[Column] Though it started from a misunderstanding

[Column] Though it started from a misunderstanding


Another Japanese friend of mine retired – The jeans (got teared).

and a new hat joined my suitcase from Svalbard.


I was actually deceived when I left Japan.lol

On Facebook, a german lady told me, “Just jump, the visa will come after you like when I did !”.

but she was in EU. She didn’t need a visa from the beginning.


It started from a misunderstanding but it turned out to be the best decision I have ever made.


In this research of Svalbard, I found the (cheap) office apartment to potentially register a corporation with.

but in the morning of the day to actually see it, I fell ill.

I couldn’t regret that too much but the rest is for the next time.


I spent 2 weeks to find the reason why we can’t live in Svalbard.

Unfortunately I couldn’t find any reason not to be able to live here.

It can’t be impossible to live here.


Any place has good points and bad points.

There’s nowhere perfect.

We must choose the match of the benefit and loss that is acceptable for each one of us.


and I confirmed Svalbard can be one of the candidate places.

We always should have plan-B.


I slept heavenly the night before I became so ill.

We never know what is going to happen the next moment.


The question is, do you have the soul to see the hope in it, or do you have the one to see despair in it.


I don’t have money or connection. For me, it looks full of mercy.

Today it makes me fall ill, but the next day, it has me find something new maybe.


Soon I’m going back to Romania. If I fail in renewing my visa, I will have to go back on the road again. Either way, I believe in my life.

My new 30s has just started.



I reject the international mass media to read this site without taking a contact with me.I know some of the mass media corporations read Fukushima Diary to understand the trend so they know when to report about Fukushima as if they were independently following it for a long time.
In short, they make you individual readers pay for this site while they pay nothing, and when they publish the “authorized news”, you pay for the “secondhand news”, which is nothing new for us.
This site is free for the individual readers, but not for corporations.In the world, this site is nearly the only source about Fukushima. I came here alone without any supporting organizations, background or anything. I’m not pleased to be exploited by the corporations that didn’t even properly report about Fukushima when 311 took place.

I demand them to take a contact with me BEFORE reading this site whatever the purpose is.


Français :

[Édito] Bien que tout soit parti d’une incompréhension
Note : Si vous êtes de la grande presse internationale, ne lisez pas ce site sans avoir préalablement pris contact avec moi.


[Column] Though it started from a misunderstanding

Un autre ami japonais a pris sa retraite – le jeans (déchiré).
et un nouveau a rejoint ma valise, de Svalbard.

EN fait j’ai été trompé lorsque j’ai quitté le Japon. lol
Sur Facebook, une dame allemande m’avait dit : “Casse-toi, le visa suivra, c’est comme pour moi !”
mais elle est de l’UE. Elle n’a pas besoin de visa, depuis le début.

C’est parti d’une incompréhension mais ça s’est révélé être la meilleure décision que je n’ai jamais prise.

Au cours de cette recherche sur Svalbard, j’ai trouvé le bureau (pas cher) pour potentiellement y installer une société.
mais au matin suivant du jour où je l’ai réellement vu, je suis tombé malade.
Je ne peux pas trop le regretter mais le reste sera pour la prochaine fois.

J’ai passé 2 semaines à chercher une bonne raison ne permettant pas de vivre à Svalbard.
Malheureusement, je n’ai trouvé aucune raison empêchant de s’y installer et y vivre.
ll ne peut pas être impossible de vivre ici.

Tout endroit a ses bons et mauvais côtés.
Aucun n’est parfait.
On doit choisir celui pour lequel les avantages et inconvénients sont acceptables pour chacun de nous.

et je confirme que Svalbard peut être un des endroits candidats.
On doit toujours avoir un plan-B.

J’ai dormi de façon paradisiaque la veille du jour où je suis tombé malade.
On ne sait jamais ce qui va se passer le moment d’après.

La question est : A-t-on la force d’âme d’y voir de l’espoir ou a-t-on celle de n’y voir que du désespoir ?

Je n’ai ni argent, ni relations. Pour moi, ça a l’air plein de pitié.
Ça m’a fait tomber malade aujourd’hui mais demain ça m’apportera sans doute quelque chose de nouveau.

Je vais bientôt retourner en Roumanie. J’aurais a reprendre la route si je n’arrive pas à renouveler mon visa.
De toute façon, je crois en ma vie.
Les années de ma trentaine commencent juste.

