Citizens’ radiation monitoring station, “0.34Bq/Kg from lunch box dropped on asphalt”

According to the citizens’ radiation laboratory CRMS (Citizen’s Radioactivity Measuring Station), 0.34 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 was measured from the lunch box dropped on the asphalt of street in Fukushima city.

They measured another lunch box to compare but the radiation level was lower than detectable amount. It can be concluded that the Cs-134/137 was attached when the sample was dropped on the street.


Dropped the deep-fried chicken lunch box accidentally and scattered it on the asphalt. The analyzing result was
Cs-134 : <0.10 Bq/Kg
Cs-137 : 0.24 Bq/Kg


Analyzed a normal lunch box to compare. This one has no peak of Cs-134/137 in spectrum.
Cs-134 : < 0.15 Bq/Kg
Cs-137 : <0.16 Bq/Kg


The dropped lunch box had the peak of Cs-134 in spectrum. It was slightly under the detectable amount but adding the assumption, the total of Cs-134/137 would be 0.34 Bq/Kg. ・・・ The amount to eat would contain 0.13 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137.


The normal lunch box to compare was purchased 3 days later than the dropped one, and the radiation level was lower than detectable amount. We assume the contamination source was the asphalt. ・・・

Related article..467 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 from decontamination water in Kohriyama city Fukushima [URL]



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Français :

Citizens’ Radiation Monitoring Station : 0,34 Bq/kg dans un emballage de repas tombé sur le goudron


Selon le laboratoire civil CRMS (Citizen’s Radioactivity Measuring Station), 0,34 Bq/kg de césium 134/137 ont été relevés sur l’emballage d’un repas tombé sur le goudron d’une rue de Fukushima.

Ils ont mesuré un autre emballage pour comparer mais son niveau de radioactivité n’était pas détectable. On peut en conclure que le Cs 134/137 était dedans quand il a été jeté dans la rue.

Fait accidentellement tomber l’emballage de poulet frit et ça c’est répandu sur le goudron. Les résultats de l’analyse sont :
Cs-134 : <0.10 Bq/Kg
Cs-137 : 0.24 Bq/Kg
昼食用に買った唐揚弁当を落としてしまい、アスファルトにぶちまけたのでそれを測りました。アスファルトに落とした唐揚弁当 消費期限13.0603Ge半導体検出器 500mlマリネリ容器 250000秒Cs-134 ND(<0.10Bq/kg)Cs-137 0.24Bq/kg
— CRMS市民放射能測定所 福島さん (@crms_fukushima) 2013年6月9日

Analysé un emballage normal pour comparer. Celle-ci ne présente pas de pic pour les Cs-134/137 sur le spectre.
Cs 134 : < 0,15 Bq/kg
Cs 137 : <0,16 Bq/kg
比較用に普通のも測りました。唐揚弁当 消費期限13.0604Ge半導体検出器 500mlマリネリ容器 86400秒Cs-134 ND(<0.15Bq/kg)Cs-137 ND(<0.16Bq/kg) こちらの落とさなかった唐揚弁当にはCsのピークがありません。
— CRMS市民放射能測定所 福島さん (@crms_fukushima) 2013年6月9日

L’emballage tombé présente un pic de Cs 134 dans le spectre. C’était plutôt en-dessous du minimum détectable mais sous l’hypothèse de cumul, le total en Cs 134/137 serait de 0,34 Bq/kg. ・・・ La quantité à manger contient 0,13 Bq/kg de Cs 134/137.
— CRMS市民放射能測定所 福島さん (@crms_fukushima) 2013年6月9日

L’emballage normal de comparaison a été acheté 3 jours après celui par terre et son niveau de radioactivité n’était pas détectable. On suppose que la source de la contamination était l’asphalte. ・・・
@morinosee 比較用に3日後に購入した唐揚弁当は不検出なのでアスファルトと考えます。同日に買った唐揚弁当ではないので、元々の材料に含まれているのでは?とも考えられますが、0.34Bq/kgならば現状の福島市のアスファルトに落とした際に付着したと考える方が適切かと思います。
— CRMS市民放射能測定所 福島さん (@crms_fukushima) 2013年6月9日


Article lié : 467 Bq/kg de césium 134/137 dans l’eau de décontamination de la ville de Kohriyama à Fukushima

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


June 2013