Tepco measured 5,100,000 Bq/m3 of Strontium-90 from groundwater in August 2013 / Concealed for 5 months

Note : If you are from the international mass media, Don’t read this site before having a contact with me.



Following up this article.. Tepco concealed wrong analysis of seawater for over 6 months / Tepco “Too busy to verify” [URL]


5,100,000 Bq/m3 of Strontium-90 was measured from groundwater last August, but Tepco didn’t publish the data for 5 months.

For press’s question about why Tepco doesn’t publish Strontium-90 data of seawater and groundwater samples, Tepco explained it is because they found technical errors in some of the analysis data.

On 1/15/2014, Tepco released the concealed Strontium-90 data along with the wrongly analysis data.

The newly published data reveals the fact that Tepco was aware of the significant Strontium-90 contamination in groundwater and seawater.

Except for the samples still “under analysis” for 6 months, Tepco measured Strontium-90 from all the groundwater samples taken from the seaside of reactor1 and 2. The highest reading was 5,100,000 Bq/m3 (8/22/2013). This is 94 times much as the former highest reading measured last May.


Also, Strontium-90 was measured from 97% of seawater samples taken in Fukushima plant port. The data shows Strontium-90 was detected in various locations in the port, from upper layer and lower layer, and also the entrance of port. The highest reading was 720,000 Bq/m3 (9/22/2013). This is 97 times higher than the former highest reading measured last June.






Thank you for reading Fukushima Diary. Your support is the energy of my restless work.


Français :

Tepco avait relevé 5,1 millions de Bq/m³ de strontium 90 dans les eaux souterraines en août 2013 : censuré 5 mois
Note : Si vous êtes de la grande presse internationale, ne lisez pas ce site sans avoir préalablement pris contact avec moi.


Article lié : Tepco a caché plus de 6 mois ses faux résultats sur l’eau de mer : “Trop occupés pour vérifier”

5 100 000 Bq/m³ de strontium 90 avaient été relevés dans les eaux souterraines en août dernier mais Tepco n’en a rien publié pendant 5 mois.
A la question de la presse demandant pourquoi Tepco n’avait pas publié ces données sur le strontium 90 des eaux souterraines et marines, Tepco a expliqué que c’était parce qu’ils avaient découvert des erreurs techniques dans certains résultats.
Le 15 janvier 2014, Tepco publie les données censurées sur le strontium 90 ainsi que les données erronées.
Les nouvelles données révèlent le fait que Tepco était parfaitement au courant de la contamination grave en strontium 90 des eaux souterraines et marines.
Les échantillons “en cours d’analyse” pendant 6 mois mis à part, Tepco a relevé du strontium 90 dans tous les échantillons d’eau souterraine pris sur le côté mer des réacteurs 1 et  2. Le record était à 5,1 millions de Bq/m³ (le 22 août 2013). C’est 94 fois plus que le record précédent qui datait de mai dernier.

De plus, du strontium 90 a été relevé dans 97 % des eaux de mer prises dans le port de la centrale de Fukushima. Les données montrent que le strontium 90 a été relevé en divers endroits du ports, dans les eaux superficielles comme dans les profondes et aussi à l’entrée du port. Le record était de 720 000 Bq/m³ (le 22 septembre 2013). C’est 97 fois plus haut que le record précédent qui datait de juin dernier.


Merci de lire le Fukushima Diary. Votre soutien est l’énergie de mon travail opiniâtre.

  1. This NASTY Fukushima water has NOW started arriving in North American coastal waters.

    http www kpfa org/ (archive/id/97640) – Published By ENENews: November 29th, 2013 at 11:19 pm ET

    KPFA, Nov. 29, 2013: At 12:00 in

    Ken Buesseler, marine radiochemist and Senior Scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: I’ve seen some Canadian data that the front edge of that plume is starting to show up in trace quantities […]

    […] but it’s showing, confirming what the models predict.

    [Note: Fish bio-concentrate cesium-137 at a rate of 100 times the level found in the surrounding water. For seals and sea lions it’s up to 1,000 times.


    The Fukushima oceanic radiation plume is due to arrive along the North American Coast early this year. The first DETECT readings will (likely) be very low. These radioactive levels will (likely) increase for at least 2 years.

    The Linear No Threshold (LNT) radiation risk model is NOW suddenly difficult to find. ‘Team Nuke’ is buying all the Google ‘top spots’. Most (100%) of the ‘top spots’ contain denunciations of the CONSERVATIVE LNT model. The links below provide some basic (though biased) access to the subject.

    ‘Team Nuke’ is trying to prevent public access to the LNT model, to skew public policy their way.

    http lowdose energy gov/ (default) aspx

    Linear No Threshold model
    http lowdose energy gov/pdf/ (albRoughDraft/doeHistoryComplete09262012) pdf


    Bill Duff

  3. Models

    The Linear No Threshold radiation public health MODEL is a useful, SAFE and conservative approximation of a VERY complex multi-discipline physical reality.