J’interdis à la grande presse internationale de lire et d’utiliser ce site sans préalablement prendre contact avec moi. Je sais que certaines grandes sociétés de presse lisent le Fukushima Diary pour comprendre la tendance et trouver quand rendre compte de la situation de Fukushima comme s’ils la suivaient indépendamment depuis longtemps.
En résumé, ils vous font payer à vous, simples lecteurs, ce qu’ils prennent gratuitement dans ce site et lorsqu’ils publient des “nouvelles de première main” vous payez pour des “nouvelles resucées”, qui n’ont rien de nouveau pour nous.
Ce site est gratuit pour les lecteurs individuels, pas pour les sociétés. Ce site est pratiquement la seule source au monde sur Fukushima. Je viens ici seul sans aucun soutien d’organisation quelconque, ni références, ni rien. Je n’apprécie pas de me faire exploiter par ces sociétés qui n’ont même pas été foutues de relater correctement ce qui se passait à Fukushima quand a eu lieu le mois de mars 2011.

Je leur demande de prendre contact avec moi AVANT de lire ce site dans quelque but que ce soit.

  1. Maybe the illness was your body purging itself of some toxic material from the past.

  2. hehe, suddenly sick, ripped jeans, anonymous hats, turning up in mysterious locations by accident.
    sounds like iori San had one incredible birthday party 😉

  3. It is a heroic thing you are doing, trying to assist Japanese to escape. Have you thought about researching Brazil? It is in the Southern Hemisphere and has a sizeable Japanese population.

  4. Iori,

    I would like to help you somehow, I wrote it so many times but you did not respond. I live in Ireland, were you considering Ireland or British Isles?
    It is not the Southern hemisphere, but for the moment it should be enough.

    I hope you will respond…

    1. Thank you for your offer. Unfortunately Ireland requires me to hold a visa to stay longer than 90 days.

  5. Have you considered that if the situation in fukushima escalates further and even if not moving to the southern hemisphere would be more suitable to evade radioactive fallout?

  6. Edward Snowden leaks “are precisely the sort of information that a free press is supposed to reveal”

    http www theguardian com/ (world/2013/dec/02/edward-snowden-un-investigation-surveillance)

    Edward Snowden revelations prompt UN investigation into surveillance

    UN’s senior counter-terrorism official says revelations ‘are at the very apex of public interest concerns’

    The UN’s senior counter-terrorism official is to launch an investigation into the surveillance powers of American and British intelligence agencies following Edward Snowden’s revelations that they are using secret programmes to store and analyse billions of emails, phone calls and text messages. The UN special rapporteur Ben Emmerson QC said his inquiry would also seek to establish whether the British parliament had been misled about the capabilities of Britain’s eavesdropping headquarters, GCHQ, and whether the current system of oversight and scrutiny was strong enough to meet United Nations standards.

    During a 90-minute hearing, they accused Snowden of leaking material that had been “a gift to terrorists”. But Emmerson said such claims “need to be subjected to penetrating scrutiny”. He said his inquiry will be requiring further testimony from GCHQ’s director, Sir Iain Lobban, the director of MI5, Andrew Parker, and MI6 chief Sir John Sawers. “I will be seeking a far more detailed explanation than security chiefs gave the (ISC) committee. They must justify some of the claims they have made in public, because as matters stand, I have seen nothing in the Guardian articles which could be a risk to national security. In this instance, the balance of public interest is clear.”

    He added: “When it comes to assessing the balance that must be struck between maintaining secrecy and exposing information in the public interest there are often borderline cases. This isn’t one of them. The Guardian’s revelations are precisely the sort of information that a free press is supposed to reveal.”

    1. A tyrannical coward

      Thus, ‘Team Obama’ AGAIN proves itself to be LYING, Extra-constitutional, despotic, mass-murdering, anti-environmental, dangerously stupid A-Holes.

      Congress and SCOTUS are merely quivering, craven cowards

      And the previously American Allies, the Japanese citizenry are dying like flies.


      Bill Duff

    1. There are approximately 100 Million Japanese presently residing on Honshu Island. About 13 Million domicile in Tokyo alone.

      Perhaps the Sovereign Nation of Canada is presently unprepared to issue 100 Million Permanent Resident Visas.

      Svalbard has no such legal issues, under Post WWI treaty.

      1. It is not entirely clear if the Japanese on Honshu Island are ‘living’ or ‘dying’. So domiciled and resident will have to suffice until the Nipponese ‘FATE’ is fully evident to all.

