Tepco to start installing frozen water wall between reactor2 and underground trench next week

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Following up this article.. Highly contaminated water possibly leaking from reactor2 building to underground trench [URL]


Tepco is going to start drilling to install the frozen water walls between reactor2 and underground trench next week.

Highly contaminated retained water is assumed to be moving between reactor2 turbine building and underground trench, which may lead to the direct leakage of coolant water to the sea.


They plan to complete installing frozen water packers into the holes by the end of March, and start pumping up retained water from underground trench this May.


In seawater monitoring commission of NRA (Nuclear Regulation Authority) held of 1/27/2014, Tepco stated the installation operation is about 1 week behind because of the retained highly contaminated water.





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Français :

Tepco va commencer la semaine prochaine le mur de congélation entre le réacteur 2 et la tranchée
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Article lié : Des eaux extrêmement radioactives du réacteur 2 fuient dans la canalisation souterraine

La semaine prochaine, Tepco va commencer ses forages pour installer le mur d’eau congelée entre le réacteur 2 et la tranchée souterraine.
Les eaux extrêmement radioactives retenues sont supposées s’écouler depuis le bâtiment de la turbine du réacteur 2 jusqu’à la tranchée souterraine ce qui pourrait permettre une fuite de liquide de refroidissement directement en mer.

Ils ont prévu de finir d’installer les tubes de congélation dans les forages pour fin mars et de commencer le pompage des eaux retenues dans la tranchée souterraine à partir de mai prochain.

Au cours de la réunion de la commission de gestion des eaux de mer de la NRA (Nuclear Regulation Authority) du 27 janvier 2014, Tepco a affirmé que l’opération d’installation  prendra environ une semaine à cause de la radioactivité extrême des eaux retenues.


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  1. 101 – Permafrost Basics are NOT good

    http www britannica com/ (EBchecked/topic/452187/permafrost/65749/Permafrost-thawing-and-frost-heaving)

    Permafrost thawing and frost heaving

    Because thawing of permafrost and frost action are involved in almost all engineering problems in polar areas, it is advisable to consider these phenomena generally. The delicate thermal equilibrium of permafrost is disrupted when the vegetation, snow cover, or active layer is compacted. The permafrost table is lowered, the active layer is thickened, and considerable ice is melted. This process lowers the surface and provides (in summer) a wetter active layer with less bearing strength. Such disturbance permits a greater penetration of summer warming.

    It is common procedure to place a fill, or pad, of gravel under engineering works. Such a fill generally is a good conductor of heat and, if thin, may cause additional thawing of permafrost. The fill must be made thick enough to contain the entire amplitude of seasonal temperature variation—in other words, thick enough to restrict the annual seasonal freezing and thawing to the fill and the compacted active layer. Under these conditions no permafrost will thaw.

    Such a procedure is quite feasible in the Arctic, but in the warmer subarctic it is impractical because of the enormous amounts of fill needed. Under a heated building, profound thawing may occur more rapidly than under roads and airfields.

    1. It is SINCERELY HOPED, that Japan will cease this icy-slushy … artificial permafrost FUBAR-SNAFU! Freezing Sub-Artic latitude soils is a VERY bad approach for the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station. Inadequate, intermittent freezing is the WORST of all possible conditions.

      “field measurements of heave up to 0.05 m per winter lead us to consider frost heaving as a threat to the stability of any engineering design.”

      http www google com/ (url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&ved=0CDkQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpubs.aina.ucalgary.ca%2Fcpc%2FCPC5-125.pdf&ei=0ifpUojKMoXJsQTSjoBQ&usg=AFQjCNG0-nIvrknqxB0XRUzWfD0ru-mIVw&bvm=bv.60157871,d.cWc)

      MECHANISM OF BEDROCK FROST HEAVE IN PERMAFROST REGIONS, Yves MICHAUD and Larry D. DYKE Geological Sciences, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6

      Abstract: Frost heaving of bedrock is a widespread process in permafrost regions which may generate forces and movements that detract from the otherwise sound foundation performance usually associated with bedrock. Depending on pre-existing fracture fabric, bedrock heave features may take the form of single ejected blocks or dome-shaped accumulations of up to several meters in diameter.

      The development of excess pressure by water trapped between the permafrost table and downward freezing has been identified as an origin for the forces producing these types of features. Enclosed in the active layer, the water occupying fracture apertures and spaces vacated by heaved rock gives rise to a: pulsating movement The saturated volume determines the amount of heave possible under freeze back.

      Heave occurs when the strength contributed by ice-filled fractures is exceeded by excess water pressure; high water pressure being obtained by an increase in the rate of freezing. Knowing that the main resistance to heave is offered by the weight and the shear resistance of the overlying ice-bonded rock mass, the behavior of frost-heaved bedrock blocks is determined by the mechanical properties of the ice-filling material. Laboratory experiments indicate that even with a freezing rate 60 times faster than in the field situation, the ice filling still deforms plastically. The vertical displacement of bedrock blocks is then characterized by a progressive (increase every time) and relatively slow movement (up to months). However, field measurements of heave up to 0.05 m per winter lead us to consider frost heaving as a threat to the stability of any engineering design.

      1. French version, by the original authors … not a translation:


        Le soulhvement g6lival dans la roche en place est un processus trhs r6pandu dans les regions perg6lisol6e.s. Son action Gveloppe de telles pressions qu’elles peuvent dttruire la rbputation de substrat stable gtnkalement associte B la roche en place. Selon le r6seau de diaclases, les formes d’kjection prennent l’allure d’un bloc monolithique ou d’un monticule atteignant parfois plusieurs mktres de diamètre.

