Radio show aborted for DJ’s comments on media control after 311

“InterFM” decided to abort one of their major radio shows “Barakan Morning”. The DJ commented in the radio show of 9/15/2014.

The show started in September of 2009. After one year blank, it restarted in April of 2013.

Peter Barakan, the program DJ from England, is known to have criticized the government of Japan for its media control after 311.

In the Tokyo gubernatorial election of 2014, he confessed that he was requested not to mention “nuclear” by two radio stations.


He was assigned to be a company executive of InterFM in 2012, but he stepped down in June of 2014.

His show is going to end in the end of September.



I tried to install a Bitcoin button on the sidebar. Because I don’t have bitcoin, I can’t test it to see if it works. I would be very glad if you use it for a test.


Français :

Une émission de radio s’arrête après que l’animateur ait parlé du contrôle des médias post 11-3


“InterFM” a décide d’interrompre une de leurs principales émissions “Barakan Morning”. L’animateur l’a déclaré au cours de son émission le 15 septembre 2014.

L’émission avait commencé en septembre 2009. Elle a redémarré en avril 2013 après une année de silence.
M. Peter Barakan, animateur anglais, est célèbre pour avoir critiqué le gouvernement japonais sur sa prise de contrôle des médias après le 11-3. Il a confessé avoir reçu l’ordre de deux stations de radio de ne pas parler de nucléaire pendant les élections de 2014 du gouvernement métropolitain de Tokyo.

Il avait été nommé à InterFM en tant que cadre en 2012 mais il s’est désisté en juin 2014.
Son émission s’arrêtera fin septembre.


J’ai essayé de mettre un bouton pour Bitcoin dans la barre de droite. Je ne peux pas le tester parce que je n’ai pas de compte bitcoin. Je serai grandement reconnaissant à celle/celui qui voudra bien l’utiliser pour le tester.


About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


September 2014