        1. As with all people on the planet they are both living and dying.

          Birth is an invariably fatal condition.

          1. Inanity

            More gawdamn (Village Idiot DieMost) inanity. The asssertion is, that the Northern portion of Honshu Island is unfit for human habitation. It is marked, source noted as a forbidden and radionuclide contaminated region.

            In this regard, it is virtually (reportedly) identical to the Chernobyl neighboring poisonous region. The prognosis is pandemic sickness and death. The prescription is mass exodus.


            Bill Duff

  7. Chernobyl X 11 is WHY many Japanese are sickly.

    https plus google com (/+MichaelHan/posts/e73xTykwZuo) – Michael Han – Shared publicly – Aug 8, 2013, As promised, here’s the translation of a blog article about the dangerous levels of radiation in Japan. The original text is found here:
    http m blog naver com/ (tolkhin2/60196254361) Please don’t confuse author’s opinions or method of collecting information with mine. I present it as is found in the blog. Thanks.

    These are statements made by a Korean biology professor Ik-joong Kim who has been teaching at the medical school of Dongguk University for over 20 years: TRANSLATION: —-

    Currently, 70% of Japan has been contaminated by radioactive cesium, and 20% of the total land mass are densely contaminated. How is Tokyo? It is a part of that 20%. How long will this contamination continue? It will be for more than 500 years, in the least. How about the food grown on this land? You will have contaminated food for at least 500 years. Do you know how big the Fukushima nuclear reactor was compared to the one in Chernobyl? It’s 11 times bigger. Nobody is mentioning such facts. It took the media about 5 months to merely say that it is similar to Chernobyl.

  8. The Forbidden Zone Photo:

    Even now, expats living in Japan, travelers to Japan, and Japanophiles are saying there is nothing to worry about and harshly criticize any writing that alerts the public of the emergency. And Japanese government itself is promoting how-safe-it-is-here-now campaigns, and actively encourages tourism to Japan. I was very hesitant to write this, but I believe the public needs to know what the actual situation is in Japan, and more people need to be alerted about the criticality of the situation, and that is why I’ve decided to write this.

    http mblogthumb2 phinf.naver.net/ (20130719_265/tolkhin2_1374199993327nxxxI_JPEG/136993775559604.jpg?type=w800)

    photo from – http pan nate com/ (talk/318738839)

    The map of Japan with the outline of forbidden zone is from a scientific journal PNAS, which ranks in top 5 of scientific journals. Two thirds of Japan is marked black, indicating dangerous levels of radiation and the area has been gradually expanding. They predict that the whole of Japan will be contaminated with radiation as time passes by. Sea waters nearby are contaminated as well.

  9. * Following is a documentary created by a German media detailing the actual severity of the situation, why Japan is so quiet about it, and why the Japanese government is this way. Japanese government is no doubt aware of the severity, but they are keeping silence.

    후 쿠 시 마 의 거 짓 말 (원 제 : Die Fukushima Lüge) 한 글 자 막

    Japan cannot conceal information forever. It’s been two years now. The number of deformed babies and cancer patients skyrockets in Chernobyl region after 4 to 5 years of the accident.

    I am not writing this because I dislike Japan or I have too much time on my hands. One of my close relatives had a health emergency recently as described above, and I have personally witnessed something that just cannot be, and should not be, concealed. It is truly dangerous. If you’re planning to visit Japan, or you have someone living in Japan, then please be considerate and think hard about it. Radiation effects are not seen immediately but it’s like a slowly strangling hand, so it’s worse than something that shows immediate effects.

  10. Following is a documentary created by a German media detailing the actual severity of the situation, why Japan is so quiet about it, and why the Japanese government is this way. Japanese government is no doubt aware of the severity, but they are keeping silence.

    후 쿠 시 마 의 거 짓 말 (원 제 : Die Fukushima Lüge) 한 글 자 막
    http www youtube com/ (watch?v=2cuCqcG1EEA)

    Japan cannot conceal information forever. It’s been two years now. The number of deformed babies and cancer patients skyrockets in Chernobyl region after 4 to 5 years of the accident.

    I am not writing this because I dislike Japan or I have too much time on my hands. One of my close relatives had a health emergency recently as described above, and I have personally witnessed something that just cannot be, and should not be, concealed. It is truly dangerous. If you’re planning to visit Japan, or you have someone living in Japan, then please be considerate and think hard about it. Radiation effects are not seen immediately but it’s like a slowly strangling hand, so it’s worse than something that shows immediate effects.

