Tepco might not have injected boric acid in 311/ Tepco “There is no record of injecting boric acid to reactor1~3”

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Tepco stated there is no record of putting boric acid to reactor1 ~ 3 when 311 took place. Boric acid is used to stop the nuclear fuel going to critical state.

It was announced in NRA (Nuclear Regulation Authority) commission of 1/27/2014.


Tepco described as “we couldn’t confirm the record of putting boric acid into the reactors”, but commented “we knew the boric acid was injected from the report of newspaper“.

Especially regarding reactor3, they were supposed to inject boric acid with seawater to the reactor. However they “don’t know” if the boric acid was melted, where the temperature of seawater was low. They also added “we don’t know how much boric acid was injected”.


They ended the statement to say “we don’t know if the boric acid was the stocked one in the plant or newly purchased one”.





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Français :

Tepco n’a peut-être pas injecté d’acide borique en mars 2011/ Tepco : “Il n’y a pas de trace d’injection d’acide borique dans les réacteurs 1 à 3”
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Tepco affirme qu’ils n’ont pas de trace d’utilisation d’acide borique dans les réacteurs 1 à 3 au moment du 11-3. L’acide borique est utilisé pour empêcher le combustible nucléaire d’entrer en état critique.
Ça a été dit lors de la réunion de la commission de la NRA (Nuclear Regulation Authority) du 27 janvier 2014.

Tepco l’a décrit sous “on ne peut confirmer d’utilisation d’acide borique dans les réacteurs” mais a déclaré “on savait par des articles de presse que de l’acide borique était injecté“.
Concernant particulièrement le cas du réacteur 3, ils étaient supposés y avoir injecté de l’acide borique en même temps que de l’eau de mer. Or, “ils ne savaient pas” si l’acide borique avait pu se dissoudre car la température de l’eau de mer était basse. Ils ont aussi ajouté “on ne sait pas quelle quantité d’acide borique a été injectée”.

Ils terminent leur communiqué en disant “on ne sait pas si l’acide borique était celui en stock dans la centrale ou s’il avait été acheté récemment”.


Note : Si vous êtes de la grande presse internationale, ne lisez pas ce site sans avoir préalablement pris contact avec moi.

  1. Epochal

    The unprecedented multiple reactor failure, was caused by; and resulted in, more than sloppy paperwork. Certainly boron was available, time was short, and the need was great. The radiation contamination sequelae (sequelæ) were EPOCHAL, in the geologic sense of the term.

    Three nuclear reactors suffered total (100%) meltdowns, complete containment failure and explosive radioactive release into the land, air and water, of fission products.

    The MOX fueled FDU-3 reactor explosion, produced: orange flame, supersonic detonation, black smoke, fuel vaporization and scattering as well as induced Gamma (Γ) radiation in structural metals and the concrete rubble. These signs and symptoms characterize neither hydrogen nor steam explosions.

    The FDU-3 March 14 detonation was a prompt criticality, also known as an atomic explosion or nuclear blast.


    Bill Duff

  2. I’m sure they injected boric acid, it’s one of the emergency measures and these people at the plant
    were pumping seawater in as well as calling for the US to help get more boric acid

    I suspect that if they didn’t log into the master logs the timing to inject boric acid then they probably
    weren’t logging in all the smaller decisions, like when they opened or closed certain valves or
    set certain relays.

  3. Plans, Actions, Paperwork, Liars & Fools

    The FOIA NRC documents indicated that the former united states of America planned to provide Boron, for the reactors as well as anti-radiation medications, such as KI, for the population. Radiogardase (Insoluble Prussian Blue) was not specifically mentioned.

    The Hilary Rodham Clinton, 1st interregnum Secretary of State for the former united states of America, similarly if memory serves, indicated provision of Boron to Japan.

    The roughly 1500 (Fukushima 50) workforce was more ‘on-the-ball’ than the TEPCO HQ Staff. So I suppose they mixed the slurry and pumped it. Not sure where it went, since FDU-1 had pipe failure AND the FDU-3 plumbing has recently been called into question.

    Also, in plant blackout conditions, the manual daily logs were likely in Dead Tree Format, (paper records). It might be difficult to retrieve the actual papers, since the radiation levels are sufficient to kill robots, radiation instruments and cockroaches.

    They tried!


    Bill Duff

  4. TEPCO is not even sure how much seawater made into the containments. How would they know much borated made into the seawater mix? Did they pump seawater into a holding tank, add the boric acid then feed it into the fire trucks for pumping? TEPCO is stating that they are not sure the boron mixed with the seawater due to temperature.

    The only thing that TEPCO can substantiate is Murphys’ Law: If anything can go wrong, it will.

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This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


January 2014