[コラム] 国の運命は変えられなくても、自分の運命は変えられる

This is the Japanese version of this column.


僕はグーグルランクマニアではありませんが、去年の11月からFukushima Diaryのサイトのトラフィックを見るのはやめていました。







Thank you for your support.
Now your donation will be spent on the next research for the possibile Japanese village in Romania. (560€)
At this moment, 468 € to go.
  1. いおりさんへ、


    今回の「運命」の話題は仰る様かなり不安に満ちてて 只でさえ強烈な内容しか記入しないサイトの主催には一寸向かない弱音に聞えてきます。しかし、ご存知の様其方は俗に言う「無力」な人間。 そしてその意地張ってる間のどこかに「日本心」が震災のガレキに埋もれてる。自分は本心アメリカンなんで ザクザク言う立ちなんですが、失礼かもしれないですけど 君にも家族がいるはず。どういう内容で「飛び出した」か知りませんが、「針の穴ラクダ」身軽もなによりですが其れなりの辛い別れもあるのでしょう。何故かと今其方の気持ちを読むとどうやら亡霊に取り付かれてる様子ですね。嫌な親父でも一人しか居ない。いい加減な母親でも産んでくれたのだ。だからこそ「愛」は一つ。そしてそれが拡大され、国、星、月、太陽、銀河と生って行く者さ。

    確かに最近のニュースは不安になります。 例の茨城の男性がもしかしたら被爆死したかというのは流石に 実感し始めます。しかしそのページでも二種類のコメントで一人は完全に疑う派でYoutube如きに騙されない論理学者。もう一人は犬儒学派(皮肉を思う哲学)でなんでこんなに「幸せ」が発達してる国で安物のガイガーとマクドナルドなんだ。その紛れ込んでる何にもしらない子供の遊び声を収録するのが目的だったような。そして其方が言うようこれが50年?零の桁もしらず云年続くのです。あの福島が元の平地になったら見に来てくれませんかって?


    でも、もうそののりなんですよ・・・特に外人さんのリアクション聞くと「俺はもういないからどうでもいいよ」 特に高齢者はね。 やはりこれは生命に対しての恨みともいえるでしょう・・・何故かと先もわからないとりあえずもう「輪廻」も破壊されてる様子で 光々年もある宇宙のなかでほんの瞬きな存在が痴がましいのか。でも人類てその生意気な勢いで自分の歴史を残したがる欲望社会。やはりコンクリも使い始めたのも、墓石そのものも、永遠と残る為に。チェルノブィルの「コンクリ棺桶」も偶然か 要するに半減期だけでもその人はプルとニッゥムとともに1億年ものこるのです。その人って誰?って広島・長崎で原爆の影になったひとは何に生まれ変わるかと思った事あります? もうすこしさ、宗教に惑わされず、科学にも騙されずにいられれば、その理由さえなければここは完全な「天国」であろう。

    しかしここは生き地獄なのよさ!! どう変えても。皆言ってる事と遣ってる事が180°違う偽善者ばかり。

    いぁ、つい毎度の愚痴まで込んでまいましたが長くなるので切り目で話題変えます。 最近近所で見たドキュメンタリーでごんす。 「放射能浴びてX年後」 とうのですがいわゆる終戦後にもかかわらず アメリカが ビキニ環礁で100発以上の核実験をやった事の物語どす。家の有名な「第五福竜丸」はほんの一部の犠牲者たちで 久々猛撃に「大和魂」が騒ぎました。二時間も原爆が落ちる映像でして最後がガクガク霊気に囚われ震えてたぐらい凄い上映です。丁度一ヶ月前の公開で是非いつか見れるよう願います。運よければ来年DVD目指してね。

    ドキュメンタリーのサイトリンクです: http://x311.info/

    後あの 富岡市の 松村直登様のYoutube良かったです。あのダチョウをみてるとまるでファイナル ファンタシーのチョコボに見えました。

    なんならこれもなんかのご縁なので 私はバカ正直派なんで 何でも素直に正面から受け入れます。 なのでまたここでの記入が迷惑でしたら Emailででも返事をいつでもください: karraziro@gmail.com


    これ以上に神の思し召しが有らん事を願い致します。 (もう遅いけど)


  2. (this is a self-translation of comment above)

    Dear Mr. Iori,

    I have previously left a comment on your ‘origami’ themed post but again my name is Ziro. Unfortunately it seemed due to some auto-moderator feature that particular post of mine did not display on the site… perhaps its contents were too long or simply too spiritual for one to deny. Today, out of bordom, I will write in Japanese.

    Todays Column post regarding “Destiny” is certainly filled with much uncertainty… even for a site that only leaves people with nothing but fear, this seemed quite irresponsible as the creator, So the reasoning goes as you know you’re just a ‘powerless’ human.. a nuclear shepherd whos soul is buried amist all the Tohoku Quake rubble. My mind tends to speak American first so you’ll find my comments very direct & sometimes offensive, but that is only proof that nothing hurts more than the Truth, being the fact you must have a family yourself. I dont know how hard or what it was like to have to ‘leave’ Japan on your side but im sure you have had to terminate many friendships along the way as you have stated before. incidentally reading your recent post i find you are being tormented by your own family ghosts. Even though ones Father is a total idiot, hes your only hope. Even if ones Mother is a hopelessly realistic romantic, she went through the trouble of giving you birth. That is why there is only “One Love”… and that increases in size to ones Country, Planet, Moon, Sun, Galaxy as one’s Spirit.

