which is presumed to be the most moderate estimate, Fukushima reactor1 ~ 3 emit as 168 times much cesium-137 as Hiroshima atomic bomb by August of 2011.

66 years later, Japan dropped more than 168 Hiroshima atomic bombs on itself


When it comes to Iodine-131, it was 63,000 tera-Bq in Hiroshima, where it was 160,000 tera-Bq in Fukushima. As to Strontium-90, it was 58 tera-Bq in Hiroshima, where it was 140 tera-Bq.

Moreover, there was no emission of Cs-134 in Hiroshima, so it is not comparable with Fukushima.

The data is not published to count possible emission from reactor4, also, sea contamination is not counted either.

It has been about 17 months since 311. It’s been like having a Hiroshima atomic bomb every 3 days since 311.

It can be more than that in reality because radiation still keeps leaking.

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  1. Really scary stuff. The long term effects of the Fukushima disaster are going to be unbelievable. It’s really astonishing how no public media gets out regarding this…

    1. We`ve been publishing news on what`s really happening in Fukushima..and the rest of the world for almost 3 years now. http://www.newagora.ca. One of the only real news newspapers in the world.

      If anyone has any news, ideas, suggestions or questions..feel free to contact us.

  2. It’s more than obvious that corrupt Japanese government is conducting depopulation of it’s own nation. Fukushima had to be burried beneath mountain of concreete long ago, but they purposely do nothing.

    That has to be stopped!

  3. Think again. It was American company behind these, and many other, reactors; and their recommendation on the placement also. Ever wonder why so many are on fault lines…

  4. I still think HAARP triggered the earthquake that triggered the tsunami that triggered the multiple nuclear melt down… Ultimately the Zio masonic illuminati are to blame for this incredible tragedy as they call the shots.

  5. You should start holding a ceremony and digging graves to be filled with the victims of fukushima in order to wake people up.

  6. This is what is the most stunning about this situation. Of all of the people on earth it seems that the Japanese would be the most careful with radiation. Not only are the Powers That Be in Japan doing their best to contaminate the entire country they are trying to make the people happy about it.
    Has the entire world gone mad?

    1. Web Bots have predicted Fukushima since 2004. They have a very poor record with timing but they are remarkably accurate in hindsight. They say that 1.3 billion people will die in the Northern Hemisphere, due to Fukushima. The crisis will escalate sometime in the near future. Earth is controlled by sociopathic psychopaths. They believe they are the superior beings and have every right to do as they please with the inferior beings. There are only monsters with power on planet Earth.

    2. Since when is the greed & sociopathy of the Elite anything new? They’re only too happy to perpetuate this nightmare because their only concern is in filling their bank accounts. I include many of the worlds leaders/governments in that assessment as well; they’ve no other motive for lying & attempting to cover this up. The cause of this situation has been waging & brewing since time immemorial, the only difference now is that it’s on display for the whole world to see…

    3. I know it is a long shot, but after reading ‘Psychic Dictatorship in The USA’ by Alex Constantine, that microwave mind control technology might be being employed to mimic suicidal psychosis in the minds of the Japanese government, TEPCO etc., the people responsible for the screw-ups in dealing with this disaster, is a very strong likelihood.

      After all, such technology was openly admitted to have been employed by the US to confuse Iraqi soldiers and make them just give up and surrender. Those soldiers were extremely suggestible to anything they were instructed to do whilst under that mind-control influence; they no longer even knew what they were there for.

      And that was an Israeli operation too from the very beginning, as revealed compellingly by the excellent film ‘911missinglinks’.

      Few people know that an oil pipeline was constructed many years ago to connect with the Iraqi oil pipeline which runs from Mosul to Kirkuk, taking the connection all the way to Israel. From that day on, Israel has been granted, by virtue of genocide and robbery perpetrated by it’s mind-controlled zombie proxy NATO armed forces, to unlimited supplies of oil in perpetuity, totally free of any financial charge, or obligation to support the military forces in carrying out this crime. That Israel is the only country to be taking totally free oil from Iraq surly indicates the guilty party behind it all, and Israel does not even share the stolen war booty with the countries of the armed forces who did all the killing and dying for them. They of course are merely considered non-humans by the Israelis too, and just don’t matter of course, just like the Iraqis they murdered, and still are murdering, in perpetuity, by way of the depleted uranium deliberately salted into the soil in all areas of Iraq by years of carpet-bombing and grid-bombing with radioactive uranium weapons.