  11. I was down in Yokohama on Sunday and there was a large group of mostly older people demonstrating, with anti nuke banners and banners with abe’s picture and the words NO! Etc. Now that the Jgov. are introducing a new secrecy act (hmm why now..Japan is not exactly known for press freedom..why take what little they have left?) , will these people still be able to gather and protest next month? One of Abe’s ministers called protesters ‘terrorists’ on his twitter account. Then withdrew his comments after causing a fury. However you can see clearly what a bunch of right wing leaning fascist scum the current LDP leadership are. Total disdain for democracy, the common people, the people who voted them in, in the first place.

    Did you read about the professor in Osaka who got arrested for protesting? Causing a disturbance is what they said. Do you know that during election time some wannabe politician drives around here with a megaphone causing a disturbance for everyone and that is somehow different? Anyway the professor spend 3 weeks or the equivalent in jail. See over here the cops can keep you for up to 3 weeks with no evidence! That can really f*%k up your life…if you have kids or a job tough! Forget about your rights, or compensation for missing work etc. you will more likely lose your job and be stigmatised, Its intimidation, being locked up for being anti social, and you will be in a cell with a bunch of low life’s and assorted criminals..

    Which of the following scenarios do you see playing out…

    1. Tepco manage to remove all the spend fuel rods from reactor 4..Go Tepco! It will look like they are being somewhat successful. People will think things are sort of under control. Still impossible to get at the coriums which will just mix with water and continue endlessly polluting the pacific..radiation hidden by the sea..star fish sea lions dieing, must be eh. Something else..it’s like having a neighbour come over to your garden party and pissing in the punch bowl..yes thank you Japan for polluting Our pacific..

    2. Tepco manage to remove most of the spend fuel rods, but somewhere along the line due to incompetence, radioactive mice, or just the odds of a fuck up coupled with the monumental task of removing all the rods safely, like some suicidal game of jenga, there is an accident,it’s on the BBC and CNN. Site becomes to dangerous for humans and has to be abandoned like one of those villages in the exclusion zone..what then my friends..? State secrecy be damned..will they tell the truth then?
    As jack says ” the truth! You can’t handle the truth!”

    1. I look forward to a Japanese version of the Quisling execution as the wretched, sickly and mourning Japanese are forced to abandon their ancestral and rightful home.

      Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssøn Quisling (Norwegian pronunciation: [ˈʋɪdkʉn ˈkʋɪsˈlɪŋ]; July 18, 1887, Fyresdal – October 24, 1945) was a Norwegian army officer and politician, who served as President of occupied Norway. He worked with Fridtjof Nansen during the famine in the Soviet Union, and served as Minister of Defence in the Bondepartiet government 1931–1933. In 1933 he founded the nationalist party Nasjonal Samling (“National Gathering”), and during World War II, from 1942 to 1945, he served as Minister-President of the collaborationist Norwegian government, after being appointed by the German authorities. After the war he was tried for high treason and executed by firing squad at Akershus Fortress. Today in Norway and other parts of the world, quisling is a synonym for traitor.

  12. Hey, sign me up! With global warming, the North Pole may grow increasingly
    pleasant, too!.. Not to mention the fresh air and water with NO nukes!!.. That’s an interesting idea and now Iori has explored what I venture 99.999% of humans may never know!!… CONGRATS!!.. You are so brave! Make it happen! I would have left Japan in a heartbeat without hesitation..
    p.s. I do know people who have lived in and/or visited Greenland and Iceland! They really liked those northern realms more than they expected!~

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About this site

This website updates the latest news about the Fukushima nuclear plant and also archives the past news from 2011. Because it's always updated and added live, articles, categories and the tags are not necessarily fitted in the latest format.
I am the writer of this website. About page remains in 2014. This is because my memory about 311 was clearer than now, 2023, and I think it can have a historical value. Now I'm living in Romania with 3 cats as an independent data scientist.
Actually, nothing has progressed in the plant since 2011. We still don't even know what is going on inside. They must keep cooling the crippled reactors by water, but additionally groundwater keeps flowing into the reactor buildings from the broken parts. This is why highly contaminated water is always produced more than it can circulate. Tepco is planning to officially discharge this water to the Pacific but Tritium is still remaining in it. They dilute this with seawater so that it is legally safe, but scientifically the same amount of radioactive tritium is contained. They say it is safe to discharge, but none of them have drunk it.


December 2013