    Engineers and other scientists and mathematicians develop simplified models to calculate approximations of objects, events and processes; in a useful fashion.

    We have various complexity models, for various accuracy needs.

    Some of the simple models we can ‘do in our head’ or recall the answer and scale it up or down for the circumstances at hand.

    Sometimes the model is an Order of Magnitude calculation. Are we talking about a penny, dime, dollar, $1k, $1M, $1B, $1T … If the amount in question is a dime, the answer is YES. If the cost is $1T … NO!


    Bill Duff

  4. California Radionuclide Concentrations

    The Pacific Ocean waters off Fukushima are transported by ocean currents to the coast of North America. A given packet of Fukushima radioactive fallout/washout takes about 3 years to arrive along the California Coast. This is in contrast to the 8 days required for a Jet Stream travel by air. If memory serves, Radioactive Sulfur was diluted in the atmosphere by a factor of 365.

    Let us assume, for the moment that the dilution factor for an oceanic radionuclide packet is on the order of 3,650. We can reasonably assume that the Ocean to Land radionuclide transfer function, for up to 1 mile inland, is similar in California and Japan.

    Then we might, on a preliminary basis, using the Linear No Threshold (LNT) model expect the California Public Health effects to be 1/3650th those in Japan.


    Bill Duff

    1. Big O

      The above Order of Magnitude (Big O) example is a quick, down & dirty approximation. The range of acceptable answers in a ‘Big O’ calculation is rather large. We, somewhat arbitrarily, but with some interpolated data usage, selected 3,650 as a dilution factor.

      The ‘Big O’ calculation is ‘correct’, if a closely calculated, more elaborate model, or physical measurements produce a radionuclide dilution factor for Cesium-134 or Strontium-90 anywhere in the range of:

      365 < Our Result (3,650) < 36,500

      Or somewhere between 1/10th of Our Result and Ten Times (10X)of Our Result. I have INTENTIONALLY not 'put too fine a point on this'.

      The oceanographers, EPA and the California Department of Health will use a (FAR) more elaborate, detailed 'Model' to calculate their expected 'INCREASE' in cancer, leukemia, heart-attack, congestive heart failure and birth defect rates near the California surfside.

      The expected increases in the various radiation related diseases will be measureable and (OBVIOUSLY) greater than zero, according the the LNT model.


      Bill Duff

      1. Extrapolation

        The term ‘extrapolation’ is more accurate than ‘interpolation’, for the selected 1st approximation ‘radionuclide dilution factor’.

        Extrapolation is ‘chancier’ than interpolation.

        Nevertheless, the LNT Radiation Public Health Model forces us to conclude that the California Salt Spray will soon become a ‘Slow Killer’. And thus we see why the model is being attacked in the USA. It is USUALLY about the money. Whereas this time it is ABSOLUTELY about the money.


        Bill Duff

  5. Governor Moonbeam

    If TEPCO – Japan managed to instantly STOP all the Fukushima water contamination TODAY; those radioactive water packets would continue for 3 more years. Plus the secondary eddies would recirculate the radionuclde stew for several years longer. But of course, Japan is NOT going to STOP the CONTAMINATION anytime soon.

    We can presume that ‘Governor Moonbeam’ cannot do anything about it. But to be fair, neither could Governors: Terminator Schwartzenegger, Gray-Out Davis, Pete Wilson or anybody else.

    So, ‘grin & bear it’, and thank ‘Team Nuke’ for … NOTHING!


    Bill Duff

    1. The Gipper:

      Ronnie RayGun could not fix this.

      John Wayne, … well, maybe John Wayne COULD do something. But ‘The Duke’ carried that secret with him to the ‘Happy Hunting Ground’.


  6. “worse every minute”

    Nuclear Watch: Tackling Tainted Water

    Japan TV: It gets worse every minute at Fukushima plant, groundwater mixing with melted fuel — Gundersen: There’s no end in sight because the nuclear core is in contact with groundwater (VIDEO)

    NHK Nuclear Watch, Jan. 16, 2014: An issue that gets worse with every passing minute […] the build-up of contaminated water. […] Lake Barrett, Tepco advisor: “Water is a continuing challenge, control of the contaminated water is a very complex matter. It’s a very complicated site with groundwater movements.” Groundwater becomes tainted hour after hour at the plant. It seeps into the damaged reactor buildings and mixes with melted fuel. […]

    http www3 nhk or jp/ (nhkworld/newsline/201401160500) html
    NEWSLINE Post 3.11 Aired on Jan. 16

    http enenews com/ (japan-tv-it-gets-worse-every-minute-at-fukushima-plant-groundwater-mixing-with-melted-fuel-gundersen-theres-no-end-in-sight-because-the-nuclear-core-is-in-contact-with-groundwater-video)
    ENENews Published: January 17th, 2014 at 1:00 am ET

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


January 2014