Tepco signed to collaborate with Sellafield Ltd / “Expecting for more support from Nuclear Decommissioning Authority”



On 5/1, Tepco signed an agreement to develop a working relationship with Sellafield Ltd.


Japanese Prime Minister, Abe and Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change. Edward Davey attended the ceremony.

Tepco states it is significant to exchange knowledge and technology with Sellafield Ltd, which is the (so-called) leading company about decommissioning and decontamination of a nuclear plant.


At the same time, Tepco commented they expect for “the further support” of Nuclear Decommissioning Authority with this collaboration. They didn’t explain what the “further support” suggests.





You read this now because we’ve been surviving until today.


Français :

Tepco signe sa collaboration avec Sellafield Ltd / “On attend plus d’aide de la part de l’autorité de démantèlement nucléaire”


Le 1er mai, Tepco a signé un accord de coopération avec la société Sellafield Ltd.

M. Abe, le premier ministre japonais et Edward Davey le secrétaire d’état à l’énergie et au changement climatique se sont rendus à cette cérémonie.
Tepco affirme qu’il est important d’échanger du savoir-faire et des techniques avec Sellafield Ltd, qui est (soi-disant) la société leader en matière de démantèlement et de décontamination de centrales nucléaires.

Dans le même temps, Tepco déclare qu’ils attendent de cette collaboration “de nouvelles aides” de l’Autorité du Démantèlement Nucléaire (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority). Ils n’ont pas expliqué ce qu’ils entendent par “nouvelles aides”.


Vous pouvez lire ceci parce que nous avons survécu jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

  1. Oh Sellafields…(from Wiki)…
    “Between 1950 and 2000 there were 21 serious incidents or accidents involving some off-site radiological releases that warranted a rating on the International Nuclear Event Scale, one at level 5, five at level 4 and fifteen at level 3. Additionally during the 1950s and 1960s there were protracted periods of known, deliberate, discharges to the atmosphere of plutonium and irradiated uranium oxide particulates.[50] These frequent incidents, together with the large 2005 Thorp plant leak which was not detected for nine months, have led some to doubt the effectiveness of the managerial processes and safety culture on the site over the years.”
    I was warned by locals not to swim in the Irish Sea because they said it was the most toxic in the world.

  2. “British nuclear operators face being sued for billions of pounds by the Irish government and Irish victims of any radioactive damage they cause under legal changes to be introduced this year…

    “Greenpeace has warned that the dumping of [Sellafield’s] liquid waste has made the Irish Sea among the most contaminated waters in the world, even though Ireland itself produces no nuclear energy. Irish fishermen have been angered by catches of unsaleable mutated fish and by findings that they have been exposed to low-level radiation.”


  3. Is this just to piss off the French?
    Improve spin? PR junket…
    Swedish nuclear power plants discharging water into the Baltic have noted the high incidence of radioactive isotope deposition in blue mussels in the Baltic sea.
    Filtering waster water through bivalve shellfish beds, keeps some of the radioactive waste in the immediate area, the estuaries at the river mouths are a prime location to place oyster beds and mussel lines, to trap some of the radioactive run off.
    Just a thought….

    1. If the aim is to clean up radioactive waste in Baltic estuaries, surely the best strategy is not to dump it in the first place.

      Is there any evidence that shellfish beds can significantly reduce ambient contamination levels in estuaries or similar environments?

  4. Waste of time

    Shellfish, seaweed and top of the foodchain feeders, bioaccumulate and bioconcentrate certain radioisotopes. The effect is sufficient to poison the organisms, in some cases.

    The effect is likely about 6 orders of magnitude too low to improve the environment.

    Helen wastes our time, with this hippy crapola.

    1. Actually, i thought her earlier idea of utilizing such bivalves to line waste water tanks was brilliant and just the kind of thinking needed in this ongoing Mega-Disaster. Not only would they help reduce braking radiation, their bodies bioaccumulate radionuclides resistent to other extraction efforts. Maybe the effect is 6 orders of magnitude too low, yet there may be ways to increase this or otherwise optimize process.

      1. Let’s be clear what we’re discussing. Here are two quite different options.

        Option 1: Install mussel beds on the seabed in contaminated estuaries. Like Bill, I’m inclined to think that this would have minimal effect on overall contamination levels. I’d be happy to change this opinion if someone can produce evidence to the contrary.

        Option 2: Treat nuclear effluent at-source by running it through series of beds lined with bivalves. A bit like a nuclear version of a reedbed wastewater system. This might be a goer. Can anyone cite any examples or research?

        1. Greater efficacy would be achieved by utilizing an intermediate species such as plankton to initially bioaccumulate radionuclides for freshwater mussels to filter-feed upon for both options.
          What to do with the mussels afterward though?
          How ironic; one of the mussel’s natural predetors are the starfish or sea star.
          Yes, as Mr. Hawes asks above; “Can anyone cite any examples or research?” please.

  5. What to do with the mussels afterward though? Why, inter them in one of those safe-for-all-time, infallible, accident-proof waste burial sites like they’ve got in Carlsbad NM, of course.

  6. Kick back

    Pseudo-Bio-Remediation, for nuclear waste; is a TOTAL gawdamn waste of time, effort and money.

    There is NO worse way to proceed. Doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is preferable to this hippy bullshit.

    Take a year off and do nothing.

    1. Respectfully, there is a worse way to proceed.
      That is, by doing nothing as we are still witnessing.
      What else have you seen for the last three years?

      What has any form of bio-remediation got in common with an infiltrated and usurped Berkely movement from the sixties?

  7. The pseudo-frozen wall is most likely COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE.

    The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, proximity to the sea, geology and local hydrology are NOT conducive to a ‘Freeze Wall’. Most likely some group of politicians are not getting their share of the cleanup project GRAFT.

    The technology is inadequate to do the job, without the use of Liquid Nitrogen. And the heaving of the semi-permafrost will LIKELY cause significant structural and geologic integrity issues. The Frozen Wall proposal is not a ‘Magic Bullet’. It won’t help, and WILL do harm.

    Japan is urged to pursue more promising methods, such as increased; trenching, tunneling, grouting, underground walls and liquid glass. Conventional sealants and concrete will incrementally solve this problem.


    Bill Duff

  8. Kick back

    Pseudo-Bio-Remediation, for nuclear waste; is a TOTAL gawdamn waste of time, effort and money.

    There is NO worse way to proceed. Doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is preferable to this hippy bullshit.

    Take a year off and do nothing. Flush money down the toilet. Shoot half the crew and have a children’s day camp on the premises.

    Counter – Productive is a bad thing.

  9. The pseudo-frozen wall is most likely COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE.

    The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, proximity to the sea, geology and local hydrology are NOT conducive to a ‘Freeze Wall’. Most likely some group of politicians are not getting their share of the cleanup project GRAFT.

    The technology is inadequate to do the job, without the use of Liquid Nitrogen. And the heaving of the semi-permafrost will LIKELY cause significant structural and geologic integrity issues. The Frozen Wall proposal is not a ‘Magic Bullet’. It won’t help, and WILL do harm. Even with the use of liquid nitrogen, the proposed ‘Freeze Wall’ is not a match for the conditions at hand.

    Japan is urged to pursue more promising methods, such as increased; trenching, tunneling, grouting, underground walls and liquid glass. Conventional sealants and concrete will incrementally solve this problem.


    Bill Duff

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


May 2014