Japanese doctor “You can’t control exposure only by carefully choosing food”

“Even if you carefully choose food that is likely to be less contaminated, it would not be enough to minimize the risk of internal exposure”, a Japanese doctor, Mita commented on the internet program of IWJ (Independent Web Journal).


He had his own clinic in Tokyo, however evacuated to Okayama prefecture after 311.

From his experience to consult people in Tokyo, he stated this.


“I have read reports about the physical effect against 1 Bq/Kg in Chernobyl etc.. however from my experience in Tokyo, it is far from being enough to carefully choose food. The way more effective factor is garbage incineration facility or incineration facility of sewage plant. Bad scores of physical inspections are gathering around those areas.”





You read this now because we’ve been surviving until today.


Français :

Un médecin japonais : “On ne peut pas réduire sa contamination seulement par sélection rigoureuse de ses aliments”


“Même si on choisit avec soin des aliments qui ont le moins de chances d’être contaminés, ce ne sera pas suffisant pour réduire les risques d’exposition interne”, a déclaré le Dr  Mita, médecin japonais, sur la chaîne internet IWJ (Independent Web Journal).

Il possède sa propre clinique à Tokyo, il a néanmoins évacué dans la préfecture d’Okayama après le 11-3.
Il a affirmé ceci à partir de son expérience issue de ses consultations à Tokyo.

“J’ai lu des rapports sur les effets physiques pour 1 Bq/kg à Tchernobyl etc. Néanmoins, de mon expérience sur Tokyo, choisir précautionneusement ses aliments est loin d’être suffisant. Le facteur dominant est celui des incinérateurs à ordures et incinérateurs des stations d’épuration. Les plus mauvais résultats des examens physiques se répartissent autour de ces installations.”


Vous pouvez lire ceci parce que nous avons survécu jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

  1. High Risk Radioisotope contamination foods from: Japan, USA & Canada should be avoided. This is particularly true for Highly Exposed Honshu Island populations. Southern Hemisphere foods are recommended. Reverse Osmosis water is preferable. HEPA filters in HVACR systems bring a further reduction. Modular fan/filter systems, with particulate and activated-carbon inserts will reduce internal contamination. These are particularly desirable in Children’s bedrooms.

    Change air filters regularly.

    1. How would anyone know what is highly contaminated food? Testing is sporatic or non-existent and contamination can change from one batch or crop to the next. So even if one were to test a foodstuff, and find contamination, another container of the exact same item may Not be contaminated. Also it looks to me like the food radiation testers that are available are a scam, when the profesionals test food they slowly incinerate it to ash then test the ashes for a long period, but the food testers commercially available don’t look nearly so robust. I’m all for avoiding irradiated food, I never eat fish any more because I think the risk is too great but I dont know how realistic it is to try and avoid other things when every meal is a crap shoot.

      1. Northwest Honshu Island Japan and the Chernobyl Region are highly contaminated with radioisotopes. Therefore, foods raised in those ‘nuclear exclusion zones’, can be intelligently presumed to be ‘risky’ and/or contaminated.

        The USA and Canada ALLOW food, highly contaminated by nuclear fallout to be sold to the public. The USA has a large number of military & civilian nuclear power facilities and nuclear bomb sites. Further, the USA and Canada do not generally DISCLOSE radioisotope levels in foods. Again, prudence suggests that radioisotope CONTAMINATED food is likely, where it is permissible, and where test results are withheld. .

  2. Vast quantities of nuclear fallout fell into the Northwest Pacific Ocean, following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Immense quantities have washed into the Pacific from Honshu Island due to rain and wind erosion. An additional large contamination source continuously FLOWS from the Fukushima Daiichi site, via natural and anthropogenic water flows. The Northwest Pacific is consequently riddled with pockets of extreme radioisotope contamination. Japan, Canada, USA, IAEA, WHO and nuclear contractors are working feverishly to HIDE that oceanic contamination. Therefore ALL Northwest Pacific Seafood is reasonably suspected of dangerous nuclear contamination.

  3. Qualitative contamination discussion is a proper way to describe nuclear exclusion zones. (i. e. It is nasty, and dangerous; and there is a LOT of it.)

    The numerical (quantitative), physics, and dimensional details of the isotopes, specific activity, dosimetry and the like, may drown the general reader and perhaps most of the techies as well.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


August 2014