Fukushima Worker “Severely exposed workers didn’t wear protective clothing”

Following up this article..[Severe exposure of workers] Tepco revised the contamination reading “10 Bq/cm2 → 19 Bq/cm2 on face and head” [URL]

The Fukushima worker Happy11311 commented on Twitter that those workers didn’t wear protective clothing when they were exposed to the radioactive mist.



The workers were exposed to THE mist while waiting for the bus to the entrance management gate. This Tepco bus allows you to wear only normal clothes and surgical mask. So these exposed workers didn’t wear the proper protective clothing.




Truth is not truth because everyone believes in it. It’s the truth because it’s consistent and can’t be rebutted.


Français :

Le travailleur de Fukushima : “Les travailleurs gravement exposés ne portaient pas de vêtements de protection”


Article lié : [Exposition sévère de travailleurs] Tepco a revu à la hausse ses relevés sur la figure et la tête : “10 Bq/cm² → 19 Bq/cm²”

Le travailleur de Fukushima Happy11311 a déclaré sur Twitter que ces travailleurs ne portaient pas de vêtements de protection lorsqu’ils ont été exposés à la bruine radioactive.

Ces travailleurs ont été exposés à LA bruine alors qu’ils attendaient dans le bus à la porte de gestion des entrées. Ce bus de Tepco n’autorise que les habits normaux et les maques de chirurgie. Ces travailleurs ne portaient donc pas les vêtements de protection appropriés.

— ハッピー (@Happy11311) August 12, 2013

Ce n’est pas la vérité parce que tout le monde y croit. C’est la vérité parce que c’est cohérent et irréfutable.

  1. thats what happens when you squander ‘public funds’.. a white T-shirt off everyones’ back! ever wonder why japanese ghosts are always dressed in white kimonos?


    Previous ArticleANALYSIS: Taxpayers hit as framework to resolve Fukushima crisis hits wall

    Next ArticleTaiwan says nuclear power plant may have leaked toxic water


    August 08, 2013

    The central government is going ahead with a plan to use public funds in an attempt to stop radioactive water at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant from flowing into the ocean, as operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. is seen as incapable of coping with the problem on its own.

    “The problem of contaminated water is the most pressing. Rather than leave it up to TEPCO, the central government will come up with the measures to deal with it. The industry minister will instruct TEPCO in order to implement swift and multilayered measures,” Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told a meeting of the Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters on Aug. 7.

    The Agency for Natural Resources and Energy released the results of a study that estimated about 1,000 tons of groundwater was flowing daily from nearby mountains to the ocean in the vicinity of the Fukushima No. 1 plant. Of that amount, about 400 tons is being contaminated with radiation after flowing into reactor buildings and other facilities at the plant site.

    Of the remaining 600 tons of groundwater, about half was coming into contact with soil contaminated by radioactive materials around the reactor buildings and flowing into the ocean, according to the report.

    Those involved in the study have been unable to determine when the contaminated water began flowing into the ocean. The possibility that contaminated water has been flowing into the ocean from the outset of the disaster cannot be denied.

    The remaining 300 tons of groundwater is believed to be flowing into the ocean without being contaminated and poses no risk.

    TEPCO plans to begin pumping up contaminated groundwater from wells on the plant site from Aug. 9. While about 100 tons will be pumped up daily at first, plans also call for digging more wells. The contaminated water will be stored in tanks on site.

    According to TEPCO officials, tanks that have already been installed can hold about 380,000 tons. They are at the 320,000-ton mark now.

    Plans call for installing tanks to increase the capacity to 700,000 tons by 2015 and 800,000 tons by fiscal 2016.

    TEPCO officials hope to reduce the volume of contaminated groundwater to 60 tons a day and store that water in the tanks. One measure being considered for that reduction is to solidify contaminated soil with chemicals to construct a wall that would block out groundwater.

    However, TEPCO plans do not take into consideration the possibility that contaminated water may leak from the reactor buildings.

    Moreover, while the concentration of radioactive materials in the water is being measured at the wells, the results have fluctuated depending on the timing and location for the collection of the water samples. That makes it difficult to determine the level of radioactive materials in the water.

    TEPCO officials have also been unable to determine where the water is leaking from, nor the extent of the area that has been contaminated.

    Such uncertainty will likely force the utility to undertake a comprehensive review of measures that have been implemented until now to deal with the problem.

    TEPCO also has an untested plan to freeze soil around the Fukushima No. 1 plant to block the flow of groundwater into the reactor and turbine buildings. However, because the project would cost several tens of billions of yen, TEPCO alone will be unable to finance it. The central government will cover part of the costs.

    The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry plans to ask for funds in the fiscal 2014 budget for research purposes for the soil freezing project without specifying how much it wants.

    The central government and TEPCO finalized the plan in May and are planning to complete the project by the first half of fiscal 2015.

    Under the proposal, the wall of frozen soil will be built by inserting cooling pipes into the ground at intervals of about one meter around the buildings. The pipes would be inserted as deep as 30 meters into the ground. Coolant of about minus 50 degrees would be circulated through the pipes to freeze the surrounding soil.

    Compared to constructing walls using clay or concrete, the frozen soil wall would better block the water and the time needed for completing the project would also be shorter.

    TEPCO officials are confident they can surround all the buildings reasonably quickly.

    One problem is that a huge amount of funds would be needed to continuously circulate the coolant.

    In the meantime, TEPCO has other plans to construct a wall to block out water by injecting chemicals into the foundation near the levee to prevent contaminated water from flowing into the ocean. The utility will also pump up contaminated water.

    However, those measures would not completely stop the flow of water into the ocean. An additional problem is where to store the pumped water.

    If the water can be blocked from flowing into the reactor buildings, the contaminated water now accumulated in the basement of the buildings could be extracted to allow for the decommissioning of the reactors. However, the extraction of that water will likely be a difficult task because workers are unable to approach the buildings because of high levels of radiation.



  2. The Japanese government needs to allow an independent third party to intervene before it’s too late. They’ve known from the beginning that this is a major crisis.


    “…The Japanese authorities classifies the disaster as a four on the seven Ines-scale, which means ”an accident without significant risk to the environment”. Reisch dismisses this as a cover-up:

    – They have economic interests. This is a seven. During my years at SKI, I would not have talked, but now I’m retired and can speak freely.

    – This is absolutely comparable with Chernobyl. It’s about the impact on a large area with many people and local release of radioactive material that is likely to be the case of lethal doses,” he says, Aftonbladet reports.
    …- Given all the rescue workers who worked closely with the affected units and inhaled radioactive steam, it´s in reality impossible to not die of radiation. It’s not good. I do not know how many people who live north of Fukushima, but I guess it is so densely populated that there are a few million,” said Frigyes Reisch.

    So far, winds have been westerly and blowing out the radioactivity of the Pacific Ocean. But according to forecasts, they will during the day today to turn around and start blowing north – with the chance of precipitation. How far the radioactive particles can be spread is due to local conditions. After the Chernobyl accident Gavle, 1000 km from Chernobyl, had most radioactive precipitation in Sweden.”

  3. Thank YOU ALL the TRUTH no mater how bad is better than a lie GOD SAVE US ALL…. The Truth would be this… That which we do for ourselves dies with us…That which we do for others remains…. I worked for gov. I know they lie…money has got them… so sad we all must pay for there lies so the money and more and more got us all

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


August 2013