        L’augmentation de la pression hydrostatique dO au cloisomement d’eau entre le front d’engel et le plafond du pergtlisol fut identifit comme Ctant B l’origine des forces qui produisent ce type de formes. Emprisomh dam le mollisol, l’eau contenue dam les fissures et les cavitbs laissks vacantes par un bloc en voix de soultvement donne naissance B un mouvement de pulsation. Le volume d’eau B saturation dttexmine l’ampleur du mouvement lors de l’engel.

        Le soulhvement g6lival se manifeste lorsque la pression hydrostatique excMe la r6sistance de la glace contenue dam les fissures de la roche. Cette forte pression est engendr6e par une augmentation de la vitesse d’engel. Sachant que la r6sistance au souikvement provient du poids de la roche et de la rbsistance au cisaillement de la glace contenue dam les fissures, les soulevements rocheux p~5riglaciairess e foment selon les propri6t15s mkaniques de la glace. Des exptkiences en laboratoire ont clairement dtmontrb que mime avec un engel 60 fois plus rapide que les conditions normales de terrain, la dtfonnation de la glace est toujours de type plastique. L’ijection de quartier rocheux est donc caractiris6 par un mouvement progressif (augmente B chaque fois) et relativement lent (quelques mois). Cependant, certains mouvements atteignant jusqu’h 0.05 m par annCe portent B croire que le soulhement g6lival peut menacer la stabilit6 de certaines constructions.

  2. TEPCO continues to make a bad situation worse!

    The ice-wall approach will SERIOUSLY complicate the ongoing disaster.

    Use liquid silicon (liquid glass, soluble silicates) and/or conventional concrete grouting. Use more zeolite to soak up the radioactive poisons such as cesium and strontium.

    http www3 nhk or jp/ (nhkworld/english/news/20140129_01) html

    TEPCO to create frozen walls to stop water leaks Jan. 28, 2014 – Updated 20:22 UTC

    The task of creating underground frozen walls is due to start at the Number 2 and Number 3 reactors on Wednesday. Engineers will begin their work by digging vertical holes where the tunnels meet the turbine buildings. Pipes will be installed in the holes to inject liquid coolant to create frozen walls to block the water.

    But cables and other objects in the tunnels could hamper the work. Engineers cannot go there because of the radioactive water, so they have to rely on images sent from remote-controlled cameras. TEPCO hopes to finish installing the pipes by late March and to start removing 11,000 tons of wastewater from the tunnels in May, after the frozen walls are completed.

    1. Soluble silicates example, not a product endorsement

      http www google com/ (url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CC0QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pqcorp.com%2FPortals%2F1%2Flit%2FBulletin_52-53.pdf&ei=ji3pUtmDOpOosAT1yYHABQ&usg=AFQjCNHcJYgUpTDg-GoCqhUPU9_6aYHDhA&bvm=bv.60157871,d.cWc)

      Soluble silicates have been used successfully in chemical grouting and other geotechnical applications for more than 50 years. For soil stabilization and water control during excavation and tunneling projects, silicate grouts offer several advantages:

      Reliable, proven performance
      Safety and ease of use
      Environmental acceptability
      Adaptability over a wide range of applications

      Soluble silicates are generally considered to be among the strongest and least toxic of the existing chemical grouts. Soluble silicates are inorganic, amorphous glasses. Unlike ordinary glass, these silicates are soluble in water, hence the generic name “water glass”. Soluble silicates are produced by carefully fusing high-purity silica sand and either soda ash or potash in precisely controlled high-temperature furnaces. The silicates are then processed into liquid and powdered products with a wide variety of properties.

  3. Malice or Stupidity?

    It is my concern that TEPCO and Japan may be DELIBERATELY attempting to slide the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station into the Pacific Ocean. There are ‘spot-on’, recent precedents for such an insane plan of action, in a vain attempt to ‘bury the evidence’. Malevolence is a distinct possibility.

    TEPCO is very, very stupid, inept and extremely corrupt. The epochal disaster of a FDNPS mudslide into the Pacific Ocean would be identical, whether planned or stupid.


    Bill Duff

    1. BP & Barack Obama scuttled the ship

      http www offshore-technology.com/ (projects/macondoprospect/)

      BP, formerly British Petroleum, had a sizeable blowout, with 11 fatalities at the Macondo well, in the Gulf of Mexico, There was a large flame in the air, and little else of environmental consequence, until corporate and political measures were initiated. The political ‘damage control’ CREATED a much bigger pollution problem than the initial offshore ‘oil lamp’.

      BP, under the watchful eye of the USNavy and Coast Guard, deliberately scuttled the ship. The sinking ship crumpled the pipe and directly caused the massive oil spill into the Gulf of Mexico.

      This sorry episode was a preview of coming attractions for Barack Obama. BP was a major political contributor to the Kenya Native, and it showed. The criminal corruption of the Minerals Management Section, including cash, drugs, travel and sports events tickets is a matter of record.


      Bill Duff

    2. Landslides, Mudslides and Avalanches,

      House Destroyed by Landslide,

      http www youtube com/ (watch?v=roZzPVl4Elc)

      Big Avalanches,

      http usnews nbcnews com/ (_news/2014/01/28/22481494-officials-monitor-lake-created-after-avalanche-cuts-off-alaska-town)

      http www youtube com/ (watch?v=B0RWLxOFGLY)

      Towns, Roads and nuclear power stations cannot SKI out of the way. A mudslide into the Pacific Ocean is a distinct possibility. Advanced liquefaction has occurred under the FDNPS, due to down-hill underground dams, without effective uphill water flow control. The FICTIONAL impermeable layer, does not prevent rising water, in the Real World.


      Bill Duff

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


January 2014