Japanese government had disaster children make the debris medal to give Japanese Olympic team.
(cf. [Olympic] Possibility of IOC rejected the Japanese charm made of debris)
They are still pushing disaster debris to all around in Japan. Now Japanese government relates debris to Olympic.
Logically, debris has noting to do with Olympic.
東京スカイツリー前にあるオブジェ。「みんなの力でがれき処理」・・・う~ん、オリンピックとがれき処理とは関係ないような気がするんだけどな。 twitter.com/FujioOhta/stat…
— 大田富士夫さん (@FujioOhta) 7月 29, 2012
This is the ornament in front of Tokyo Sky tree (broadcasting tower with observation deck in Sumida ward). It reads “Let’s incinerate debris with everyone”. hmm Olympic has nothing to do with debris incineration..
Iori Mochizuki