Evidence to prove reactor2 also possibly exploded in 311 was found / Hole on suppression chamber

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On 1/30/2014, Tepco announced there is a hole on suppression chamber of reactor2 from their simulation.


Reactor2 has been a “mystery” of 311. Some workers heard the explosive sound but no explosion was observed like other reactors. However, the building is severely contaminated and it hasn’t been known what actually happened in reactor2. The new simulation result strongly supports reactor2 also went under some explosion in 311.

(cf, [Column] (Back in 2011) Shock strong enough to shake outside of the reactor, deep enough to keep the building sound [URL])


Tepco has been attempting to measure the water level in suppression chamber of reactor2 since last September. However, because the suppression chamber was deteriorated worse than anticipated, they couldn’t obtain the credible data in the first investigation. (cf, Tepco “Suppression chamber of reactor2 is more deteriorated than expected” [Tepco : “La salle en Surpression du réacteur 2 est plus abimée que ce qu’on pensait”])


From 1/14/2014 ~ 1/16/2014, Tepco investigated the water level by ultrasonic waves again and confirmed the water level was around 5.7m from the bottom of suppression chamber. In three measurements, the water level was always 10 ~ 30mm lower than outside of suppression chamber.

From these gaps of the water level, Tepco simulated there is possibly a hole of 8~9 cm2 on the suppression chamber.





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Français :

Preuve de l’explosion du réacteur 2 en mars 2011 : on a trouvé un trou dans la chambre en surpression
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Le 30 janvier 2014, Tepco annonce que selon leur simulation il y a un trou dans la chambre en surpression du réacteur 2.

Le réacteur 2 a été un  “mystère” en mars 2011. Certains travailleurs ont entendu une explosion mais ils n’en ont vu aucune semblable à celle des autres réacteurs. Or, le bâtiment est gravement contaminé et on ne savait pas ce qui s’est réellement passé dans le réacteur 2. Les résultats de la nouvelle simulation suggère fortement qu’il y a eu une sorte d’explosion dans le réacteur 2 en mars 2011. (cf. [Édito] (Retour sur 2011) Un choc assez puissant pour secouer l’extérieur du réacteur, assez profond pour étouffer le bruit dans le bâtiment)

Tepco tente depuis septembre dernier de mesurer le niveau de l’eau dans la chambre en surpression du réacteur 2. Néanmoins, ils n’ont pas obtenu de résultat crédible au cours de la première exploration parce que la chambre en surpression était plus endommagée que ce qu’ils prévoyaient. (cf. Tepco : “La salle en Surpression du réacteur 2 est plus abimée que ce qu’on pensait”)

Entre le 14 et le 16 janvier 2014, Tepco a recherché le niveau de l’eau en utilisant des ultrasons et a pu ainsi confirmer que ce niveau était à environ 5,7 m du fond de la chambre en surpression. Après trois relevés, le niveau était toujours entre 10 et 30 mm inférieur à celui de l’extérieur de la chambre en surpression.
A partir de cette différence entre les niveaux, Tepco en est venu à simuler la un trou de 8 à 9 cm² dans la chambre en surpression.


Note : Si vous êtes de la grande presse internationale, ne lisez pas ce site sans avoir préalablement pris contact avec moi.

  1. I think that you are one of the first one to officially say that there is a hole (caused by a nuclear explosion) in reactor 2.
    It was talked about a few years ago.
    But propaganda was focused on the reactor 3 explosion.

    Some reporters are still waiting for the official announcement by TECPO that they were 3 nuclear explosions in order to think that there were explosions.

    Thank you so much for your eyes opening journalism.

    1. Perhaps, DKA can

      Perhaps, DKA can point out the precise phrase, by which the long-documented explosion, in FDNPS Reactor-2 is characterized as a ‘nuclear explosion’, prompt criticality, atomic blast or supercritical? While nothing is ruled out, nothing is entirely ruled in regarding the filmed deflagration (subsonic-explosion) of FDNPS Reactor-2.

      The Reactor-3 explosion was consistently MISCHARACTERIZED as variously a hydrogen and/or steam explosion. The Reactor-3 explosion was observed to produce: Orange Flame, Black Smoke, Supersonic-Detonation, fuel vaporization, fuel scattering, and particularly the induced GAMMA radiation in previously inert substances such as structural steel and concrete. NONE of those are signs, symptoms or evidence of a hydrogen and/or steam explosion. Therefore, the best explosion sequence model for Reactor-3 is a prompt criticality (nuclear blast).


      Bill Duff

  2. None of the FDNPS vent systems worked properly.

    All three (3) operating nuclear reactors lost AC electrical power and ultimate heat sink, at full power settings. The precise operational power setting for Reactor-3 may have been over the original design specification. The MOX (plutonium enriched) fuel allowed for higher operational thermal power; but quien sabe (who knows) what kinds of goofy-shit that TEPCO was doing on 311.

    All three buildings suffered blasts. All three nuclear reactors melted down, creating hydrogen gas. Each of the three reactor radioactive fallout explosive releases were on the order of a Level-7 nuclear disaster.

    The contamination of groundwater and the Pacific Ocean is another good prospect for a stand-alone Level-7 Disaster rating.

    The as-yet-undisclosed radioactive releases from the FDNPS Spent Fuel Pools may have also rated a stand-alone Level-7 Disaster designation.

    Therefore MANY surmise that the nominal Level-7 Disaster Rating itself, understates the FDNPS events. A multi-reactor, 100% meltdown and complete containment loss, should probably be described as a Level-8 Nuclear Disaster.

    Governmental Paralysis, and Public Health Collapse, including FAILURE to evacuate, decontaminate and issue ESSENTIAL could reasonably be added to the DISASTER rating system. This would REASONABLY raise the FDNPS events to a LEVEL-9 DISASTER.


    Bill Duff

  3. If we had not seen the governmental COLLAPSE and paralysis at Chernobyl, TMI AND Fukushima, it would not have been predicted.

    Civilian Nuclear Power Plant disasters have a profound, demonstrated ability to totally destroy order and abandonment of sound Public Health practices.

    Perhaps we should add that to essential school lessons for children.

    A previously undescribed hazard.


    Bill Duff

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


January 2014