PCV pressure of reactor2 suddenly decreased to be half / Reason not verified

According to Tepco, PCV pressure of reactor2 suddenly decreased in the early morning of 8/24/2013. The reason is not identified yet.

Around 1:00 AM of 8/24/2013, Tepco found the PCV pressure and exhaust gas volume decreased in reactor2. As a result of the investigation, they found “the unverified flow of air” near the inlet of the gas management system so they shut it down at 10:40 AM.

Tepco claims no abnormality was reported at the monitoring posts and the dust monitoring posts on the first floor of the turbine building.

The PCV pressure of reactor2 decreased to be half within 12 hours. (23:00, 13.19Kpa g→ 11:40, 6.62Kpa g)

Exhaust gas also decreased by 21% within 12 hours, and it hasn’t become back. (23:00, 16.03Nm3/h → 11:40, 12.66Nm3/h → 15:00, 12.66Nm3/h)

PCV pressure of reactor2 suddenly decreased to be half / Reason not verified





You can ignore the truth but the truth won’t ignore you.


Français :

La pression dans la PCV2 a brutalement chuté de moitié / la raison n’en est pas établie


Selon Tepco, la pression dans l’enceinte de confinement primaire du réacteur 2 (PCV2) a brutalement diminué de moitié au petit matin du 24 août 2013. La cause n’en est pas encore connue.

Vers 01:00 ce 24 août 2013, Tepco a découvert que la pression et le volume des gaz d’échappement de la PCV du réacteur 2 avait diminué. Ils ont donné comme résultat de leur investigation qu’une  “circulation d’air non vérifiée” se produisait près de l’entrée du système de contrôle des gaz alors ils l’ont arrêté à 10:40.
Tepco prétend qu’aucune anomalie n’a été signalée aux bornes de surveillance des poussières et les autres du premier étage du bâtiment de la turbine.
La pression de la PCV2 est tombée de moitié en 12 heures. (23:00 : 13,19 Kpa g → 11:40 : 6,62 Kpa g)
Les gaz d’échappement ont aussi diminué de 21 % en 12 heures et ce n’est pas revenu. (23:00 : 16,03 Nm³/h → 11:40 : 12,66 Nm³/h → 15:00 : 12,66 Nm³/h)

PCV pressure of reactor2 suddenly decreased to be half / Reason not verified


Vous pouvez ignorer la vérité mais la vérité ne vous ignorera pas.

  1. SP: Lots of conjecture for this hot crippled reactor building. It might indicate the suspected lava tube hole has closed off or perhaps the corium has slipped out into a different mudstone fissure away from the building. Something to keep an eye on for sure.

    1. Mike,

      As Albert Einstein said, “nuclear power is one hell of a way to boil water”.

      These reactors are essentially nuclear driven boilers, similar to what you would find in any commercial or municipal building; except it uses nuclear fuel instead of natural gas as a heat source.

      The whole purpose is to use the heat generated by the fuel to create high pressure steam to drive a turbine to generate power. That aspect of of power generation is almost universal in all power stations; a turbine driven by water under pressure.

      In the case of nuclear power plants, the fuel is so dangerous they surround the pressure vessel with things like three feet of leaded concrete that is lined with 6 inches of stainless steel on both sides (called the biological shield); that is but one layer of protection. How much of the multiple layers of protection are still in place is questionable at best.

      To address your immediate concern: If there is a significant pressure drop it signals that the integrity of the vessel that is supposed to contain all this pressure has failed and there is a breach in at least the pressure vessel.

      What could cause this?: There are only a few things that would cause this, but the one that everyone will default to is that super hot nuclear fuel burning through the vessel. However, it could also be the result of other things like additional earthquake damage, salt corrosion, etc.

      What does it mean to you, me and millions of innocent Japanese: Nothing good.

      Here are a few of the reasons you havent heard anything about this stuff through the mainstream press.

      A multi-billion dollar tuna and fishing industry most of which have canneries and fishing grounds in the western pacific. (If you haven’t already, top feeding your families seafood from the pacific.)

      A multi-trillion dollar nuclear power industry. (Some of the most powerful people on the planet. Powerful enough to shut down the press and stop the nuclear watchdogs from reporting information)

      A multi-trillion dollar nuclear weapon industry which gets its materials from the above. (The evil these guys and the power industry represent makes my skin crawl; they are almost one in the same world wide.)

      Well over 50 Million innocent Japanese living within 200 miles of the plant and the chaos that would ensue if they were told the truth. (My heart aches at the thought of all these innocent, trusting, wonderful people whose lives are at risk.)

      Over 300 million Americans, 35 million Canadians and 112 million Mexicans all directly down wind of this crisis. (I live here, they are doing everything they can to keep this quiet. “Fuku-what? Oh you’re parinoid” “if it was that bad they would be reporting it on TV” is the typical response I get around here.)

      Just to name a few.

      All I can say is get right with whomever you call God and pray for the Japanese and all of mankind that this problem get solved soon.

      Spread the word about Fukushima-diary.com and don’t forget to keep the operator of this site in your prayers; he is very much like David facing off against Golliath.

  2. TEPCO will say its a broken device and ignore. Hope you can help define the problem for us all, Lori.

  3. This sounds very bad. If the pressure suddenly falls something has suddenly happened which increases the volume of the Pressure Vessel which means decreasing the mass/volume of its contents. Alternatively there has been a sudden drop in temperature, but that is not what they say. To fall by half (PV= constant) means either half its contents has spilled out or a hole has appeared. But if a hole appeared, the pressure would drop to atmospheric unless the hole plugged itself in which case it would come back up to the original value. So it does look (unless the measuring device is faulty) as if the reactor has suddenly lost half of its contents.I suppose it is possible that a very small hole and loss of water or gas at some limiting rate could be the explanation. Lets hope so.

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


August 2013