      To call them DU would be a total misnomer, as depleted would mean non-radioactive, but the uranium is still radioactive, and other very active isotopes were present in these weapons as well, which are highly illegal as weapons of mass destruction. Decades ago, depleted uranium was recognized officially as a weapon of mass-destruction, with the ability to destroy all life in any given area in which it was deployed. For more information on this, read the works of John Pilger and Leuren Moret. My blogs can be found at ‘Mothman777’s Blog’.

  7. The scientists who were a part of the creation of the atomic bomb, The Manhatten Project, which created of the nuclear age and the nightmare of the a nuclear holocaust; were shaken by the power that they had unleashed. They realised that the genie could not be put back into its bottle. In 1947, they met and formed the beginning of an annual meeting with a bulletin to define the dangers of the atom to the world. A scientist’s wife was an artist and was asked to design the cover. She visualized a clock face with the hands at 7 minutes to 12 midnight, the hands were placed simply for artistic design. The clock is known as the Doomsday Clock and the hands have moved many times throughout the years. At first, the concerned was with nuclear weapons as it was the Cold War era. But now, there are many factors to consider. The scientists met in January, 2012 and the hands now stand at 5 minutes to midnight. Perhaps they were unaware of the Fukushima crisis, like many others. An overview can be found on Wikipedia.

  8. This is serously bad news for Japan. Its not a greatly known fact that the disaster at Chernobl, Russsia was the real reason behind the downfall of the Soviets and equally, this is a very serious hit to the Japanese economy as well as thier future.

  9. The way I see it, Israel got really pissed off with the Japanese for several reasons, loaded their Stuxnet virus into the in-house computers in control of the fail-safe shutdown procedures that should have begun to operate when the ‘earthquake’ struck.

    The Japanese government might be stuck for an answer to this, and are indeed displaying evidence of incompetence, but to suggest they did this to themselves, and that they are deliberately trying to reduce their own population, now that is chutzpah.

    1. Hi Mothman,

      All of the nations of the world are financially tied together with international corporations being the primary concern of governments and that is Fascism. Anyone can access the UN outline for depopulation and/or the Agenda 21 outline for the USA. The decision was made and the papers were written decades ago and updated each year.

      The website: bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_sc

      Part V; UN Rings the Alarm. which reads regarding world depopulation:

      “This must be done before any shock hits the financial markets, tarnishing our credibility, deminishing our force.”

      The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant has been allowed to deteriorate and poison the earth. Does the crisis continue because of incompetent management of poorly designed plants, built on fault lines, while the truth has been twisted to the point that we can not distinguish fantasy from reality? Or is it the planned depopulation of the earth coming to fruition?

      1. Hi Michele,

        Without going into great detail here, it is a fact that every single type of nuclear weapon ever invented has been invented by one people alone, for a specific purpose, criminal terrorism over the entire world, as in the criminal terrorist group SPECTRE in the James Bond novels, that was bent on world-domination. Such a purpose and modus operandi is exactly that of this people.

        That people now maintains an almost total monopoly on means of production and allocation of these weapons. The depopulation agenda is not a eugenics exercise, as the best genomes of each race are not being developed on; rather, they are being destroyed indiscriminately, that is, with the exception of one race alone, which maintains an racist and entirely supremacist position in relation to all other peoples and races of this world.

        You can see that there is no eugenics process taking place in Japan, as the object of the entire exercise is to delete the entire Japanese genome as much as is possible, with the exception for a limited time of any Japanese expatriates.

        The depopulation agenda is by no means intended to benefit all the races of the world, as entire races are scheduled for annihilation by one race alone, because of their perverse creationist theory that they alone are living souls, that all other peoples are pure evil, Satanic anti-spirit in substance, entirely worthless, as they are held not to be actually living souls, and thus totally irredeemable without any possibility of exception.