    Of course there is enough reason to be worried, as for example i think the recent article on the mystery man from Ibaraki whom may have died from radiation poisoning to be very alarming. Tokaimura anyone?! But even within such an incident there were 2 kinds of comments, one person the total logic obsessed scientist whom thinks there was some kind of ‘trick’ behind the scenes on Youtube… then you have your average skeptic philanthropist whom wonders why a nation whom has so blatantly progressed in technological-happiness to be judged in a McDonalds with a Geiger toy… so whos gona profit off of phones/pads with a geiger installed? it was almost as if the Youtube footage was aimed at capturing all the playful voices of clueless children in the background radiating. & as we have been foretold, perhaps your site is doomed to keep us informed for 50 years? until the Fukushima Nuclear Plant is dismantled.. a project that may add a few zeros to the original ‘schedule’. when ol’ Fukushima Daiichi is a plain old fun-loving parking-lot with some crummy memorial, will you come visit please??

    Sadly, I may not be alive to witness it.

    Although That is the prognosis… its how unspiritual people react, particularly non-japanese foreigners whom all tend to say “I dont care because I wont be around then” particularly the age that had to experience WW2 upfront of course.. what regrets could they possibly have. This can be seen as a Revenge on the Lifeforce couldnt it… because it obliviously seems Reincarnation is a thing of the past as all living beings seem to be turning into sentient humans… (make note of the law of thermodynamics : energy cannot be created nor destroyed) and within this galaxy we just peepshow further into that has a bosom of light flight years, is our somewhat nano-blink of a lifetime in this mortal plain so that perpetually selfishly meaningless. yet within that struggle humans prove their worth winning their history throughout this materialisticly diseased Society called Desire. The evolution of Concrete proves our worth in the form of gravestone relics.. as if the ‘Concrete Sarcophagus’ of Chernobyl isnt ironic enough we realize these nuclear obsessed souls will live on in Atomic Energy in whatever nuclide they want… living for millions of years in the half-life of Plutonium. just who am i talking about? ever wonder what happened to all those souls that perished as nuclear-shadows at Hiroshima, Nagasaki and what would have become of them? maybe if we stop filling our uncertainty with Religion, whom doesnt really give a damn of what happens to you other than controlling the whole world, along with Science, that is only there to prove its better than nature & humans… if there wasnt such a paradox this would truely be Heaven we live in.

    Once the paradise bubble bursts This Is A Living Hell!! No matter how you go about changing ones destiny we are here to witness the destruction of Mother Earth.. thanks to all these ‘do-goodders’ self-righteous liberals whom cling onto material welfare like the rags of the messiah.. these hypocrites who say one thing out of idealism & completely walk the other way.

    well, sorry for the usual mouthful… will somehow bring this rant to a halt by changing topic. This is a recent Documentary i just watched at a private screening in Japan called “Houshanou Wo Abite X Nen Go” its about the unbelievable ignorance of America conducting hundreds of nuclear tests out in the infamous Bikini Atoll regardless of that being years after the Hiroshima Nagasaki memorial. The “Daigo Fukuryuumaru” is damning evidence today (apparently its preserved near Shin-Kiba Station Odaiba for those interested) but it turns out that ship was merely one of dozens of fishing vessels that became a part of ‘The Ashes Of Death”. It was nearly 2 hours of watching footage of actual nuclear explosions such as codename Bravo & Romeo & towards the end i have to admit i was literally shaking in fear surrounded by all the nuclear ghosts. coincidentally it was shown just exactly 1 month ago & i hope you all have a chance to see it someday. if lucky i pray it released on DVD soon tho that would just mean the imminent dispersal over the Internet.. some stories are better left ontold, bliss.

    heres the link for the documentary for those interested : http://x311.info/ (only in japanese srry)

    everything happens for a reason they say… & so to count your blessings i thank you for reading thus far without prejudice. as u can tell im a seriously sociopathic fool… but i try to see the bigger picture without that sobering poison we call mindless.

    as you stated theres nothing more i hate than a Liar… tho unfortunately The Truth only exists in ones mindfull soul… The Universe Within.

    May We Stop Provoking Gods Wrath –its too late–

    Ziro Japan

  3. 我々は、諦めてはいけない。種を蒔き続けなければならない。。

    このコラムを読んで、とても励まされ、元気が出てきました。 3.11後、日本という国の、あまりの脆弱さに
    衝撃を受け続けるばかりです。 あれから2年と少し、東京では、何事もなかったかのような平静さです。

    そんな中で、私たちには護らなければならない人たちがいます。 私たちの家族、親しい人たち、職場で
    慕ってくれる人たち。。 彼らの多くは、日頃、この国がおかれている窮状を意識せずに生きています。


    国土は汚染されてしまいました。 でも、少しでも、心の健康を維持して、国の軌道を修正する力の
    ひとつになっていたいのです。 微力ではありますが。。



    Angama Twitterも楽しく拝読しています。



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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


May 2013