On 8/7/2013, Tepco published the nuclide analysis report of groundwater.
On this report, Tepco “mis-marked” the number 45,000 Bq/L below the result of Boring No.1-2.
Boring No.1-2 is where they detected 900,000,000 Bq/m3 of all β (Strontium-90 etc) twice, which is the highest reading among all the borings. They also measured 380,000,000 Bq/m3 of Tritium from this boring.
The analysis result of Strontium-90 has been “Under analysis” for weeks. The “mis-marked” 45,000 Bq/L was found right under the “Under analysis” comment. (Red circled below)
On the left, there is also another “Mis-mark” of 4/26. These “mis-marks” are both of Japanese and English reports.
Iori Mochizuki Truth is not truth because everyone believes in it. It’s the truth because it’s consistent and can’t be rebutted.