        It is further held that the heaven on earth for this people, which is a race (see the work of Dr Karl Skorecki on identical genetic origin of Ashkenazim and Sephardim), will only be permitted by the extermination of all other races, as they are held to be sin itself, being the exclusive reservoir on this Earth of all sinful propensity, which will be entirely removed from this world when the gentile races are removed, to leave remaining a heavenly world for the this race, entirely devoid of all sin, or any propensity to sin, as such sin that presently exists in that race is held by rabbinical authority to be merely a type of infection that unjustifiably blights that Godly people, which itself is held to be spiritually perfect and pure from all sin or defect in the absence of the gentile, or Amalekites, as all other peoples of the world are judged to be by extension, in Torah, Talmud and current day rabbinical knowledge.

        Please visit my blogsite; ‘Mothman777’s Blog’ for more in-depth understanding.

        1. Hi Mothman,

          The history of depopulation offers a wide spectrum of methods used to exterminate people because of race or culture. My intention was to present the documented plans of the UN and the US in regard to depopulation of a world because of the perceived inability to sustain the large population numbers with the earth’s rapidly decreasing natural resources. The written and revised documents were begun in the 1930’s and are available for public information. Unfortunately, a majority are unaware or disbelieving of such a statistical way of viewing human life.

          While the world watches the advances toward the use of nuclear weapons; what better method than to utilize the weapons of the nuclear power industry…the nuclear power plants themselves. The destruction of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant was probably begun as an accident with the earthquake and tsunami. But, the effects will be horrific for the people in Japan and those around the world as the contamination continues to be spread and the buildings deteriorate. While something might have been done 17 months ago, the crisis cannot be resolved under current conditions.

          1. Exactly. The purported idea of the guidestones states to keep the population of the world at under 500,000,000, in balance with nature. This has ended up to be something of a red herring, as surely, with such ostensible intent to preserve the ecosystems of the world in totally organic and natural quality, when one attempts to parry the absolute desecration of all natural ecosystems in the world, with the idea that the intent is to preserve the world, that particular concept does not ring true any longer.

            We have to look very much deeper, at the pseudo-spiritual belief system evolved to command the dominant position of power in this world, connected with the most powerful bankers and politicians, members of the Judaic ‘belief’ system, which in truth is like a black belt martial arts economic and military system of terrorism.

            As long ago as WWII, the Jewish controlled CIA proposed a method of blowing up underwater areas around Japan to cause inundation, using atomic weapons.

            HAARP can do just the same thing without the use of any explosive devices, also Tesla devices which are extremely small, that create such powerful dissonance in stability of physical structures that they completely disintegrate. That all the fail-safe shut down devices in the Japanese nuclear power plants ALL failed, and that the Israeli/US (Jewish) designed Stuxnet virus was detected in Japan, that was specifically designed to shut down exactly the type of technology that was shut down, points to a well= constructed plan involving several stages, the last one of which would have been entirely pointless without the occurrence of the first stage, the ‘earthquake’, which points to the deliberate destruction of the nuclear plants, with absolutely genocidal implications.

            When you see the WHO official figures on poliomyelitis infection in India for instance, after the Jewish ‘philanthropist’ Gates has generously supported massive vaccination programs against the disease, you will see that since January 2012, there has not been a single case of polio in India. Hurrah! Gates is a great guy. But wait a minute, 47,500 children were crippled in India last year after being vaccinated against Polio, and the vaccines contained a living attenuated form of the polio virus that is so dangerous they would never give it out in Israel.

            Researching into the likelihood of becoming crippled by polio infection, only one in 200 children infected by polio normally becomes crippled. 200 times 47,500 equals nine and a half million children, 9,500,000 infected by polio. So Gates is purposely infecting 9.5 million children, about one in every 17 vaccinated in total every year in India for this one disease alone, to produce 47,500 crippled children. Try to envisage the inner mentality of Gates and the rest of his tribe.

            Just think how many other diseases are being vaccinated for, in what other countries, and with what results, and what other permanent debilitating conditions occur in many of the rest of those Indian kids besides being crippled.

            Now, Gates and the others involved know they are doing this, and do not stop what they are doing, and the vaccination programs are openly stated to be part of a population reduction program that Gates is forwarding.

            The reason that India officially states that no polio cases occurred at all, is that polio infection is being given other names, so that it is not immediately apparent that this is what is happening, that maliciously adulterated vaccines are intentionally infecting 9.5 million Indian children a year with polio alone, which is extremely sinister.

            The reason is probably the threat of military action or extremely punitive economic sanctions that would accomplish the same results, so the Indian government goes along with the genocide program; it is all an extremely dirty business. Yet the end result is not intended to be better for the Indians, as they are all intended to be annihilated, but they have not realized that yet, and only the Jewish race is really intended to be left to survive. Just the same is intended for the Japanese people, just extermination, nothing more, just as is intended for all other non-Jewish peoples, and the Jews have the power and the motivation, to be found in the words of their rabbis, the Torah and the Talmud, to accomplish this.

  10. The Sendai earthquake was man made, as was the Niigata earthquake. The existence of the weapon was announced by US Defense Secretary William Cohen in 1997 and it was put into full operation around 2003, when there was a massive increase in earthquakes above Richter 6, which continues to this day. The ionosphere has been battered with billion watt ULF beams for about ten years, mainly from Gakona, Alaska, but also from other HAARP facilities. check out the magnetometer readings of 2.5 hz. Also the ionospheric heating over Japan, recorded by NASA. That is what is causing so called ‘climate change’. The policy is chaos,to quote Henry Kissinger. This is an extremely versatile technology, but it is detectable.

  11. This whole thing the earth quakes the sunami,you can not blame on any goverment. This was a major disaster. I belive the Japanese goverment is trying there best to get this unbelivable problem under control. It may take many years,hopefully not to many deaths. I have faith that the people of Japan and there government will eventualy fix or some how remidy this unbelivable unsolveable problem.God Bless Japan……….

    1. Hi larry,

      I agree with you that the 9.0 earthquake and resulting tsunami were natural; but, when the plants blew up on 3/14/12, before the plan to use a helicopter to drop liquid cooling onto the reactors, they were at a loss as to any method to stop the continuing contamination and decline of the buildings. In 17 months, we have not been told the truth by any government and certainly not the nuclear energy industry. I do believe that the business investments and the greed of evil people has taken precedence over the welfare of the world community.

  12. US Secretary of Defense, William Cohen announced the existence of an earthquake weapon in 1997. By 2003, the number of earthquakes above Richter 6 had jumped exponentially, that is to say about ten times. That increase has been maintained for ten years and is UNPRECEDENTED. It is documented on the website of the US Geological Survey. Former Finance Minister of Japan, Heizo Takenaka, publicly stated in 2007, that his country was being blackmailed by an earthquake weapon. The weapon, known as HAARP, is concealed in an innocuous research programme based at Stanford University. The military facility that caused the Sendai earthquake is based at Gakona, Alaska. It deploys a billion watt 2.5 hz radio beam which is reflected off the ionosphere. The Gakona magnetometer readings prior to the earthquake reveal that the facility was activated on 8th March and deactivated at 9 am on 11th March. Telltale ionospheric heating above Japan was detected by NASA during the same period. Stuxnet disabled the backup cooling system. Any claim that the Sendai earthquake was natural requires evidence. Unfortunately, there is none.

    1. Gordon, Thank you for the information which proves that this disaster was not natural. I am aware of HAARP, but unaware that it could be utilized to such an extent. Following DutchSinse for many years, he was able to prove that the quake in Mexico, Spring 2012, was planned to the day, time, depth and strength. He was in receipt of a poster on which everything was determined before hand. Unfortunately, he was unable to do anything with the information, possibly he was given instruction to “forget” his source.

  13. Building 6 nuclear reactors in a row, with only a few hundred feet distance between each of them, was insanely arrogant. Think about it, all that is required to make the entire site uninhabitable is the catstrophic failure of a single plant or spent fuel pond. We are now faced with that distinct possibility at reactor #4; if the spent fuel pond is breached, the immense gamma radiation released by the uncovered fuel rods will make it impossible to approach, and will likely force the subsequent abandonment of the other stricken reactors.

    Building 6 reactors in a row on the edge of the ocean immediatlely adajaced to an area of extreme seismic activity made this a criminally insane act. The US encouraged this project, supplied the technology, helped build the reactors. There are 23 reactors of the same design now operating in the US, with their spent fuel ponds stacked and restacked with spent fuel rods. We are well-prepared to have our own US Fukushima.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.
